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Ongoing In The Bag

I'm pretty darn sure the creature is the same mold as the lobster and the mana. I own a creature and I've felt a lobster. I didn't make the above chart. And I understand why the MVP folks wouldn't yell from the mountains to come get a cheap lobster. (Because they're licensing the molds out to other companies and would promise not to undercut folks that licensed them....)
Setting in for the season. Couple of areas that I need to make a decision on, or not.

Ions or Envies



Time Lapses
I just picked up my first SOF after throwing mainly MOLFs and was curious how your Volts compare. Just slower or are they more overstable too? Only a few throws in but my SOF seems less stable (it's pretty fresh) than my other OLFs.
I just picked up my first SOF after throwing mainly MOLFs and was curious how your Volts compare. Just slower or are they more overstable too? Only a few throws in but my SOF seems less stable (it's pretty fresh) than my other OLFs.
For me a fresh Volt has more HSS. Volts are also a little better in the wind and better on a FH. OLFs shape lines and Volts hold lines.
Played in the monthly of our neighbor club. Thought I had signed up for the AM group but ended up in Open. Feist or famine type of round. Threw some very good shots and was pin high or parked on some holes that I have not gotten before. Threw OB on the same hole twice and only lost 1 stroke. Had a couple early tree kicks that ended up costing me bogies that took me out. Finished top 10 in open, which was nice. Would have been 2nd in AM. Good confidence building round before my first sanctioned tournament of the year.

Putted fairly well. Only had 2 or 3 putts that I felt I should have gotten, but overall, much better. Didn't throw the Envy at all as I was testing the Ions. Sailed a few approach shots that I would have parked with a Berg so it will probably go back in for the tournament. I think if I add a Berg, I will go with Envies for driving putters, but really like the touch I get with the Ions. Bobcat continues to work out for FH drives that are longer/ straighter than a Zone allows. Picked up a thrashed PP Neutron Volt that flies like a well-seasoned 1.1 SOF and threw it all over the place, parking a hole both rounds that I have not gotten before. Parked a 400' turnover with a Wave that I have not gotten and an almost 400' uphill drive with the Time Lapse. Parked a couple holes from alt tee locations that I don't really practice with Craves. Felt good to get out and play fairly well. Clean up a few tee shots and I would have been top 3 for sure.

Bullets: Royal Soft/ Nocturnal
Ions: Proton Soft/ Proton
Zones: Putter Line/ OG GLO

Mustangs: Royal/ Eternal/ Nocturnal
Bobcats: Eternal

Craves: Proton
Volts: Neutron
Phoenixes: Eternal/ Nocturnal

Waves: Neutron
Time Lapses: Neutron
Played in my club's monthly on Saturday. Shorts and then the blue layout, which I had never played before, at Bayville Park. Steady 10-15 mph wind with gusts over 25 for the first round and then died down some for the second. Played ok first round and was 2 off the lead. Happy with how I played second round except for 3 holes in a row. Missed my line and a Wave got taken by the wind and took a bogey, which wasn't terrible. Hit another early tree and left my upshot outside circle into a headwind, which ended with another bogey. Hit early again and got taken by the wind OB and left with a long, obstructed upshot. Did not execute and took a 6. I was in or tied for the lead going into those holes and they took me out of cash and into 5th. Oh well.

First sanctioned round this weekend. Played the same tournament last year and it rained both rounds. Weather looks better this year and hope to finish well. Have to score first round then manage the course for the second. Going out of town middle of the week for work but going to get in some putting reps when I can.

Caved and picked up a couple of Pixels. Was too windy over the weekend to try a new putter, but I like the shape and they feel nice. Probably not going to mess with them too much until after the tournament. Threw Craves and Volts all over the place last weekend with really good success. Want to find a lighter weight Crave which would hopefully be a little less stable. The Berg is 100% going back in the bag. I have tried not to bag it this offseason but not having it cost me strokes and it is truly a safety net for my approach game. Excited to play sanctioned rounds and for tournament season to start up.




First sanctioned tournament of the year is on the books. Played ok. Really feel like I have 4 "bad" holes between both rounds. Finished t10th. Struggled to score round 1 on what should have been the easier layout. Played smarter round 2 on the longs and was able to jump 10 spots. Went almost 1 for 1 on bogeys and birdies, taking out any chance to score well and was out of position more than I would have liked.

My putting kept me from truly having a bad tournament. Had been toying with Pixels since they came out and had been putting well with them. They putted very well when I was warming up so decided to run with them. Sunk a couple of outside the circle putts and was all over the basket for most others. C1x percentage was much higher than it has been and kept me from losing strokes for sure. If I did my job and got them on the right lines, they were going in. First time I have felt confident putting in a long time. Threw Waves extremely well but did have 1 tee shot that flipped more than I would have liked and cost me a stroke. Time Lapse shots did not feel great. Threw safe shots and they didn't cost me anything, but they did not do anything "special." I still feel that once I get one nice and broken in, they will come alive. Did not throw my Mustangs particularly well, which was a little odd.

