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Grossest stuff seen on a disc golf course

Sep 7, 2007
20 years of Disc Golf Thought I'd seen it all,Well I play Berkeley Aquatic Park and Today took the Cake! :( Have you ever Seen a Basket Dipped in POOP!@#$%hole #15 was covered and I mean covered in human fecal matter :?:
Talk about Gross :!: Almost putted into it :shock: good thing I noticed.
With the old pitted chains, I don't think they'll ever clean it properly :?

What the Hell is wrong with some people?

I've also seen used condoms. Saw one in the fairway of our 9th hole, then saw one when I got out of my car in the parking lot. I'm assuming they're used because I didn't venture close enough to know for sure. Please trust me on this.

Since this is a thread about gross things... our course is along a bike path and I saw a squirrel run out and get caught up in the spokes of a bicycle. I guess his neck was broken because he writhed around for about a minute, then finally died. My friends and I were pretty upset about having to watch the poor thing die. I ride the bike path and let me tell you... squirrels run the wrong way, lizards run the right way. Conclusion, lizards are smarter than squirrels.
2 homeless people having sex, right there in the fairway. It wasn't pretty...shudder....

That poop one is pretty bad.
I guess that most disc courses are in parks and area where home-less gather... ergo our disc golf course. I saw two people getting-it-on (so to speak) on our 10th hole one day. It was at least 102 degrees in temperature (hot) and there were two people in close embrase on our 10th hole. This is out in the stix mind you. They were in a depression in the worst conditions imanginable. They were 'hot' for each other!
I've only seen a homeless guy once, but he got run off by the police because he was bothering people and laying 5 feet behind the basket. The grossest thing I've seen is the pond after a hot summer, nice and green and smells like sewage.
I found some mayonaise jars full of piss and poo. I also came up to a basket with some condoms hanging from it.

At the course I gre up on these is a huse sewage pond right next to hole one. Well, of course, someone shanks one in there and they go to get it because its only about 2 or 3 ft in.
1) Sedgley Woods (Fairmont Park), Philadelphia, PA - Enough said!
2) Saw a couple at South Mountain, Bethlehem, PA one afternoon going at it hard. Dude has his chick bent over and huggin a tree and he was just going to town on her. We got to within about 10 feet of them which is where #18 tee was and they finally saw us and stopped, pulled up pants and started off. we threw and were on our way and right behind us was a guy and 3 kids!
3) Worst thing I saw was in Pittsburgh at Schnley Park - my friend and I were approaching a hole and as we walked towards the tee box there was a guy sitting on a bench and a girl kneeling on the ground between his legs. She is giving him some head and she stopped as we approached and as she stood up, she took a belt off her arm! So basically we walked up on a pair of junkies, with one most likely hooking the other in exchange for head. (of so we assumed) We quickly drove the hole and moved along despite their attempts at small talk!
4) I was told by a fellow player that they they upon #8 at Hickory Run in White Haven, PA and there were people that had lined the basket with tin foil, had charcoal in there and were going to cook some chicken by hanging it in the chains....

none of these compares to a poo covered basket though!
This wasn't really gross, but the dumbest thing I ever saw, was at my home course, some dumb ass, found an old tire on a rim, and stuck it in the basket on #4. Some people. :roll:
Worst I've ever seen is just the run of the mill used condoms, tampon applicators, and underwear. Worst I've heard about though are things at Highbridge out in Spokane. It's in a park where there was a problem with a lot of gay cruisers. One of the horror stories that I heard from one of the locals was that shortly after the course was installed, when walking to one of the holes, they saw a large "marital aid" sitting on the ground. It was supposed to be white...but wasn't anymore. Pretty gross...I don't know if it can compete with the brown basket though. Maybe Parks has more stories about Highbridge?
hallertau2000 said:
Have you ever Seen a Basket Dipped in POOP!@#$%hole #15 was covered and I mean covered in human fecal matter :?:
I'm not sure if I want to know, but how do you know it was human? ;)
On the homeless topic...We had a homeless couple camped at one of our nicer parks all summer long the summer before last. This is one of the nicest/most used parks in town. They slept under a tree between the basket of hole 6 and the tee of hole 7. They were often snoozing when I played at lunch time. One lunch hour I saw the homeless guy running after some kids on bikes - the kids had apparently been going through his stuff while he was away. He was back at his camp as I walked from 6 to 7. He asked if he could use my phone and I let him (dumb in retrospect). He started to dial and his girlfriend said "who are you calling?". He answered "The cops.". She said "are you sure?" He hung up and handed the phone back to me. They were always pretty freindly to me the rest of the summer - when they were awake.
ericdmb said:
1) Sedgley Woods (Fairmont Park), Philadelphia, PA - Enough said!

Fritz said:
2 homeless people having sex, right there in the fairway. It wasn't pretty...shudder....

That poop one is pretty bad.

Was that at Paco? I could totally see that happening there. I've seen a bunch of used condoms around that course.
Pacos. What a great place to put our "Pro" level course in Denver. I swear I saw a kid maybe 12-13 carrying a gun down there. Also, see the homeless going for a dip in the dirty little creek that runs through there. Although, my buddy in Kansas City has told me stories about Swope Park and the police finding dead people there. So I guess Pacos could be worse.
I have a buddy who is, shall we say, somewhat proactive when it comes dispensing karmic justice.

One day our party happened to be putting out on a basket next to a parking lot when a older woman pulls up in a mini van. She gets out with a midsized dog, also older, who proceeds to lay a steamer right next to the parking lot. She gives the dog a tug and walks off.

My buddy, who'd been venting for weeks about the quality and quantity of dog sh*t he's been playing around and thru, hung behind as we walked up to the next tee. Next thing he comes walking up to the tee with a big grin on his face. He'd taken one of his discs, scooped up the poop, and packed it under the door handle of the woman's van. He said he didn't think that dog was entirely healthy.

We were off in the woods at that point, and never got back to the parking lot, so I never saw the results, and yet, I can't get the image out of my head.

Perhaps the poop basket was a counterstrike by an irate dog owner. :wink:
Jaysus said:
ericdmb said:
1) Sedgley Woods (Fairmont Park), Philadelphia, PA - Enough said!


nothing but the truth.
crack whores, mounted police, condoms, hood rats, hoochie mamma's, not to mention it is in the ghetto!
the Friends try to keep the park as nice as they can and they do a fairly good job of doing so, but man, that place can be a bit much sometimes.
but come on a saturday for tags and there are 100 golfers all out having a blast, being kynd, sharing beers, just out to golf and have fun!

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