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Philadelphia, PA

Sedgley Woods

3.435(based on 61 reviews)
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Sedgley Woods reviews

16 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 90 played 87 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2024 Played the course:2-4 times


-Known as one of the oldest courses on the East Coast, Sedgley Woods is still a popular choice, for locals and visitors alike. It remains the only 18 hole course within 10 miles of downtown Philadelphia.

-This is an older course and designed for older discs. It's a great opportunity to leave behind the wide-rim drivers and hone in on your technical skills. The course takes advantage of downed trees, elevation change, and fairways sculpted over decades to present an array of enticing shots. One hole might call for a low forehand, the next hole a high floating putter, and the next a gently turning midrange. It plays similar to Morley Field, emphasizing crafty play over power.

-Each hole features 2-3 tee boxes. I recommend playing the blue (short) or yellow (middle) tee for your first round. Many of the red (long) tees make the holes harder but not better. A few holes (5, 12, 23) have an extra, more challenging basket.

-Tee signs are very helpful for a first-time player. They are large, color, and provide the distance from every tee as well as etiquette tips/potential safety hazards on each hole. The signs look new, but many of them are already falling apart.

-The first 18 holes comprise the original design, with holes 19-27 a later addition. This "back nine" features longer, more spread-out holes, thicker rough, more elevation, and more challenge. It receives far less play, and a map is necessary to find your way. One of the nicest spots on the course is the bench next to the #24 basket with a view of the Schuylkill River.

-The course has a very active local club with three weekly leagues and monthly work days. Kudos to everyone who takes care of the place - there is far less litter than most urban courses.

-Easy access from anywhere in Philadelphia. Forget your car and take a ride on the #3 or #32 bus - both routes stop within a 3-minute walk from the first tee.


-With decades of heavy traffic, the Mach III baskets are near the end of their useful life. Additionally, the course could do with hiring a dumpster for a day to clear out some of the dilapidated benches, broken concrete, old signage, etc.

-As with most courses of this age, the holes are very close together. Holes 7-9 and 13-17 are especially tight, with multiple blind shots and tee pads located less than 10 meters from a neighboring basket. If possible, try to avoid throwing drivers on these holes.

Other Thoughts:

-I have played the course twice, both on weekday mornings, and finished all 27 holes in just over two hours. Given the location of the course and the number of pinch points, I imagine weekend rounds taking twice as long.

-Parts of Sedgley Woods feel like the urban park that it is, with cars flying past, trains rumbling through, and kids running by. In other parts, it's hard to believe you're only three miles from downtown Philadelphia.
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10 0
Experience: 6.3 years 33 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Skip 19-27 and play either 1-9 or 10-18 twice. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2022 Played the course:once


Holes 1-18 are great.
Easy to get to from downtown.
funny variety of holes.
More tight shots than long bombs.


Some of the rough was very rough.
Lots of blind tee shots.
Does not dry out quickly
Holes 19-27
Even some decent shots wind up on other holes.

Other Thoughts:

I played the short blue tees. It was the day after some rain and the course was a bit muddy, a dry day might have made it a better experience.

On the front 18 I did not have any issues with navigation. A few times there would be two options but the tee signs were always readable.

It was about $30 in lyft rides from downtown to play and I thought it was worth the cost. I wish I would have skipped 19-27 though. I could not find much for signage and compared to 1-18 it felt like playing in the jungle. There were benches, stone tee boxes and other improvements just no signs.
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23 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.3 years 239 played 198 reviews
3.50 star(s)

So, See Sedgley Woods's Goods 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2021 Played the course:once


+ Lost disc box, two practice pins, splendid information board and plenty of seating between the parking lot and hole one for the many players that this course accommodates.
+ A fair arrangement of left and right-turning holes through a nice balance of open, wooded and hyrbid fairways with some touches of elevation to boot.
+ All holes have at least two tee pads, and many have three, for the beginner and advanced players to select.
+ The majority of the tee pads that I could see were all well manicured stone pavers neatly framed within beams of wood implanted in the ground. They were long, wide, level and had virtually no damage.
+ The local/regular scene here is one of the liveliest I've seen in my limited experience with disc golf.
+ Small trash bags are readily available for all players to use as they consume their food and drink items. Please use them. As a result, the course grounds are near spotless!