Pixel has kicked out the Bullets. Putting with medium Electrons now and will likely switch to firms once it gets hot. I really hope MVP releases a premium plastic version of the Pixel for throwing. Added a fresh soft Electron Envy that paid for itself over the weekend. Volts and Waves were the star for drivers. Probably going to add an Eclipse Wave to better bridge the gap with my DD molds and try and find a lighter Crave that should flip easier. Have about a month and a half before next sanctioned tournament so plenty of time to fine tune and continue to work with what I have.




Time Lapses
First nice weather of the year where I wasn't stuck at work. 70+ degrees and virtually no wind. Got out to Bayville as it is usually dry and we have had some rain. Course was busy, as it usually is, and decided to play the shorts. Put up my best rounds in months, a -10 showing and a -9. Felt really good to score. UDisc rated 242 and 235.

Pixels have been doing work. Have tried to practice putting as much as I can and I feel more confident. Making most 20-25 foot putts and 60/40 on longer attempts. I have found a small park close to work that I have set a goal to get to 2 or 3 times a week. Once the days get longer I will be able to practice putt after work but for now it's just on lunch break. Have a lighter weight Pixel I have been throwing and after beating the new off of it the flight is just dead straight. Putting confidence it at an all time high.

Local PIAS restocked MVP/ Axiom and found a couple of instant adds to the bag. I had been wanting to try out a Glitch and they had a few to choose from. Settled on a 151g. Threw it as a second shot over the weekend and if I was playing a 1 disc round with it I would have been -5 easy. Threw Polecats years ago so I have a little history with lid type discs. I think the Glitch will be a good tool for form and fun for quick 1 discs rounds. The glide is unreal. They also had a nice Neutron Crave that is already less stable than the Protons I bag. Shuffled thru the used bin and found a nicely seasoned Eclipse Reactor. Grabbed a new one to pair with it and threw them all over the place. My seasoned Eternal Mustang is a little less stable than the seasoned Eclipse and the fresh Reactor is a little less stable than an Eternal Bobcat. I think I am going to shelf the Bobcat unless it is windy or I am at a course that requires lots of FH mid shots. More testing required on that but so far I do like the Reactors. Added a Eclipse Wave and it is exactly what I wanted it to be. Surprising stability for a Wave but still really good glide.




Time Lapses
Bag continues to move along.

Pixels are still putting well and have been a really good add. Leaning towards dropping the Envies. I have tried them a couple of times and never really clicked for whatever reason. Need to drop in a fresh Zone. Reactor is out. I had issues with trusting it to be OS, esp on forehands. Bobcat is just more reliable for me. Strongly considering dropping the Mustangs and go back to MD1s and Craves and going back to FD1s. Time Lapses might be coming out and going back to Destroyers or DD3s. I feel I don't get the carry with the Time Lapse as I do with the Destroyer/ DD3. Waves aren't going anywhere any time soon.

The company I work for is based in Fuquay-Varina, NC. Played Jones Park while in town and just wow. Such a nice park and course. The grass had just been cut, great signage, and I didn't see a piece of trash anywhere in the park. Excellent use of space. Well done and I will be trying to hit that course whenever I am in town.

Next tournament coming up in 3 weeks. Back to back B tiers in one weekend that come together to be a larger tournament. Was a lot of fun last year and looking forward to it this year.
The company I work for is based in Fuquay-Varina, NC. Played Jones Park while in town and just wow. Such a nice park and course. The grass had just been cut, great signage, and I didn't see a piece of trash anywhere in the park. Excellent use of space. Well done and I will be trying to hit that course whenever I am in town.
They're cleaning it up for the Selinske Masters this year. Also if you want to try the other Selinske courses Middle Creek isn't too far. Diavolo is in West Cary, Cedar Hills is north Raleigh (bit of a drive), and I don't remember the 5th course.
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I feel ya with the Envies. It's a great mold but for whatever reason I just couldn't get the hang of it.
If anything is consistent in my bag it's that things will change.

Played one of my best all time rounds at leagues last night. 269 Udisc rating. Unfortunately, it was not a PDGA rated round. Put up -11 on a layout that I am happy with -3 to -5. Putted lights out and only really feel like I missed 1 hole. Made the expected changes to the bag and they covered exactly what I wanted. I am going to keep pushing the putting practice as I am seeing results.

Envy is out. Still not 100% on what I am going to replace it with. Maybe a Bullet of some kind. Profit covers the slightly more OS side of what I think I want but I like the way they feel. Might bag both and see which settles.

