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First Diamond Trusted Reviewer!

Folks, lets face a difficult truth... DGCR is dying. I'm at the level of Acceptance, the last of the 5 classic stages of grief.

I don't think DGCR is dying... I've seen plenty of places contract and some die since the internet of the 90s. It's just isn't as prominent as it once was, being supplanted by Udisc and Reddit. But then, the DG community is so much larger now than the 00s or whenever this place started.

And it definitely has a place. If I were to drive anywhere, especially on a road trip, I'd 111% check DGCR to finalize where I go. Let's face it, uDisc reviews suck, other than en masse quantity having a quality of its own. Home Course bias is huge there, it's like a mother writing up a critique of a play her kids are in, 5 stars, broadway quality, G-R-E-A-T! ! ! Udisc is a great app, but not for the reviews and the ratings are on too much a curve to be really useful other than filtering out the worst.

I also tried to write reviews for it, but you really need to get it down to 3 sentences, max, and there isn't much in a way to build a profile or following, so it feels pointless to even do that much. Now that courses have local bosses gatekeeping changes, it's often even worse. My one local course, the guy in charge auto-deletes any negative status like "soggy" even if right after rain and can be expected to remain as such for a month. Can't think that case is too isolated right now.

Udisc is the Google reviews of Disc Golf while DGCR place is more like Yelp. If you're just cruising around town, you're gonna use google reviews just to find a place and if it's not the greatest, oh well whatever. If you're driving 3+hrs or on a trip cross country someplace or with your wife on a 10th anniversary dinner, you're gonna get on Yelp to find narrow down something really special.
As the most recent Diamond Trusted Reviewer – until today – I'd like to welcome KenanFlagler01 as the newest member of the DIAMOND TR Club! Congrats and thanks for all the great reviews, Nathan!

Also, congrats to ChainedEvil for taking over as president of the Cubic Zirconia cult, uh, I mean, club. :)
Welp, this is an awesome surprise. I've had a lot going on in my life the last year and have put away my discs and my course reviews. To log back in today for the first time in over a year to find out I made Diamond truly makes my day. Thanks, everyone! This is the encouragement I needed to pick up my discs again.
Upvotes are holding steady this year?

I felt like my reviews were getting fewer votes on average this year. But it turns out not to be the case.

2018 - 2023: 4,248 upvotes on 375 reviews = 11.3 average

2024: 259 upvotes on 23 reviews = 11.3 average

I get >25 votes on the most popular (or notorious) courses, and I get <10 on a fair amount (the category that seems to get the least votes for me is school courses).

And I may actually do better on the 2024 ones, as they garner more in the future.

So overall: things are holding steady?
Upvotes are holding steady this year?

I felt like my reviews were getting fewer votes on average this year. But it turns out not to be the case.

2018 - 2023: 4,248 upvotes on 375 reviews = 11.3 average

2024: 259 upvotes on 23 reviews = 11.3 average

I get >25 votes on the most popular (or notorious) courses, and I get <10 on a fair amount (the category that seems to get the least votes for me is school courses).

And I may actually do better on the 2024 ones, as they garner more in the future.

So overall: things are holding steady?
It's down slightly over the past 2-3 months. That could be as simple as a couple of regulars have disappeared recently. I could always count on a vote from Juan in the past. Plus, reviews are getting pushed off the front page faster these days.
Plus, reviews are getting pushed off the front page faster these days.
Copy this. Getting a lot of people dumping 4-6 reviews at once rather than spacing them out. Not optimal if they're seeking upvotes.
Pro tip: write your reviews in Word as quickly as you like, but only paste the next one as soon as you see your last one pushed off the front page.
...but then again, some of these prolific reviewers might never get them all published that way!
Pro tip: write your reviews in Word as quickly as you like, but only paste the next one as soon as you see your last one pushed off the front page.
...but then again, some of these prolific reviewers might never get them all published that way!
Yessir that's how I've gotten myself to 24th on the site in vote score.
Yeah, the new front page layout pushes new ones out too soon. Yes, I know you can see them all and scroll to your heart's content by clicking "more", but capping the Recent at 10 usually results in a quick goodbye.

I wonder if new reviewers (the lifeblood of this site) get discouraged when they're crowded off the main page in a day or less.
Yeah, the new front page layout pushes new ones out too soon. Yes, I know you can see them all and scroll to your heart's content by clicking "more", but capping the Recent at 10 usually results in a quick goodbye.

I wonder if new reviewers (the lifeblood of this site) get discouraged when they're crowded off the main page in a day or less.
I'd like to see something where an individual can only have 1, or 2, of his or her reviews on the front page at once. You dump 6 at once? Well, you just pushed 4 or 5 of your own reviews off the front page, not 4 or 5 reviews from other people.
I'd like to see something where an individual can only have 1, or 2, of his or her reviews on the front page at once. You dump 6 at once? Well, you just pushed 4 or 5 of your own reviews off the front page, not 4 or 5 reviews from other people.
Attn @greens
Yeah, the new front page layout pushes new ones out too soon. Yes, I know you can see them all and scroll to your heart's content by clicking "more", but capping the Recent at 10 usually results in a quick goodbye.
Just a reminder that the old site was only 11 on the front page.
Haha, reminder that 10 is about the same as 11 for those talking now. I already pulled your teeth to get 10 😜
So we want people to write less reviews now?

No Problem Reaction GIF
Yeah - respectfully, my $0.02 is that the format with the most recent ten reviews is fine. I think if wolf or PG or sillybizz wants to crank out ten reviews in an evening, so be it. Makes the site look more active.
Yeah - respectfully, my $0.02 is that the format with the most recent ten reviews is fine. I think if wolf or PG or sillybizz wants to crank out ten reviews in an evening, so be it. Makes the site look more active.
Just give a warning lol.
Reviewer = X
Review = Y

Count X of the last 50 reviews, and assign a timestamp delta.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Function to check if a review can be displayed
def can_display_review(reviews, current_review):
    # Get the timestamp 36 hours ago from now
    cutoff_time = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=36)
    # Count occurrences of the current review in the last 36 hours
    count = sum(1 for review in reviews
                if review['review_id'] == current_review['review_id']
                and review['timestamp'] >= cutoff_time)
    # Return True if the count is less than 2, otherwise False
    return count < 2

# Example usage
reviews = [
    {'review_id': 1, 'timestamp': datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=10)},
    {'review_id': 1, 'timestamp': datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=20)},
    {'review_id': 1, 'timestamp': datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=40)},
    {'review_id': 2, 'timestamp': datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=5)},

current_review = {'review_id': 1, 'timestamp': datetime.now()}

# Check if the current review can be displayed
if can_display_review(reviews, current_review):
    print("Display the review")
    print("Do not display the review")

Anyway, I have a few ideas on how to show a few people without stifling when someone goes on a spree.