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super sekret teqniques

zj1002 said:
The point is don't wait on someone to tell u what to do. Figure it out and don't be lazy.

That is good advice for someone who can grasp the concepts, but isnt trying to apply them.

I believe the reason everyone here wants to know is that its a whole new way to understand all the concepts but brought under one roof, versus having to go learn this, then go learn that, then practice this, then practice that, etc etc etc. I wouldnt say that makes anyone wanting to know this lazy, but that is kind of the point when someone develops a different way to do something, isn't it? In every modern convenience that we have, it was a select few that paved the way to make things easier for everyone else. This is all Blake is trying to do: Make the game a little more accessible and easy to pick up for more people.

Integration is the key to simplification.
zj1002 said:
The point is don't wait on someone to tell u what to do. Figure it out and don't be lazy. I am not addressing anyone in particular, just the idea that everyone expects handouts. I don't doubt the technique works, but anyone sport takes work to reach the next level
I've been playing for four years. I've spent countless hours in the field trying to learn. I still barely throw over 300. It is frustrating. But now that I know the problem is that I'm lazy I feel much better. Thanks for the help.

i've done enough lesson work with players though to know that certain methods work for certain people but not well for others. those who have a big sports background, are athletic, and tend to "figure things out" easily are quite likely to have a breakthrough if they just keep plugging away.

for a large chunk of players, especially those with lots of "noise" in their throw, numerous reps will often establish muscle memory for bad habits (or cement them if they are already ingrained). a lot of it is a balance... choosing little things to work on and giving sufficient drill-time to improve upon those things.

I'm not the guy that tends to "figure things out".

Being lazy is one thing, but practicing the wrong thing is another. So, its not waiting on a handout its waiting on a much more experienced person(Blake) to help me establish good habits.
zj1002 said:
The point is don't wait on someone to tell u what to do. Figure it out and don't be lazy. I am not addressing anyone in particular, just the idea that everyone expects handouts. I don't doubt the technique works, but anyone sport takes work to reach the next level

I have been playing disc golf for about 3 months. When i started I was thrilled when I threw 250 feet. Then i found this site. Using techniques, drills, and ideas from this site, and just a ton of practice time, I threw over 400 feet today. If I can take Blake's advice on what and how to practice, and ideas to think about while practicing, I wouldnt consider that lazy. I would consider that practicing smart, and listening to a "coach." Its kind of like telling a high school pitcher to just 'quit being lazy' and keep practicing by himself and he can throw a 100 mph fastball one day. While in VERY rare cases that might be true, it is usually necessary for a coach to give tips, fix techniques, and provide the necessary ideas and theories to get to the 100 mph fastball. I dont think Blake's super sekret teqnique is going to just make a person instantly gain 50 feet upon hearing the words. Whomever uses the teqniques is going to have to work on it to get that extra D.

Thank you Blake and others for helping me build my technique to where it is, and to where it will be in the future.
From what I gather from all this conversation, zj was just saying that all the techniques and tips that Blake is going to reveal in a few days is buried and is easily accesible if one looks through some threads in the technique section. Bradley Walker has even chimed in on how he has said most of the stuff that Blake is hinting at.
Pat said:
From what I gather from all this conversation, zj was just saying that all the techniques and tips that Blake is going to reveal in a few days is buried and is easily accesible if one looks through some threads in the technique section. Bradley Walker has even chimed in on how he has said most of the stuff that Blake is hinting at.
Thank you for explaining that no new information is available and that everything is already "easily available". There's a technique section? Someone should post a sticky about it. :roll:

My point isn't that people that anyone should expect miracles, it's that everyone learns in different ways. Claiming that a particular teaching method is unnecessary is or redundant is, well, arrogant.
Ive been a professional poker player for 4 years and in poker as information became better organized and compiled there was a *massive* increase in the number of very talented players. In general it seems like people on DGR are a pretty motivated group so I wouldnt be surprised if this was able to get some "magical" results for a large group of people.

Another thing I noticed in poker was as people became more articulate about their strategies there was also a rapid advancement of talent at the higher echelons as well. Not saying any of this is going to happen but it would be nice!
Pat said:
From what I gather from all this conversation, zj was just saying that all the techniques and tips that Blake is going to reveal in a few days is buried and is easily accesible if one looks through some threads in the technique section. Bradley Walker has even chimed in on how he has said most of the stuff that Blake is hinting at.
Thank you. Finally someone gets it.
those that are looking for technique tidbits, continue to check back for Blake, those not, move on to other choice threads, seems like a good technique for navigating DGR
zj1002 said:
Pat said:
From what I gather from all this conversation, zj was just saying that all the techniques and tips that Blake is going to reveal in a few days is buried and is easily accesible if one looks through some threads in the technique section. Bradley Walker has even chimed in on how he has said most of the stuff that Blake is hinting at.
Thank you. Finally someone gets it.