- Many fairways throw right alongside each other-- especially among the first 18 holes. Since disc golfers of all levels play here at all times, this means a real chance of getting struck by a disc.
- There are no next hole signs that I could identify. Navigation for first-timers is tricky. Also, there's no path back to the parking lot from hole 27 that doesn't cross through fairways.
- The tee signs exist, but many of them are faded, vandalized, covered with stickers and sometimes all three! Hole 15's sign is a humorous example. At this point, that one is more sticker than it is tee sign!
- The baskets are quite old, but so is the course. So I don't mention this as a big con against the course but more as something to be aware of.
- On the more crowded days, playing from anything other than the blue tee pads might be an impossibility.

Other Thoughts:

My favorite hole here to look at was hole13 because of its unexpected valley when most every other hole up to that point is slightly sloped. My favorite hole here to play might have been hole21 because I've still got a softspot for downhill tee-offs, and 21 is a nice throw down through a foresty tunnel from start to finish. My least favorite hole here might be hole...8? I guess it was kind of flat and dull along with a chance of getting hit by discs.

Sedgley Woods is a unique specimen in the disc golf universe. I've never before played at such a popular course. With all of the cars in the parking lot and people roaming the grounds, I mistakenly thought that there was a tournament going on. But apparently, it was just another Saturday...! Saturdays are one of their league tag days, but most of the players I saw were definitely not here for that.

As I was waiting to start my round, I had the good fortune to bump into a solitary local, Tony, who was a great guide for the course's layout. At hole 12 we were joined by two more locals, Greg and Doug. The four of us hit it off as disc golfers often do. It's always nice to see that our sport can bring strangers together as though they are friends.

While we played, I was grateful to have them as guides because the directional signage is clumsy at best. Of course, I couldn't be as attentive to all of the details with three other people around me like I could if I were on my own. Still, I did notice that the holes were clumped together because each one of us was nearly hit with a disc at least once. I still noticed the run-down appearance in some areas. The ground in a few areas is solidly compacted. More than a few of the trees have toppled over and left those areas of the course looking naked and boring. And I still noticed the shorter distances.

However, I also noticed the fun everyone was having. This course is perfectly suited towards the new and the learning. You've got your front 18 for introductory lessons. That's your manageable distances, fair tree puzzles and nice tastes of elevation. And then there's the outback 9 for extra credit involving all of that stuff in stronger doses. A player can feel the vibrance at a place like this, too. Active city courses like Sedgley contain a certain zest within them that few other courses can match.

But, I'll be honest, here. If this course had only 18 holes, I would have scored it, at best, as a 3.0 out of 5 because of how close together some of those fairways are, how close some baskets are to some tees and how boilerplate some holes' layouts are-- not to mention the mostly short lengths. Were it not for the outback nine holes extending the fun, this course would be a lot more forgettable.

Still, what we have is not an ordinary 18-hole but a well-known and historic 27-hole course: quite the rarity in our sport. Sedgley Woods started its journey back in the late 1970s when disc golf was just a curiosity. Now in 2021, the sport's popularity has taken off for space, which means that, with the massive influx of new players, Sedgley Woods's job isn't over yet! Go experience it for yourself.
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 299 played 209 reviews
3.50 star(s)

You can feel the age 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 14, 2020 Played the course:once


With a course established in 1977, my expectation for what qualified as "good disc golf" in 1977 is different than what it means now. I was pleasantly surprised when I played though. The course offers a technical experience with lots of trees, narrow fairways and a good amount of elevation.

Probably my biggest pro is that there are three different sets of tees and all of which are well marked and have some teepad beyond natural tees whether that be bricks or rubber mats. The blue tees are very short but still challenging while the yellow and red tees have significantly more length and difficulty. There is something for everyone here.

