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A bad day of golf leads to a question of etiquette


Par Member
Jun 29, 2009
Around Dallas
Here comes another long winded post from the Stiggy himself.

Pardon me if this question has been posed before, even if not in the manor I am about to present it. I understand completely there is a search function, however, there is not an easy search for this. Besides, you get to sit back and read my rambles, I try to make them entertaining.

All the above being said, let me begin my story, buried inside you will find a question of etiquette.

I started today's disc golf adventure on a mission to try an un-played course on my list. Todays course: Saddle Hills. Saddle Hills has lots of potential, but not really an enjoyable play for me, a guy riding solo. Navigation was tricky, and I could not easily find 8, was not having a good time due to too much rough and swamps. I decided seeing as how I drove the 45 minutes to get there, I did not want to waste it on not having a good time. I think to myself, Z-Boaz is just up the road, I know I will have a good time there. After-all I played Z-boaz before, and knew I enjoyed the course itself.
I am a total casual golfer, I always go alone as I do not have any DG buddies that live close and have a schedule as flexible as mine to play when I want. Also, most of my friends are not willing to drive an hour away to go play. I live in a small town, closest good disc golf is 30+ minutes regardless.
I get to Z-boaz and I am greeted by a group of 4 guys that offer to let me play through or for me to play with them. I always enjoy playing with other golfers so I opt for the join up route.
I procede to play up to hole nine, with a bogey average. This is an average bad day of golf for me, but I dismiss it as Z-boaz is a tough park. I can be getting sixes on every hole and still have a great day on the course. I just like to throw and be outdoors. *Deep breath* Anyway... Enough with the back ground, my bogey game goes from bad to worse on hole nine.
A week ago I got a Lattitude 64 Diamond Light. In the last week, it has become the most used disc in my bag. I could throw that thing a mile.
All 5 of us tee off on 9. Despite 3 of us, including myself, having what look to be perfect drive, we all loose our disc. Z-boaz hole 9 is notorious for its disc eating ability. After about 20 mins of looking, the guys in my party abandoned their search but I continue to look for another 30. I loved that piece of plastic :( .
So, things just went from bad to worse, and my mood is dampered. I finally give up hope. I know that even though my name and number are stamped on that disc, I got a snowballs chance of ever seeing it again. I move on to hole 10. Things actually start turning around, maybe because I accelerate my pace throwing alone? I par 10, 11, and 12. A huge improvement from my previous 9 bogeys.
As I approach 12, there is a group of 3 golfers just finishing their tee shots. As I take the bench, I congratulate the last thrower on a good toss and give them the proverbial "hows it goin?". They fail to acknowledge both my compliment and my greeting. I sit patiently and wait for them to finish 12. As I approach 13, they are just completing their tee-off again. Again, I throw out there they good ol "how ya doin?" Still no acknowledgement, and the procede down the fairway. 14, the same story, a hello and and ignore. Anyone that has played Z-boaz before knows that there are a bunch of blind shots on the back nine. After 3 holes of not being offered an existence of my presence, nor offered a play through, or even a "Clear on 13!" I start throwing as soon as they are out of site, maybe now they will recognize me? NOPE! 15, 16, 17, same story. Now I am really burning on their heals and am about 20 feet behind them on 18. As we a approach 18 the lady (with her attitude, I could think of better 4 letter words) turns around and says to me. "I would appriciate if you waited till we finish before you thow" in a VERY nasty tone. She was accompanied by two guys that were very large men and could prolly kick my ass. I made one statement to defend myself, but, did not want to take it too far as, these guys quite frankly could kick my ass. I replied with "Normally when you have a group of three, and you have one guy behind you, you offer a play thorugh" This turned into some sneed and foul responses from her. It was the last hole so I just sat there and sulked and waited till they left the park before I finished out.

So really after that novel I just wrote, who was more in the wrong here, me for thowing on them (by the way, I am not good, but I knew with every shot I took I would not hit them, I also keep the word "FORE" in my vocab) or them for not offering a play through for a guy that was obviously faster?

Also, this was not a mini or a tourney, casual golfers like myself.

you should have asked to play through, not everyone is courteous or has the presence of mind to do so. if they refused, i would have just skipped the hole and passed them. throwing on a hole when there is the possibility of hitting someone is never ok, regardless of your ability level.
I mean i get very pissed when people throw behind me especially when im playing by myself and playing fairly quickly. Not the other way around, so on that you could've used better judgement but I'm not going to say flat out you were being an ass. The thing that pisses me off the most is when people dont let me play through, they were being complete d*&kwads and i smiled a bit when you said you throwing behind them got on there nerves. 99% of the people here, pros or am's, money round or not, always let you play through IF you catch them on the teepad. Only non-locals act like asshats around here so i can always tell when they don't let me play through they aren't locals.

