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Elkhart, IN

Ox Bow County Park

2.945(based on 24 reviews)
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Ox Bow County Park reviews

11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.2 years 114 played 105 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Domesticated Swamp Monster 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2016 Played the course:once


- Course is set in rather large and wonderful multi-use county park. Great place to bring the whole family with the plethora of grills, trails and pavilions all over the property.
- Navigation really (for once) wasn't a huge issue. There were a few times I had to look around a little but it was never bad enough that a map was needed.
- Flow was intuitive and natural.
- Wonderful mix of left vs. right holes.
- One hole that stood out as really unique was #18 with it's left then right fairway up a small hill and then a stupid fast green made for one of the more challenging sub 200' holes I have ever played.
- Everything was well maintained and all the fairways mowed which was really nice.
- Signs look to be pretty old but very little graffiti and still all in great shape. For the most part distances seemed accurate and the hole diagrams were helpful.


- Tee pads are WAY. TOO. SMALL. These things are in good shape, good grippyness but good grief if you're going to have 300'+ holes they really need to be bigger than that.
- BUGS. I usually avoid listing nature items like this as a con because but the bugs are so bad they really are a distraction to the disc golf. I mean, you put a course right next to and through a swamp...what do you expect? So when playing here use deet bug spray - the higher the concentration the better. I mean like the plus 90% or better deet stuff that makes your skin burn. You wear that natural lemon/eucalyptist scented non deet crap the mosquitos will laugh at you as they haul you away to their lair in the disc eating swamp off of 12 to meet their leader.
- Hikers are everywhere and are blissfully unaware of how much discs hurt.
- While I did say navigation wasn't much of an issue there are still problems. The 15 tee was too close to the 14 hole. 15 is right where you want to throw on a flick Hyzer route. Then, going from 20 to 21 means walking right up the 21 fairway directly in front of the 21 tee. With the thick brush this is a good way for someone to plastic smacked rounding the corner. With all the room there is to work with on this property this should never happen.
- 17 has you teeing off on top of a rickety old platform...Um, wut? Not sure if I should list it as a con or what. It was just weird and kind of out of place and did not seem to add anything to the hole.
- 22 is called, "Charlie's Challenge." With it's super duper extra twisty fairway with a basket behind a bunch of trees tells me either Charlie is a sadist, hates DG'ers or has a cruel sense of humor. Even a doggie chew toy level of wear Stratus could not follow those fairway curves. Discs do not fly like that unless thrown by Harry Potter muttering a bunch of Latin-ish spells "Discamus, rediculous curvamus!". Very funny Charlie...HAHAHAHA. :|

Other Thoughts:

Fundamentally speaking there really is nothing wrong with this course. But unfortunately while there is nothing wrong there is really nothing great either. With its very flat terrain no matter how you cut the holes through the woods it really isn't going to be much opportunity to something special. The holes are fairly easy and pretty pedestrian. Along that line, the course par is a little silly at an 82. Really ought to be a 72 especially if little 'ole me can score a 76 without trying very hard first time out. So, my thought is it's now time to make these holes harder with some creative pin placement or something. Not #12 though. Leave that biatch alone. Yikes.

If I lived nearby I'd play this place all the time but this certainly isn't a destination course in any way shape or form. If you're in the area, then by all means swing by. The pay to play is fairly cheap and worth it.
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4 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 66 played 61 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not the best, but could be worse 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Concrete tee pads. Challenging terrain. Quality baskets. Well landscaped (which it better be since it's pay to play). Not overcrowded, although the locals I did run into were standoffish. Good signage and easy navigation.


Whoever designed this course clearly didn't know what they were doing. Some of the lines are non-existant (hole 6?), and a few baskets are buried in trees. I don't mind guarded baskets, but a few of these were ridiculous. And they try to make up for it by setting a course par that's insanely easy? I'm looking at you 8, 18, and 22. I did enjoy the challenge of throwing through the woods, but unless you play it as pro par you're going to have a crazy low score.

Other Thoughts:

The par needs to be lowered considerably (I threw poorly and still beat my best score of all time by ten strokes), and a few of the baskets need to be moved. Although it's worth a visit if you're passing through the area, I'm not sure if it's worth paying $4 to play. I played in the spring when it was clear, but I hear that the rough is insane in the summer and I could definitely see myself losing a few discs in there. Also, don't follow the lines given on the signs. Walk out and find the basket first. 18 is a prime example. It shouldn't be a par 4 regardless, but if you take the line they show you you're going to lose at least one stroke.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 316 played 268 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Ox Bow Flying Disc Sanctuary 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 28, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


-This 24 hole, mostly-wooded course challenges accuracy, power, and decision-making on the longer holes, while providing several reasonable ace runs on the shorter ones.
-Fun risk/reward opportunities. Many holes have several possible lines, each of varying risk.
-Water in play alongside a couple of fairways.
-Mostly flat but with great use of available elevation, including an elevated deck-style tee pad on #17.
-Mostly concrete tees, one wooden, and one irregular-shaped concrete tee. Accurate hole representations on tee-signs. Decent "next hole" signage. Trashcans and benches located throughout course.
-Located in an absolutely gorgeous park with tons of activities. All the typical park amenities and facilities are provided, as well as an archery range and self-guiding nature trail.


-Several holes often experience significant flooding. Even when playable, some of the course is muddy.
-During summer, the mosquitoes are unbearable. Bring repellent.
-Mowed sporadically, with occasional ticks in underbrush and taller grasses.
-Scattered thorn-bushes and -trees.

Other Thoughts:

-This is a course you'll want to come back to, provided the water, mud, and insects don't render it impossible to enjoy. Rangers and some locals can provide the stories behind the individual hole names, which are worth inquiring about.
-Forces lots of decisions on whether to play the safe shot or go for the narrow openings between trees. Great pin placements and a good balance of hole types, although lacking in wide-open "bomb 'em" style holes.
-The flow is a little tricky, but nothing a quick peep at the detailed map (adjacent to #1 tee) won't remedy.
-The rough is thick in areas, but not unmanageable.
-$1 pay-to-play due either at gate or drop-box by 1st tee. $2 for parking; free lot outside of park...go past park entrance to small gravel lot on right.
-Baskets of various makes, although all in good condition.
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4 3
Experience: 28.4 years 15 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

So-so.. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 13, 2008 Played the course:never


There are a few fun holes here, tricky ones and a couple fun ones.


Teepads are short and awful. The course has over the years become more overgrown and swampy it seems. Bugs are horrendous as a previous reviewer mentioned. The last time I was there last year I told myself I won't be coming back out. The place seemed in poor condition. The few fun holes on the back nine I used to enjoy seemed to have been moved around to a placement that I no longer enjoy.

Other Thoughts:

I won't be going out here again (at least for a long time). If you're in the area and want to take in a course then by all means drop in and give it a try. I wouldn't make a long trip out of it though JUST for this course.
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