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Emory, VA

Emory and Henry College

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2.355(based on 13 reviews)
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Emory and Henry College reviews

16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2022 Played the course:once


The 18 hole course at Emory and Henry college is located right behind Fred Selfe stadium. It starts and ends right by the parking lot which is always a bonus. It's listed on here as private, but the course is open to the general public. The school actually encourages apparently.

The baskets here are Discatchers. These are a bit on the older side but are no worse for wear really. They all caught great and, as always, are easy to spot in the woods. One position per hole.

The tee areas were just crushed gravel, or what was left of the gravel. Not the best thing obviously, but for the most part they were actually pretty level. I didn't have any issues with these, some people will though.

There are very basic tee signs on each hole as well. They're the standard looking white plexi-glass ones that you tend to see at schools and little random 9ers. These have the hole #, distances, and very basic hole map and next tee arrow. Better than nothing.

The course itself was actually a pleasant surprise. College courses in my experience are kind of hit or miss, with more missing than hitting. This one hit the mark. All 18 holes have some type of challenge, even with all of them being on the short side. The course plays mostly wooded. There's only 5 holes I believe that played in the open. But even those had at least a few trees to contend with.

You'll need to hit your lines to stay out of trouble here. Ending up off the fairway can leave you with a big number real fast. Solid mix of shots required here, but favors RHBH slightly it seemed.


The rough. It wasn't TOO crazy yet in early May, but it's getting there. There were places that were already in full jungle mode. We somehow only ended up off the fairway a few times and were able to find everything. That probably won't be the case in a month even. Bright colored discs would be highly recommended.

The tees and signs are definitely showing their age. Both are servicable, but the tees especially could use some TLC. It was dry when we played so there was no issues. After a rain these probably aren't ideal, to say the least.

There's a few unintuitive spots between holes. 9 to 10, 10 to 11 and 11 to 12 are the main culprits. These play across or near the ball golf course. There's a pretty long walk from 7 to 8 too, the longest walk of the round actually, but it was pretty well marked. Using the Udisc map will definitely make things much easier.

Other Thoughts:

The course is right off the expressway if you're traveling through the area. I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to play this one, but if you're nearby you could do much worse than this play. This is one of those love it or hate it type courses. I enjoyed myself here, but I love tight, technical woods golf. If that's not your thing, you'll probably hate it.
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6 1
Experience: 46.4 years 12 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very pleasantly surprised 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 30, 2017 Played the course:once


Conditions were perfect today. The course was mowed beautifully. All holes are fair par 3s . There are lots of elevation changes here, so you'll definitely get your exercise. There is apparently new signage here - Each hole is very well marked and there are direction arrows to the next hole on each sign. The out of bounds areas are very forgiving and not a single disc was lost today from four amateurs.


The tees are loose gravel, but not bad. Some of the wooded holes could use some trees thinned out. Lots of poison ivy and BIG briers. Be careful.

Other Thoughts:

This is my first review of a course. I felt like I had to rate this course because of the negative reviews here. I wasn't really expecting much, but I had more fun here today than i have had a many of the other courses in the area. There has obviously been work done here since the other reviews. If you are in the area, do yourself a favor and check out this course. I can't wait to go back!
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2 1
Experience: 24.3 years 392 played 15 reviews
3.00 star(s)

fun little course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2016 Played the course:once


A fun course that doesn't take much time to throw. It weaves through some woods on the side of a hill. Good use of the land available. Several challenging holes. I don't think there were any blind holes and the tee signs all had "next tee" arrows which makes it easy to follow. Once you find the correct parking lot hole one is right there.


Finding it. Drive towards the back, go to the south side of the football field there is a parking lot on a hill. Park there.

Other Thoughts:

This areas needs more courses
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4 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 52 played 29 reviews
0.50 star(s)

WARNING! Avoid at all costs! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 30, 2014 Played the course:once


- There are a few holes that are playable. I recommend walking the course and as you find a hole that can be played with ease, give it a shot.
- If you are willing to take the risk of losing a disc and skipping various holes throughout the course, you might be able to get in an adequate 9-hole round.