The last nine holes offer a little bit more length than the first 18. It's obvious they were added at a later date than the original holes. Holes 1-9, 10-18 and 19-27 all start and end near the parking lot. This can be utilized for a quick 9 holes or a pick-and-choose 18 holes.


With three sets of tees on 27 holes on a small piece of land, it's sometimes not clear which tee is next as there are so many tees scattered throughout and signage isn't great.

Navigation isn't terrible except for a few spots where it's not immediately obvious which direction to go. The tee signs are rough on most holes from years of heavy use and graffiti. Being the only course in Philadelphia proper, there is quite a bit of erosion throughout the course. The baskets also have seen better days from the heavy use.

No one stuck out to me as being a really cool or great hole. I played the blues where generally holes were around 250' and all of the holes tend to blur together minus the longer and more challenging hole 19-27.

Other Thoughts:

This was a fun course to cap off a fun long weekend in Philadelphia. The course obviously gets a lot of play as I got there at 7:30 am and still had people that started in front of me. The blue tees can be played fairly quickly so you are able to get the full experience.

I enjoyed this course a lot more than I thought I would. You can feel the history much like you can feel it in the rest of the city. I would happily play this course every day if I lived nearby.
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15 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.2 years 442 played 410 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sedgley is a time travel experience! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 29, 2019 Played the course:once


+ The first 18 holes are a very good old wooded city park course. The holes are fairly short, but the elevation changes and the trees make them all interesting. Then starting on hole #19: a completely different course! Much tighter, a bit longer. Clearly built with today's game and discs in mind.
+ You'll be happy if you brought along your RH forehand. Later in the round, it will come in very handy.
+ Choice of three tees on every hole. I played the blues for my first visit, to get a sense of the place. I'll play the yellows for sure. Some of the reds (especially on the last 9) look extra challenging.
+ There's a good map at the first tee area - take a photo.
+ Lots of different layout combinations on UDisc - so I imagine playing here never gets boring.
+ 19: Three terraced tees, and an old cobblestone walkway most of the way down until you rise up to the elevated green. Look for the manmade pond at the base of the rise up to the green. This hole feels great - like you're headed into a magic forest or something...
+ 20: the green will surprise you. After all this time in the woods (holes 1-19), you suddenly pop out onto grass.
+ 21: Another set of terraced tees - each one a challenging shot down to a basket placed halfway down a fairly steep slope. Don't let this shot get away from you!
+ 22: uphill this time, with some great old guardian trees creating gates up the fairway. Throw carefully.
+ 23: tight RH dogleg with water trouble down past the basket. Make sure to look for the extra basket out in the middle of the pond (a joke, right? Right???)
+ 24: Tight, up, straight. Great basket position on a small rise, with a big dropoff behind and right.
+ 25: You want to shape a hyzer to get to the green but watch out for those damned trees to the right of the fairway. And being far right is death.
+ 26: The basket here is probably a signature of Sedgley, with all the tree limbs over and around it.
+ 27: A very good finishing hole. One of the longer ones at Sedgley. Nothing fancy - but it's tight.


- There are a few long walks between holes on 19-27. The walk from 20-21 is a bit confusing, and the walk from 24 to 25 is really long (but at least there's signage tell you it's 450 ft!).
- Long walk back to the parking lot from 27.
- Mud can be a problem - dress accordingly.
- The signage on the final nine is a little spotty (at times, nonexistent). Take a photo of the map near Tee 1 - it will help you your first time around.
- Others have written about how close the baskets are to tees on the front 9 - and they really are. I have to think this place gets a little crazy when it's crowded. My advice: if there are other groups on the course, try to keep an eye on where they are!