My personal perspective of this whole thing is they were douchers, and you treated them as such. Now is that the right thing to do even though you knew you were going to hit them (probably not)?
This is probably where I failed, I did not. Part of me expects for people to have the courtesy to offer. Being that they could not even acknowledge my friendly "hellos" I did not think I would get a warm reception from "can I play though"
I knew I would not hit them.

Like i said you know that, and I believe you. BUT that is not proper ediquette.

Did they deserve it? Yes

Even if they deserve it does that actually warrant the action? Not necessarily.

What would I have done? Skipped one hole to jump ahead and played extra slow.
Like i said you know that, and I believe you. BUT that is not proper ediquette.

Did they deserve it? Yes

Even if they deserve it does that actually warrant the action? Not necessarily.

What would I have done? Skipped one hole to jump ahead and played extra slow.

Good Point, two wrongs dont make a right, but playing slow would partially be a wrong too... its a slippery slope to climb indeed.
Also, I should not be punished by being forced to skip a hole based on anothers douchebaggery.

Even if they had acknoledged that I was a guy that liked to thorw frisbees in the forest I might not have thrown on them.
^ True, I work where I play so Im more passive aggresive on my home course, hence the skip a hole and play slow. I can't afford getting into a pissing match and having them comeback and mess up my shop/course.

Other times i skip a hole is when i can't seem to catch the group on the teepad before they tee-off.

Your right though you shouldn't have to skip and hole and they should've let you play through.
This is probably where I failed, I did not. Part of me expects for people to have the courtesy to offer. Being that they could not even acknowledge my friendly "hellos" I did not think I would get a warm reception from "can I play though"

Nah, **** them. You shouldn't have to ask to play through. You did good stiggy. :thmbup:
GOD DAMMIT that pisses me off! I play lone wolf all the time and I EXPECT groups of 3 or more to let me play through without me asking. Really, I have asked, by giving them "the look" and being by myself. It is unspoken but completely understood.

Actually, around here the noobs are getting really good at letting me play through. It is the 3-4 year "AM1" crowd that are jerks about it. Like I would disrupt their chi on their rec round or something.
It only takes a couple seconds to ask "Hey would you mind if I play through?" and if no is the answer only a couple more seconds to skip to the next hole.
My friends and I are pretty diligent about keeping an eye out ahead and behind us. If we see a loner gaining, we'll actually stall at a tee to let him catch, drive the hole with him and let him finish first and go on. Other than loners, few groups ever catch us.
For when the 6 player/1-disc DBs won't let us pass[even when we ask], most of the time this happens at Pier Park. There are easy skips from 4>7, 6>9, 9>12, 12>15, some of which can be picked up later on the course, or 3-4 is easy to pick up on the walk back to #1 to complete 18 holes.
I bet if you just walked up and started talking and following them from hole to hole like the cable guy that they would be more than happy to let you(and your group of 10) play through.:)
I would have told the woman that the adults were having a conversation, not to interrupt, and then asked the guys to play through. Or just skipped to the next hole. They showed some pretty anti-social attitudes, so, I wouldn't waste my time on them.
I come to the realization that some people just need to be taught tough lessons sometimes. It's the only way people will get "it". So beaning one of them would have been the best thing to do, maybe they'd learn then.
You should not have had to ask to play through. However, the lack of thier etiquette does not entitle you to throw into them, especially multiple times. As the old saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. Both were wrong in different ways, difficult to tell who was in the wrong the most.
If we see a loner gaining, we'll actually stall at a tee to let him catch, drive the hole with him and let him finish first and go on.

This is what we do as well. On the flip side if someone throws in on my group then they get an instant earful and there is zero chance we will extend the invitation to play through. 98% of the time I am very friendly and courteous. I like to chat up any other golfers around. But throwing in on me and that all goes out the window.

To the OP: I am curious to know if you threw on them (accidently or otherwise) before you got to that first tee with them. The fact that you were already there before a threesome finished teeing off makes me think you did. If that is the case then justice was served by making you wait.
They have no obligation to offer a playthrough, especially if you didn't ask. Maybe they don't even know about playing through. It may be an unpopular opinion, but I think your behavior was completely unacceptable. Throwing into them, even if you knew they were safe, is a far worse breach of etiquette than making a singleton cool his heels a little bit.