- Difficult to locate from the start. From there forward, regardless of the presence of signs, it is extremely difficult to navigate from hole to hole.
- The biggest con is the course conditions! Brush and tall grass run rampant at Emory and Henry. There is a high risk of losing a disc on almost every hole.
- Frustrating course. If the difficulty balanced out the course conditions then a fun round is certainly possible, but here one cannot have a fun time even when throwing a good round.

Other Thoughts:

I am not the most familiar with the Southwest Virginia area, but I certainly recommend playing at Virginia Highland Community College any day that you might be considering to play at Emory & Henry. From the start this course is aggravating and unfortunately does not improve as the course progresses. Last word of warning, the course tries its hardest to eat your disc. Only play if you have a bag with discs you are willing to lose. As entitled, avoid Emory & Henry DGC at all costs!
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2 0
Experience: 15.3 years 35 played 11 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Let itself go 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2012 Played the course:once


The course has a decent mix of wooded vs. open holes. It still has a few signs on the course. There were only 2 tee pads I couldn't find. The short holes can still present a challenge.


Hole 15 is gone. All we found of it was the sign post with no sign laying next to a trail. We had a map and looked all over for the basket before moving onto hole 16. We also didn't find a tee for the first hole that resembled the other tees on the course so we used what I assume to be a golf tee box. The under growth is almost out of control. Unless you put your drive in the middle of the thin walking paths (when there were some) you were going to be in a mix of briars and vines. With most of the tee signs gone and the ones that remain being so vague you'll want take a course map which as noted on the map is still fairly general but is much more helpful than the tee signs.

Other Thoughts:

I didn't really have a problem with tee pads like other reviewers have had, but I can understand how the rubber tees can be very slick when wet. Most of the tees were carpet instead of rubber and I don't know how they would work when wet. I thought they were fine though.

I believe that this course could be rated 3 if they cleared out some of the brush and tree or 2 on a few holes. I also didn't encounter much poison ivy, but that is why I like playing this time of year. It can always be gotten rid with spray if it becomes a problem though.
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2 0
Experience: 13.4 years 88 played 8 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Dont go there 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 10, 2010 Played the course:once


-About 3 or 4 holes were really good.


- The wooded holes had no line to throw through. Looked like they just stuck a teepad on one end of the woods and a basket on the other.
-Navigation was not very good. It was very hard to find first teepad and several others as well.
-Teepads were made of a rubber mat that was maybe 2 inches thick and very slick.
-Course condition was very poor.
- Most wooded wholes were more about luck than skill do to dense overgrowth.
-Spiders and spider webs EVERYWHERE! This was very bad.

Other Thoughts:

I played there in August and course condition was very bad.Not sure if it would be better when school is in. If course was maintained better and woods were cleaned out a little bit this would be a pretty good course. I went with 4 other friends and we were ready to go by hole 12. We all agreed it was the worst course we ever played. Pass this one up.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.1 years 709 played 132 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Finding the course is half the battle 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 31, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


- The Open Holes. The few open holes on this course were definitely the best thing about it. Beautifully manicured grass and the surrounding Ball Golf course make these holes feel more traditional.
- Forced Shots. A few holes on the course forced you to throw specific shots to get them. Hole 17 - A forced anhyzer 30' off the tee to a fairway that's straight for another 200+ feet. Hole 2 - A forced S-Turn through a blind 20' wide gap (perpendicular to you) 150' off the tee.
- Use of Elevation. Almost every hole had some elevation issue... whether in vertical feet gained or lost, or in the opportunity to be punished with vertical feet for poor shots. Not severe, but enough.
- Signage. The signage was remedial at best... but with 9 Blind pins, they were a big help. They also aided in locating the next hole because you could usually see them from the previous pin. There were also some large yellow arrows pointing the way to the tees with longer walks. I didn't have any trouble with navigation.


- Poke and Hope Holes. Four of the holes were Poke and Hope at best. Just throw at a gap and hope you make it through.
- Unplayed? Judging by the number of spider web facials I took and the overgrowth of the undergrowth, it didn't seem like this course gets too much traffic.
- Tee Pads. The tee-pads were thin, 2' wide, rubber strips laid on uneven ground and were extremely slippery when wet.

