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Highbridge Hills - Wisconsin

And the bunkhouse at chestnut

LOL @ bunkhouse. That place is amazingly terrible. I really think everything inside it came off the street. I can just imagine John driving through Mellen like "Oh, hey, that end table would be perfect for the Bunkhouse". There were even home videos of some random family mixed in with the VHSs there - probably a box of them that some family was throwing away.

Are either of the BB cabins rebuilt yet? I thought someone on here said one of them was.
I was just there yesterday. Mixed it up this trip and didn't play Blueberry like I usually do. Gold and Granite. Fairly dry for early May. The usual weird junk lying about but as always the golf was fantastic.
Granite is in great shape right now, played er a few weeks ago. Some mushy spots but that's to be expected.
I'm only an hour north of you. Trust me, it's worth the drive. Also, LOTS of fun courses along the way.

Beware, Dire Wolfy. Stardoggy is trying to turn you into a course bagger. Let him! Especially if it's only an hour away. That's worth a hitchhike even if you don't have a car. Or bring some family along for the trip.

As for me, HH is on the short list of courses or course complexes I need to get to. Wisconsin's just a little out of the way. Isn't that where Nate Doss won worlds in 2007?
Granite is in great shape right now, played er a few weeks ago. Some mushy spots but that's to be expected.

But how was Bear? That's my main concern. I'm going to call him like a week out and ask if he can mow Bear. I feel like most people don't even play it when they go but it's the one I am looking forward to most, especially since it was in amazing shape last year.
I just got a note a few hours ago that Highbridge was closed today by the Ashland County Health and Human Services due to lack of building permits and piles of trash on the property. No further information from the ticked off players who traveled from Austin, MN to play and were turned away.
Uuuugh. Thanks for the info, Chuck.

I hope John gets it together enough to keep it open this summer. I want to get another trip in there this year.