Other Thoughts:

+ From the looks of things around the first tee, this is a club that knows how to party: tables, benches, even gas grilles!
+ I play a lot in NJ, and I'm fairly close to Greystone Woods. About 4 holes in on the last 9 at Sedgley, I found myself thinking "Hey! I thought I was playing in a nice old city park. How did I end up at Greystone???"
+ I'm so glad to have spent some time at Sedgley, and I really recommend playing all 27 holes, because the first 18 and the last 9 are both worth experiencing - like two completely different eras of disc golf at a single location.
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4 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Urban treasure 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 14, 2017 Played the course:once


27 holes 10 minutes from Center City on a bad day.
3 different tee pads for folks with differing skills.
Tight and hilly with some real challenges, but some holes are very birdy-able.
Great clubhouse area with lots of info.
Lots of benches to sit on if you're waiting


- I wasn't there when it was crowded and we still ran into some folks. I can see things getting crazy on a crowded day.
- Signage is spotty. Sometimes you know where you're going, other times not. We wandered for 20 minutes between hole 24 and 25 because there was no indication that hole 25 was 300 yards down a narrow path running along the train tracks.
- No real wide open holes for ripping a tee shot.

Other Thoughts:

Very cool course and worth the trip down into the city from the burbs. But beware and do it on a week day morning or early afternoon when the crowds are sparse.
Instead of making a bunch of new benches (which are nice) they should invest a bit in refurbishing the signage.
The last 9 (holes 19-27) are really cool and secluded from the rest of the course with some interesting obstacles and trees.
Some nice city views as well.
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4 0
Experience: 8.3 years 20 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very Cool Inner City Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 16, 2016 Played the course:once


27 holes, inner city play, seems to be a nice community of locals that play there. I played this course with 2 of my friends yesterday and we all had a lot of fun. There are no very long holes, its more of a tight and technical course that will have you pulling every shot you can think of out of the bag. There are some very cool holes but there are also some very forgettable holes. We came at 10AM on a Sunday and the locals were already setting up a bbq and tv to watch the Eagles game. We thought this was awesome and if we didn't already have plans we most likely would have stayed. My friends and I agreed that we actually like holes 19-27 the most, this may bc we weren't as worried about being hit by an arrant disc though. Either way this is a very cool course.


The course has so many holes that are right on top of each other to the point that almost every hole you are making sure you aren't throwing into anyone or having someone throwing into you. Hole number 13 in particular is a blind downhill shot where the next tee box is literally 10ft away from the basket (this is the case for many holes but this one in particular stuck out). A disc came about 2 feet away from knocking me the hell out. While mostly every hole on the course is on top of another we found that we could always see if there were people that we may be throwing into or throwing into us. Minus that one hole.. Jesus throwing from yellow on 14 is scary.

Other Thoughts:

Great short technical course. Can be a bit scary at times. Could have better signage, we did manage to get a bit lost a couple times.
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3 2
Experience: 21.2 years 127 played 27 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Classic 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


Free parking, free to play. Easy enough to navigate. I felt challenged on many holes to thread a small gap, make a sharp turn, shoot blind, avoid trees, etc. I felt there were no gimmies, even on the shortest holes. There seems to be a big group of locals who play here weekly.


Some fairways are adjacent. Crossfire happens. No water in play. No signature hole.

Other Thoughts:

As the name implies, it is a "woods" course. Despite this, I wish there were a couple of wide open, grip and rip holes just for fun.
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17 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 29.3 years 200 played 23 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 24, 2013 Played the course:once


Variety of shots. 27 holes (3 separate 9-hole loops that all play back to the parking lot). 3 tees on each hole. Lots of right/left/straight, some up/down shots. A lot of lines to carve through. Club events will mix 1-9 longs then 19-27 medium (as an example - they mix lots of configurations) so each round is varied.

Maintained well. Club seems very active and creative. Tee pads aren't concrete and tee signs don't really help with the blind shots, but there are well-marked signs to each tee, which is greatly helpful. Elevated boards/steps above mud spots. Not much debris/trash on the course despite how crowded this city park area is.
Supposedly they have glow rounds.

Vibe - it looks super shady once you pull off the highway. It looks even shadier when you pull into the park. But all the people I chatted with were private-course friendly, open, inviting, sharing. Lots of folks really appreciated the disc golf oasis, biking distance from downtown. There were open fields and benches overlooking trees and the river. You could hear the city around you but you're totally shielded under thick forest canopy. Pretty cool lost-disc-return on site.