Other Thoughts:

- Directions. The courses Home Page Directions were OFF. First off all, the directions said Exit 27... there is no Exit 27. You want Exit 26. They also said to go straight on the gravel road after going under the RxR tracks... but, there was no gravel road going straight, only one going left. (Not the road you need to take).

I found some maintenance workers and asked them... they pointed me the way to Hole 10. So I started there (both times I played here).

The Real Directions: I-81 Exit 26. Toward the college. Before going under the RXR tracks, make a right into the school (Gamand Dr). Follow the road as it winds around through the school until it starts flanking the ball golf course on your right... then, memorize the way this pic looks so you can find your way to the correct parking lot http://maps.google.com/maps?q...6968&z=18
Note: I didn't park in this parking lot either time I played here and everything worked out.
- My Score: -6
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2 4
Experience: 24.2 years 29 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Timber! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 21, 2009 Played the course:once


Beautiful campus! Great use of elevation changes. Variety of shots are necessary.


Tee pads were a lawsuit waiting to happen (very slippery on wooded holes), lack of defined fairway on some of the wooded holes, poison Ivy (i know, there is not much you can do about that, just come prepared)

Other Thoughts:

This course does have a lot of potential. However, there is work to be done. New tee pads are a must, that or yank out the slippery rubber that is there. I agree with a previous poster, some of the wooded holes are a little too congested. Clearing just a few trees here and there would really define a fairway with out giving up the technical aspect of the course. Easily would be at least a 4 star course with these adjustments.
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6 0
Experience: 15.3 years 16 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Walk on the WILD Side 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This course is a good mix of woods, open, and technical. I like that you have to be able to shoot straight, heizer, anheizer, roller, tomahawk, etc etc etc. You have to be VERY creative becase there is no telling where you may wind up (especially on holes 3-6 and 16-17). Signage is very good and the course has a natural flow, with some exceptions....Distance wise, you have a good mix of short technical and long non-technical. The overlength of the course is a little short, but the techical aspects make up for this.


Single tee pads and MANY of them are beginning to show wear and a few can be a safety issue in the best of weather. Finding the actual course CAN be tough if you are not from here. A couple of arrowed signs would do the trick. The wooded holes need to be de-tangled...like Hole 6, there is no degree of technical that can even get you close to the hole...these type of blind shots do not go with the course's personality. Hole 11-13 is EASILY missed for the first time player (or even second time)...Post a sign or mark the trail entrance (like the 16 sign,,,that is perfect). Final Over the past while, I believe the E&H folks have let this course go. MANY large trees down from recent storms, Hole 3 walk down path needs IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. Holes 4-5 are so overgrown or full of debris that I have skipped these holes for the past 4 rounds. Holes 16 and 17 are in BAD SHAPE with debris and trees blocking the trail. The grass fairways and by-ways need attention, It just seems like the upkeep has seriously slipped.

Other Thoughts:

It seems like I am banging on E&H, but guys, you have a GREAT course here....take care of it. Another SUGGESTION....please install a true "practice/warn-up" basket. The 18 basket is okay, but you can get in the way of both players on the 18th hole AND the ball golfers who overshoot their tee shots.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 775 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Challenging for a College Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 1, 2009 Played the course:once


About 2/3rds of the holes were wooded, 1/3rd relatively open. Nice blending of left/right/straight and up/down,/flat shots. Signs with distance and hole diagram at every hole but #1. Easy-to-see baskets. Nice views from top of hill.


Single basket, single teepad, which were narrow, short, worn. A few of the wooded holes were bordereline as being the close-your-eyes-and-hope/random effect type. Nearly-invisible remnant of barbed-wire fence to left of #13 basket - I plowed right into it! :-(

Other Thoughts:

Distance-wise, the lengths of the wooded holes were primarily in the upper 100s to mid 200s range. The more open holes were in the upper 200s to upper 300s range.

