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Warhawk reviews

12 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 283 played 32 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Off we go into the wild blue yonder. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 27, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


- The Big 3: All 18 holes feature concrete pads that are long enough, informative tee signs in good shape, and Discatcher baskets in good shape. The disc golf course starter kit. Signage includes next tee information and clearly labels yardage for each pin location. A practice basket is also featured.
- Multiple Pin Locations: It seemed that most holes had multiple pin locations which is great for locals if these are rotated with any kind of frequency.
- Holes #1-#7: The first 7 holes are beautifully manicured and landscaped. It feels like a ball golf course in this section. Amazing grass and perfect rows of various types of trees are pleasing to the eyes. This section also provides some nice shade in spots. Really lovely.
- Airplanes: It's a fun experience watching small planes continuously take off and land on the back 9. It seems that the airport is primarily for teaching pilots to fly.


- Holes #10-17: This is where the course takes a turn for the very boring in my opinion. It feels like hole after hole is wide open with maybe one well placed shrub. This is also where the landscaping takes a big turn for the worst. Lot's of dirt and blotches of grass with no shade in this section.
- Amenities: Other than a practice basket, this course essentially has none. No benches, trash cans, restrooms, or course map. A course map/kiosk with trash can at #1 would add a very nice touch to the staging area of this course.
- No Turn: I think this course would benefit from a turn at the staging area. I'd certainly be happy playing holes #1-#9 as a nine hole course and skipping the rest (other than #18). It could possibly be accomplished with #10 being a longer hole back toward the parking area.
- Par Indicator: Signage is only lacking in one aspect. Par is not labeled on any signs. This isn't too big of a deal however because every hole is clearly a par 3 other that #18. When #18 is at the C location of 520 feet (which it was upon my last 2 visits) I would say it plays as a par 4.

Other Thoughts:

Not pros or cons:
- Elevation: This course has very minimal elevation but it does a fine job of using the elevation the best it could. The entire property is essentially one average sized mound in a huge field.
- Wind: It's hard for me to call this a con as it can add to the challenge of this course that is fairly lacking in challenge. But be forewarned, it gets windy here. This course can definitely help a beginner (or even advanced player) work on their wind game.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Windy Meadows

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 10, 2023 Played the course:2-4 times


(2.079 Rating) (REVISED - replayed January 2023) Generally an open layout with a few lightly wooded fairways.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY - The landscape at Warhawk is void of overgrown areas and it has no water hazards either. This will be an ideal course to bring a beginner to. A new player won't lose your discs and they won't constantly be hitting trees. The course is also a great utility course for MA4s and MA3s and perhaps beyond depending on personal tastes.
- QUICK PLAY - For its length, it plays fairly quick. I've done my solo rounds here in just over 45 minutes. I also did a threesome once in less than 80 minutes.
- EASY GOING - I think the best aspect of Warhawk DGC is the easy going feel. As mentioned, no hazards and no overgrowth. There are also lots of birdie opportunities for MA3 level players and above. Also, a few ace runs and lots of opportunities to air one out for those that max out at 375 feet.
- THE BASICS - Adequate 4 foot by 10 foot concrete tees and great baskets, Pro 28 DISCatchers. It's always a nice start when a course gets the core items right.
- TRAINING GROUNDS - This is the perfect place for players rated between 800 and 900 to work on their game, especially on wind plays. This course doesn't get the heavy play like that of nearby Brahan Springs, so I could definitely see a player practicing the skill of unloading a bag on a few holes.
- NAVIGATION - It's mostly good. There is a course map on DGCR and the tee signs are nice and have the next tee direction indicated on them. The only issue is that the course is so open that first time players might throw at the wrong basket a couple times.


No major playability issues with Warhawk, but it definitely lacks variety and challenge.
- ELEVATION - The site here is mostly flat. Perhaps there are a couple of tee to basket grade differences at around the 10-foot mark. The site perhaps had the potential to work in a 15-foot drop in elevation on a tee shot, but that wouldn't have made much of a difference.
- HOLE VARIETY - Way too many open plays for me to enjoy. There are three holes without a tree in play. Thirteen of the remaining fifteen holes I'd classify as openish or lightly wooded. Only two holes, (5) and (7), I'd label as moderately wooded holes. Only one placement could be argued a par 4 for lower skill levels, Placement (18 C), but par figures are not listed on the tee signs. There are no water plays and no par 5s. There are a few par 3s with placements beyond 400 feet. There are also a few nice swales around baskets that could bring into play a death roll. For those that don't know, that's when the disc catches an edge and rolls 30-feet or more away.
- LACK OF SHOT SHAPING - With the extent of the openness, one can expect a round with very little thought process while on the tee. For most of the holes here, I'll just look at the tee sign hole distance, and then quickly grab a disc and throw. Way too many holes can be attacked from every angle.
- LACK OF DIFFICULTY - MA3s level players who are able to throw 325 feet should have no problem breaking par on this course. MA1s should probably be able to throw 10 down or more on light wind days. The only challenging deuce to an MA1 is location (C) on hole (18) which is listed at 520 feet.
- NO BONUS AMENITIES - Still no community board or course map. No restrooms or shelters near the layout and only one set of tees. There is a practice basket near tee (1), and 9 holes have multiple basket placements. Sadly not one installed bench in its near 5 year existence.
- WIND - It's been super windy 2 of the 4 times I've been here. Much of the challenge here comes from this aspect.
- RAW BEAUTY - Really not much for the designer to work with to deliver an inspiring layout. The grass looks terrible in several sections and they recently trimmed all the bases of the magnolias. The airport runway fills the east backdrop and the buzz of U.S. 31 traffic fills the west backdrop. I gave the course a 1.625 out of 5 for this aspect.

Other Thoughts:

A nice set up that will definitely attract newer players within a 15 to 20-minute drive. Locally, it most closely reminds me of courses like Journey Church and Asbury Church, but this one is 18 holes and slightly more bland. Players that like to grip-it and rip it might really like this course. However, for those that prefer technical courses, they will have to go elsewhere. I would suggest nearby Flying Dragon in Decatur or Mastin Lake in Huntsville.
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8 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 54 played 45 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Decent, if easy, campus course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 24, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice new Discatchers and concrete tees, plus full color hole signs with about as much detail as the course itself.

Substantially less obnoxious with the OBs than the Sportsplex up the road: while a few holes feature the parking lot or similar OB areas tangentially, it isn't an over the top, choked by ropes kind of course, and there isn't substantial risk of hitting... anything, really.

Long enough to not be Athens State, part II, with an average around 300'/hole (more or less, depending on pin positions), and with the right pins in the long positions, there are a few plays over 400 feet.


Aside from a few sloped greens (exploiting the side of a landscaped ditch/drainage area), the only noteworthy elevation on the course is a slight uphill on hole 2, which gains 10, maybe 15 feet in 375. It's enough to matter, but not much.

Although the course architect added some trees to shape shots some, the underlying land is still an open field, and so most shots are VERY open. This will change some with time, as trees grow, and there are plans for more, but it's still going to be a course in a field.

Other Thoughts:

If I happened to attend school here, heck yeah, I'd be playing this course after class. In that regard, it's a success for the school. It strikes me as a happy medium between Sportsplex's length and crazy OBs and ASU's lack of challenge, although it retains the open character of both.

I'd rate the difficulty toward the middle to upper end of rec, or lower for the short pins. Time of play is 40-50 minutes solo.
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