I was never really getting that slow right to left drift with the Mustang. Dropped MD1s back in and they just do what I want. Bagging my well seasoned Mindbender and a fresh 15 year. FD1 is back and got me birdies. Seasoned Skywalker and fresh 1st run C Line. Phoenix are really good but a tad bit too OS for what I want. Bagged my seasoned CG FD3 and a fresh C Line and they are a great 1 - 2 punch. Dropped the Time Lapse for my old Destroyers and they get me the carry I felt I was missing with the reliable finish. Happy, for now, where the bag is at and can't wait to get out and throw more.




I did a thing.

Won my first tournament Saturday. B tier on a course that I had only ever played once the week before. Second round was a layout I had never even seen the tees for. Shot 70 points above my rating first round and 30 points above on the second round. Longer course with lots of elevation for our local area and solid wind for both rounds. Went into the second round tied for 1st and never lost the lead. MA2 but still nice to get my first win.

Primarily threw mids and fairways. Bullets, Craves and my color glow FD3 were the stars of the show off the tee but Mustangs and Bobcats did work as well. Made some solid putts. Really just tried to push where I could and play smart and not take numbers everywhere else. Stuck to my gameplan and it worked.





Destroyers/ DD3
Got a new course in while out of town for work. Zebulon DGC in Zebulon, NC. Good little course that has some woods and some open holes with a solid mix of distances. Would play again. Got in another round at what is quickly becoming one of my favorite courses: Jones Park in Holly Springs, NC. Work trips for training are no fun but it is nice that that course is about 15 minutes from my corporate offices and 5 minutes from where I usually get a hotel.

Dropped the cart and working in a somewhat more basic bag. Still trying to see if I can move on from my old Discmania. Picked up a neutron Wrath that was doing most of what my CG FD3 does and can cover OS FD3 stuff with Phoenix. Had picked up an Apex swirl Mustang and after almost losing it twice it was finally lost and still somewhere in Carolina. That is the second one that I have lost after bagging for 1 or 2 rounds. Did throw a beautiful FH turnover on a downhill 300' shot. Back in goes my trusty Eternal. Picked up a couple of Zone GTs with my tourney winnings and gave one a try while out of town. Pretty much the same as any other ESP Zone, which wasn't surprising. My first putter line Zone is finally getting beat in to the point that it barely wants to fade back on FH shots. Messing around with the new Eclipse Craves and they are surprisingly straight. Much more neutral than my PP Protons. So far the Pitch is working out to be more OS vs the Glitch I was throwing. I also prefer the feel of the Pitch and look forward to it coming out in regular production.

Pixel x2
Nocturnal Bullet
Eclipse Pitch
Well Seasoned Putter Line Zone

Apex Swirl Mustang(lost)
Royal Bobcat

Eclipse Crave x2 167g & 173g
Neutron Wrath

Neutron x2 and Eclipse Waves
Played a rated league round and shot right at my rating with the cut down bag. Struggled a couple of times getting off the tee on the layout we played, which happens. Missed a couple circle's edge+ putts that would have been nice to get but didn't miss any putts I should have made.

I did miss the OS 9 speed and will be dropping the Phoenix back in for sure. I missed the Berg and blew by a couple of approach shots that would have worked better if I had it in the bag. Eclipse Wave is just not quite OS enough to cover the Destroyer/ beefy DD3 slot, especially on flex lines. Looking at the Defy/ Photon as a complement to the Wave. Enjoying the slimmer hand feel that the MVP 11 speeds offer. Wrath is a sold driver. Would like to try one in lighter weight so see if it can get a little more push. Have been having some consistency issues throwing the Pitch. I feel like it is angle control. Sometimes it files surprisingly stable and others it flips. Need to play some 1 disc rounds and get it dialed back in because I was throwing it very well during my last tournament.



Picked up a Tempo locally from the OTB drop. Also ordered 2 online as well as a couple Eclipse Servos and a Glitch from the drop. Hoping the Servos will be a Crave OS so to speak. Was able to get out to a pitch and putt with the Tempo and I'm happy with it so far. After seeing the chatter about the Tempo I expected it to be less stable than it was flying for me. Held FH shots well and didn't flip. I'd put it between a base plastic and premium plastic Zone. Look forward to getting it out on an actual course this weekend.

Have picked up a couple of Defies and Wraths. Wrath is just a little faster and has better carry for me vs the Volts and has a reliable fade on FH lines. Defy is shaping up to be a good compliment to the Wave and have more of a dump fade vs the Eclipse Wave that likes to push forward when it fades. Shaping up to be a good match with the Wave, no surprise there, but I need to throw them in some wind to make sure they will work out and be reliable.