To find the parking lot closest to tee #1/basket #18, follow the entrance road as it bends right, then passing Doyle House on your left and nearly passing the entire football field on your right. As the road bends right again, instead go straight and up a small paved driveway. You'll see a paved lot and white sheet metal building in front and to the right, a small gravel parking lot hard to the left, and a small graveled opening slightly to your left - take this opening to another gravel parking lot, park there, and find tee #1 slightly up the hill.

The course is fairly easy to follow and has a natural flow to it, with one exception: after completing hole #10, walk up the hill towards a tee at the top, which is actually #14. About 1/3rd way up the hill, there will be an opening to a path on your left - that will lead you to holes 11-13. There will be some signs leading you towards the farther-apart holes, like 15 to 16.

Longer and more challenging the the other college courses I've played to date.
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4 0
Disc Dog
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 109 played 48 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A great course for anyone. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 27, 2008 Played the course:once


This is a very well maintained course that plays well if technical is your game. I found it to be a quiet peaceful place to play. Part of the course is played on the college golf course and is great. The rest is played in the woods.

I found getting around here not very difficult. The flow is natural and the paths are easy to recognize.

The baskets are in great shape and the ground around them is well maintained.

There is plenty of elevation usage here. You will throw up hill, downhill, and across the ravine to the other side.

My favorite was 8. It is a downhill throw through an opening and then a hard dogleg left.

The personality of this course really appealed to me. It is quiet and serene. With a aura of solitude.


Some of the baskets had so many trees between it and the basket that any reasonable chance at a decent drive is very minimal. Many blind shots which is hard on first timers. Directions for some of the tees was lacking.

There are no bathroom facilities available.

When you get here the the directions to the parking lot can be a little confusing. But it is on a parking lot behind a building. If you make the wrong turn and go up the hill you went to far. Use this link and go to the arrow. That is the parking lot. http://maps.google.com/maps?q...6968&z=18 The first tee is right around the hedges.

It needs someone to do a map. 1 through were findable. 11,12, and 13 are a bit of a pain.

Other Thoughts:

That said, this is my favorite course in Southwest Virginia. I will play it again. I played early in the morning and could not have had a better time or cardiovascular workout.

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2 1
Yank it Right
Experience: 25.5 years 68 played 12 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Not worth the time unless you go to school there 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 18, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


Field holes were okay. Big downhill shot was neat but no real hole to shoot for. Nice campus to have the course on. Maybe a good putter game course.


Woods holes were walking paths. really nasty brush!!!!!!!!! most holes were short. Played on way back from warriors path so maybe in comparision that's why I really didn't like this course. no real fairway definition.

Other Thoughts:

If I was driving by again I would probably play. course did play fast. (I drove by and played again I wouldn't again) Baskets were in good condition. Not really much signage but only got lost on one stretch of holes so that was good. (signs up now but nothing going from one basket to the next. ) Nothing really to remember the course by. Pretty Plain Jane. I would like to call it a good beginer course, but it really isn't a resounding advertisement for disc golf, due to the rough and the real luck aspect of the woods holes. Course really doesn't require shotmaking (lots of luck really). Passable I guess.
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4 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.5 years 905 played 71 reviews
3.50 star(s)

a hidden gem 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2008 Played the course:once


Rubber mat tees
13 of 18 in woods, technical course
Easy to follow course
Innova baskets with visibility in the woods


No overall map, could get off track once or twice
Tees could be wider and longer
little bit of a walk from 9-10 and 15-16
Fairways could use definition in the woods
hole two the tree in front of the tee could be cut to allow an easier shot.

Other Thoughts:

I played 11 course in 3 days in south west VA and this was my favorite. Starts and ends on a par 3 ball golf course, then heads in the woods for most of the round with a good mix of the occasional open shot. Uses the elevations greatly although the fairways could use some more definition. Great mix of distance and technical. a solid par 3 course. 16 and 17's maps a little deceiving just follow the path you you a fine. Beautiful course. Open fairways keeped amazing. a highly over looked course worth the drive if your close enough, i'm sad i'm a little to far.
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