Crowded. Fairways don't criss cross but they run very close to each other. You need to be prepared for discs coming at you anytime from any direction. It wasn't a problem at all, it's just something you'll need to consider. Obviously - also make sure no one is in your disc's path. It's not just letting the lead group clear the hole, sometimes they have to clear the next tee pad too before you can throw.

Lost disc potential. Tall grass and thick brush (admittedly - the only time I've played is during a rainy summer - locals told me it clears out a lot in the winter).

Variety - it's almost all tight lines. Several aceable holes but plenty of unnatural lines along the way. This is one of those courses for the threads about - redesigning the 27-holes as an 18-hole course with a few long, open shots along the way could make it a championship caliber course (however, if I lived here, I'd likely prefer the clustered 27 so I can play a different 18 configuration just about every day)

Other Thoughts:

This was a unique park to me. I don't usually think of Philly as the friendliest, most outdoorsy town. But this course had all of that. The disc golf reminded me of a lot of other 2.5-3.5 courses, but it fits this locale perfectly.

I had trouble linking this site to GPS but the narrative directions were perfect. Especially the warning about local trafic. Grab water before you come - no gas station off the I-76 exit. Fair amount of bugs.

I wouldn't recommend traveling to Philly just for this course, but if you were there already I'd highly recommend one of the weekly club events.
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3 1
Experience: 27.3 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sedgley Woods 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


27 Historic Holes of Disc Golf. The original 18 are for beginners, while the "outback" nine will test even the best game. 99% of the people are very friendly. I learned my disc golf game here and the course will teach you to be technically sound.

Weekly tags rounds with a lot of membership support. FSW proudly boasts over 200 active members.


It is a tight course on the front 18. Hearing "FORE" a lot is not un-common. The course is always a work in progress. New tee pads and new signs are going in. If more people packed out what they packed in, the litter would disappear, but since it is in the middle of Philly, good luck with that.
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4 2
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.2 years 168 played 44 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 21, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


This review is not based on the back nine because I did not play it when I was there

Great atmosphere- I went to this course with a couple people who had never been there before and they were overwhelmed by the friendliness of the locals being that this course is not in the best part of Philadelphia.

Practice baskets- there were several. This accommodated to the crowd that was there when I played.

Well defined fairways- this course made had well defined fairways as well as tight but fair.

Creative use of elevation- they used what they had this park and used the elevation that they were given with the space very well.

Teepads- teepads were in good shape and provided good footing.multiple teepads on each hole providing some variety for the locals, as well as providing beginners through pros with tees to fit there skill level

Secluded-this park is only used for disc golf woods are fun and secluded.


Tee signs-these were not clear and i found myself playing most of the red tees because I could not see the line to the basket

Adjacent holes were to close- fairmount park is huge! Yet I still found myself wondering if the guy on the next teepads was in harms way when I was throwing

Crowded- this place knots lays all year round will have at least one group on every hole

Other Thoughts:

This course is short, don't come here expecting holes where you can air it out. Most of the holes were short so a midrange can be thrown and you can still shoot well. I do not view this s a con because the course was built so long ago
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14 years 91 played 91 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Piece of History 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 1, 2012 Played the course:once


Wooded and technical 27 hole course in the middle of Philadelphia with three possible tee areas (red, yellow, blue) at each hole. Short, yet challenging layout which utilizes all available space. Baskets, though older, work well. All holes are numbered, and the well-worn paths between holes make navigation pretty easy. Primary tee pads made of rubber and of sufficient length. Very good use of elevation on numerous holes and occasionally tight fairways add to the challenge. Benches exist at most holes. A practice basket, porta potties and nice information board with lost disc slot are located at the main entrance to Fairmount Park.