Have gotten my brother-in-law into the game and he is hooked big time. Hooked him up with some molds and my old Grip A series. He is already playing multiple times a week and progressing nicely. So much fun to watch someone find the game and really enjoy having someone who is super enthusiastic about getting out and playing.




Tempo is working out nicely. I am kind of missing my beat putter line Zone but can make the shot work with the Berg. Have been floating a Profit in and out of the bag for a more OS compliment to the Nocturnal Bullet I have been throwing. I get a more reliable finish with the Profit that sometimes I am not getting with the Bullet. Don't really feel I need both but I have had room in the bag and don't have shot selection issues as they are serving different purposes. I probably bag too many putters but I love throwing them.

Eclipse Servo is not as stable as I had hoped but it does have more finish than a Crave. Similar HSS. Plan on keeping it around for now to continue testing it out. I can see the Servo being nice on wooded courses for shot shaping but I'm already invested in Craves so who knows. Defy is working well as a compliment to the Wave that will have a more reliable finish. Demoing the Mayhem for max distance and it is working as a faster Wave. Getting solid distance but I feel I throw the Wave more consistent.

About a month out from my next tournament so primarily working on putting practice and not throwing a ton of distance drivers unless I'm doing field work. Working on beating in a Royal Bobcat and looks like another run of Nocturnals is coming soon. Bobcat has been a really nice mold to add to the bag.
Very meh league round to start the second phase of the year. Finished 3rd. Was in the lead coming down to the last 3 holes. Dinked my upshot on the second to last hole and took a bogey. Struggled to get off the tee and was unlucky with the trees. Shots that didn't hit trees early went great but they were too few. Scoring is inconsistent, which is keeping me from wanting to move up to MA1. I'm just as likely to play 975 golf as 875. Upshots saved me and with one exception they were on point. Our leagues was completely full for the first time, which was nice to see, but makes for slow golf. Putts were falling ok and don't feel like I really missed more than one I should have made.




Another meh weekly league. Still struggling to get clean off the tee. Threw well and with power just found a tree early on most holes. Scrambled on most holes and finished middle of the pack. Got a couple holes that I normally do not get birdies on so that was not but not enough. Was all over the basket c1x but couldn't get them to stick. Really enjoying throwing the Defy but don't always get enough finish. Might try and find a Proton Defy and see if that will give me more fade on the end.




B Tier this weekend. Have been working the MVP stuff and trying to make it work but Some things are going to get swapped around.

The Defy is a solid mold. I like the HSS but feel the LSS just isn't there for what I want in the slot. With the mold being a little slower than a typical 12 speed I also don't feel it gets the ground play when I'd expect it to skip. Dropped in my old Star Destroyers and they just work. Guess that's why every open bag pro is throwing them. Bagging a seasoned 162g Ricky, fresh heavy Ricky, seasoned S/DS, and '21 Calvin Halo for beef. The light weight Ricky flat bombs. Keeping Waves in the bag because they will hold a turn better and the combo has been working well.

Having been trying to run without an OS utility for a while to see if I really needed it. Put an older pearly Champ Firebird back in the bag and it is going to stay for now. Dropped in my well seasoned Sexton to complement it and they are a really good pairing. Sexton FB is still a tick more OS than the Wrath and feel I can cover most control driver needs with those 2 molds. Craves still holding down my fairway line shaping role and don't see them going anywhere.

Mustang is a solid mold. If it was not for the compliment of Bobcats that I have I could easily just throw Mustangs. I have yet to get a 'stang to the truly neutral point yet and feel like I have overlap with it and my well seasoned Bobcat. Slotting back in my old reliable Mind Bender and it is exactly what I was missing.

Tempo is going out, for now. I have really been missing my 2 year seasoned putter line Zone. I have thrown it for so long and it has seasoned into a great FH approach/ driving disc. The Tempo is also just not quite as OS as I would like it to be. Love the way they feel and once I get one worked in for about a year I don't think I will miss my beat up Zone as much. Going to keep working on it later this year but for now I don't want to miss strokes that I feel I could get with that Zone.

Dropping in a fresh pair of Pixels. Bagging firms for now since the weather has been heating up. The regular electrons were getting a little softer than I would like for the summer months. Once the weather cools off again they will be going back for sure but the fresh set has been a good addition.

Nocturnal Bullet



Another meh tournament round. Threw Destroyers, Firebirds, and Bobcats extremely well. Too many pars and didn't stay clean enough. Did score on a handful of holes but too many bogies took me out. Finished 5th and played about 10 points under my rating. The chance to win was there but could not close it out. Tried to play more aggressive than my original gameplan for the second round and it didn't work out. Cards were great both rounds. There was some wind so slotted in PDs, which I never threw, and dropped out the Waves.



