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Mukwonago, WI

Miniwaukan Park

2.425(based on 26 reviews)
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Miniwaukan Park reviews

5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 23.5 years 136 played 22 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Nice park, not great disc golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 20, 2015 Played the course:once


- Very nice park setting with a lot of old-growth oak trees.
- Quiet area without a lot of disc golf traffic
- Baskets in good condition
- Lawn well maintained
- Kid and beginner friendly
- Ace friendly, if your looking to pad your numbers or get that elusive first ace.


- Unsafe hole layout. You play across or along a walking path for 8 of the 18 holes. 13 can play directly along the path, with a blind corner for any oncoming person. 18 plays very close to a picnic pavilion and we had to skip it, due to people playing catch in the law near the basket.
- Natural teepads were unusable. They are a sandy-soil, which is slick when dry. Being somewhat wet, it was very slick, so we teed off from the grass next to it.
- Teesigns are vague and some were missing.
- Distances are incorrect (much shorter than posted) on signs and the map.

Other Thoughts:

Miniwaukan Park is nestled back in a neighborhood and would be a treat to have in your back yard. It's full of old-growth trees, has a nice walking path, playground, and picnic shelter. The disc golf course adds a nice feature to the park, but it's execution is not ideal. The park is not one I'd go out of my way to play, unless you are just looking to mark it off your list.

Both my son and I had some great ace runs on a number of holes, but none stuck that day. You can play most holes on your choice of a hyzer or anhyzer line, due to the obstacles being large trees in a field. Some play straight up to the pin, in which case we threw a putter or mid range straight at it.

For the time being, I'm not going to do a hole-by-hole analyses. 1-3 have anny and hyzer lines with one or two trees between you and the basket. 4 is a staight approach with a low ceiling, or you could try a sky anny or hyzerbomb around the outside for more variety. 5-9 all play across or next to the walking path. Watch for pedestrians, dog-walkers, and bikes before you throw! 10-12 are fairly straight-up shots, but you play a somewhat low ceiling if you run at the basket. 13 is the hole you could run into trouble, playing along the path if your take the straight on approach or anny line. 14-18 are all pretty wide open, so take whatever shot you're most comfortable with and go with it.

Having driven out specifically to play this park, we were a bit disappointed. Even playing with a 9-year-old, he was not too impressed. We play a lot of courses and have found some real gems in small parks, but this one just didn't measure up. Not being able to finish #18 really left a bad feeling about the course. I could have thrown it safely, but it would have been too close to the birthday party going on for perceived safety.
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10 7
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.4 years 394 played 276 reviews
1.50 star(s)

C = Too much of too little 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2009 Played the course:once


What I personally like and how this course stacks up:
1) Holes with good risk/reward. Fair, but harsh punishment for bad decisions or execution. == D+ (Almost no punishment anywhere for missing your line. No decision making imposed by the course design.)
2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities for me. I throw 300' accurately, 360' max. == C (Most are too short to be rewarding - I gave up trying to find the longs....maybe those are better if they even exist.)
3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography == C- (On only 3-4 holes are the trees used to force a certain shape shot. Missed potential in my mind.)
4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion. == B (The huge oaks are very beautiful and you feel quite secluded on a lot of the course. This is the best part of the park. If it was not for the highway noise, it would be an amazingly peaceful sanctuary.)
5) Bonus points for multi-shot holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them. == N/A

Other Thoughts:

It's all about feeding the addiction, so I ranked this course subjectively based on my own "personal addiction factor". The grades above tell how well the course will draw me back to itself again and again and again. Since I have played a decent number of courses (125 18-hole, 64 9-hole as of mid 2009), my hope is that players/explorers who have similar addiction tastes will find my ratings list helpful as they choose courses to play and explore.

I fully expect others with different tastes/philosophies to disagree with me....that's the fun of things here. See my profile for my rating philosophy.
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