There is some gimmickry here: a horizontal downed tree in front of hole 15, a basket secured into an uprooted tree, a 6 foot window to throw a drive through on hole 20, etc. None of these things should be a part of tournament play.To no one's surprise, graffitti and broken glass mark the course. Many holes play in tight quarters and errant discs from a nearby hole are not uncommon and require a "head's up". Secondary tee pads not in great shape, and colored stones designating all tee areas should be repainted and set in the ground. Can be very crowded at times. Will not appeal to the guy who wants to grip and rip all day.

Other Thoughts:

I do not like the city, but I'm glad I played here. Built in 1977, Sedgley Woods is a piece of Disc Golf History and has withstood both time and advances in disc technology. It has a decidedly "city" feel, with railroad tracks, the crumbling foundation of a house and the occasional odd and colorful character on the premises. An old seat from a van sits at one tee, and even the tee signs- asymmetrical painted concrete slabs- perfectly capture the environment in which this course sits. With 3 tee off locations at each hole and safari holes at various tournaments, there is no shortage of playing options. The "fun factor" here is tremendous, and a large and loyal club supports and maintains the course. Any serious DG'er must make a visit to Sedgley!
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3 2
Experience: 13.6 years 5 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tight Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2011 Played the course:once


A lot of narrow holes that will challenge your short and mid-range game. The change in elevation and creative use of the paths/woods made for a fun and interesting game. The multiple tees to throw from also lets you change up how you play the course.


Several holes (in the first 18 holes) seem to be very close to each each other and nearly overlap. An occasional, "Fore!" can be heard now and then. Some of the tees from hole 19-27 were pretty muddy when I went. Can be a bit crowded.

Other Thoughts:

This was a great course, and its convenient for those in the Philadelphia area. I will try to visit this course more often; otherwise I have to travel a bit further towards Allentown or Tyler Park.
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1 5
Alex Torres
Experience: 19.3 years 5 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Traveler 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2009 Played the course:once


This is one of the oldest courses I have played, it is a great course. Great people, that help thought out the coures. The coures held many different tournaments open to all players. They even had venders at each tournament.



Other Thoughts:

If you ever get a chance to play in the city of Philly, you have to go this course, it will not let you down.
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7 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 14.4 years 353 played 299 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sedgley 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2010 Played the course:once


Navigation-- Easy to find your way through this course. Each 9 hole loop is marked.

Variety-- A lot of everything. Open, tight, ravine, blind.

Upkeep-- beautiful upkeep in this urban park.

Teepads-- Rubber, but not slick at all.

Pins-- all in good condition

Signage-- all in good condition and easy to follow nav.


Ravine shots-- there are three on the first 18. the first makes sense. the second two are completely blind and heavily wooded, very difficult to see where lines would be for someone who is just playing for the first time.

Other Thoughts:

We enjoyed this course while we were in philly, but the ravine holes were excessive and kind of disappointing.

I threw a -2 the first time through.
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5 0
Experience: 14.6 years 12 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Review after 3 months of playing here. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


I think one of the pros here is the amount of people that play on this course. There are always people by the basket of 18 often willing to play a few rounds with you (if you come solo). There are 3 different tees and one pin placement per hole. The course doesn't seem to favor RHBH or LHBH, there are clear distinct flight paths for all different throwers. The course was originally designed for big lids so the front 18 may seem short if played from the blue tees. The red tees may only be 10-15 feet further back from the blue tees but they can be extremely more difficult because of the new lines and angles. Without a doubt this course is worth it just because of the people that play here. There are tag rounds 3 times per week (Thursday 5 hours before sunset, Sat 12pm, Sun 11am, with 2$ doubles to follow). The course is very clean, and with the addition of holes 19-27 can really add a challenge to your round. The monthly tournaments are also fun, as you can't complain about 7$ entry for a chance to win some prizes and CTP's. The course is dog friendly and beginner friendly. There are usually people by the entrance of the course with a few boxes of discs for sale or to answer your questions. There are two practice baskets by the parking lot. Very dog friendly.


For the most part the front 18 are easy par 3's. You can pretty much always salvage a 3 out of any drive. One of my cons is that there isn't any public water fountains. The closest place to get drinks is about a half a block away at a ball golf driving range, or 1.5 blocks at a water ice stand. Some people may not like the amount of people or how close the tee pads are from the previous holes pin. The porta potties smell like .... crap, and they are right by the parking lot (they do have a ladies only porta potty though).

Other Thoughts:

The front 18 can be played with mostly mid ranges and putters. There are rarely any chances to air out a big driver. This can be a good thing as it gives you a chance to get a lot of practice out of your short game. There seems to also be a lot of distractions while on the course since the fairways loop back and forth. Listen, if you haven't played Sedgley I would highly recommend it, especially if you are a new player. The course pros are extremely helpful and without a doubt have increased my skill exponentially over the past few months. I'll add more to the review when I think of it.
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5 6
Experience: 16.3 years 47 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A good time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 21, 2010 Played the course:once


A good course with alot of different shots involved 27 holes and in good condition


couldnt play hole 9 because the club was camped in front of the basket try not to play there when there present unless you are a part of the club other clubs will ask you to play or at least move for you and they were a little rude to tell me i needed to clear out for the tournament what is up with that?

Other Thoughts:

The club players not all of them but the rude ones should help support the sport not want to run people off ive played alot of places and will say this club didnt give me a good first inpression
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14 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.7 years 50 played 18 reviews
3.50 star(s)

First East Coast Pole Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 7, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Excellent Disc Golf club
27 holes with 3 tee pads per hole (blue, yellow, red)
League "Tag Challenge" 3 days a week
Thursday doubles all year
Maintained year round
many tournaments randing form competetive to casual
Locked Lost and Found for discs, that most members utilize
Discs for sale often times during Tag Rounds
Baskets are in great shape and catch well


The course is a little overcrowded. It was built in the '70s and todays plastic makes this course generally short and a little on top of eachother.
Some of the signs are old and could use updating (1-18) and signs have not been put in for 19-27, although the course is relatlively easy to follow.
I do enjoy courses that water comes into play, and this has none.

Other Thoughts:

This is a wonderful course located in Philadelphia, yet does not feel like it is in a city at all.
This course is beginner friendly as many of the holes are short (175-230 range) from Blue and the atmosphere is about having a good time. The people here play all year in all weather and are more than happy to lend a hand or advice to a new player.

This course is mainly set in the woods, so accuracy is much more important than power. An advanced AM can play the majority of the course with Mids with many drives under 250 ft. While it is set in the woods, there are several lines to every pin which makes the course fair. There are many birdie opps, but bad shots while be punished. Many times you can still recover for a par, but you will need to play smart to score well.
With so much play and maintanence, the course is very well groomed. The club does an excellent job of fighting back brush, poison ivy, etc.
The tee pads are mostly rubber fly pads and natural/gravel.
Several benches allow players to relax, taking a break if they would like.
There is a great variety of shots that are required. Anny/Hyzer, tommys, and elevation changes. Some holes have anny and hyzer lines giving you many options, especially if you want to practice different shots to improve your game.

Stop by for $2 doubles on thursday for a great time and way to learn the course.
There is also a "bush league" for women.

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1 11
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 22, 2009 Played the course:once


established in 1970 this course has acool atmosphere and greatr people. This is only 5 minuts from inner city philidelphia. alot of ace runs here


a little scrunched up but not to bad

Other Thoughts:

definetley a must play if you are in the Phili area!!
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8 2
Experience: 5 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bump for Action 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2009 Played the course:once


$8 cab fare from downtown Philly. Beginner friendly. Don't need many discs to play it (a putter, midrange, over-stable driver for thumbers and tomahawks and a neutral driver for the NEW 9.) Birdies all over the place. But most of all a hell of a disc golf community.


Short. No food or stores in immediate area (so pack your drinks and food before you leave the city).

Other Thoughts:

The new 9 (holes 19-27) is much longer and diverse. The property and walk is very nice. If you are a player and are in Philly, you have to get out for doubles on Thursday. A and B players are paired together encouraging all skill levels.
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