CONGRATS! Someone else missed the point of this thread entirely too! Either that, or they were stating the obvious that yes, all the techniques that Blake is working with are here on the forums. But wait! Does anyone other than Blake now in its entirety these super sekret teqniques (SSTs)?

That would be a negatory. Blake is STILL working on the SSTs, hence the delay in information son.

Son, why are you making this so complicated? We all get that your Fail Boat has sailed on understanding the basis of what this thread is about yet you continually try to thread jack this and make it about you thinking we dont get what you are saying.

So let me be the first to reiterate to you: We get that YOU do NOT understand what this thread is about. It is about Blake taking all these techniques and regurgitating the information back at us, but in a nice, neat little package.

But, on the off chance that you didnt understand that, let me put it in a little different light.

I want you to bake me a cake. I want it to be chocolate, but i want you to use french techniques, so surprise me. How To's for the French Techniques are listed all over the internet. And i want strawberries, and bananas, but i want you to do something with waterbaths, dry ice, and liquid nitrogen too. But hey, i dont have a recipe, so you figure it out yourself.

If i sent you off to do that, that cake might come out okay, it might come out great, or it could just plain ole` suck. And yes, you could bake and rebake and bake again, trying different techniques in different order and maybe stumble upon it or get very close. People do that here everyday.

Now, if i gave you a recipe, and showed the techniques i want you to you, and what order to put in the ingredients, and how to do all the little steps, then the cake will turn out great everytime; AS LONG AS YOU FOLLOW THE RECIPE. That is all they want: To be able to put there throw together the same way everytime, but with the right techniques happening at the right time and in the right order and combination.

That is basically what blake is doing. He is making a recipe that anyone can follow with the same basic predicted results.

That is the point of this thread.

People are waiting around to get the recipe. We can go anywhere and get the techniques and ingredients, but we would like the recipe too.

So, i would suggest that when you visit this site, you Lurk Moar. That means more reading and less replying.

Now go out on this site, get all the info that is already there and post a video with Blake's technique. But dont ask Blake for the technique. You keep telling everyone else its all out there so I want to see you prove it.

I await your Youtube link.

Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Thread Topic:

Super Sekret Teqniques!

And Now Your Host with the Most! A Plastic Pimp and a Disc Whore! The Man Who Invented Joe's Universal Flight Chart!

Bla-aaaaaaaaaaaa-ke! Ta-kkuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-neeeeeeeeeeeen!

(crowd goes wild)
Blake: Thanks Everybody! Great to be here.

Blake: Lets get started right away. Who has a question about these SSTs?

(USAnarchy raises his hand)

Blake: Yes, You sir!

USAnarchy: Blake, Thanks for having me on your show. I have a question about these SSTs.

Blake: Fire Away!

USAnarchy: How does it help with timing? I have the basics for all the techniques, but i seem to struggle with the timing of these techniques. How will your SSTs Program benefit me when it comes to timing?

Blake: Great Question! One that I will answer right after this commercial break.

Fade to Black.....
This will be my last response to you here. You have yet to comprehend that I fully understand the point of this thread. I owe my game to blakes drills, and I want the knowledge he will provide here.

As for a YouTube video, watch brad walkers snap video.

You are an Internet star brah
Blake wanted to post to the nerds here to stir up a little anticipation when he comes out with it because me and him are very excited about this new method so he just wrote about it to share.

he cannot release it without knowing if it is 100% or not, if it works for everyone at some level, or if it really is that "simple".

i have people coming to me all of the time about my vids and they think that it is my drill, and have no clue that it is really his stuff i am teaching, even though i do put my own spin on it now that i understand more about it, it is still his.

but anyways, he will come out with it soon enough and you can not get some of it by looking at other threads, this is pretty different from anything that has been explained even though it may work off from some of it.
masterbeato said:
Blake wanted to post to the nerds here to stir up a little anticipation when he comes out with it because me and him are very excited about this new method so he just wrote about it to share.

he cannot release it without knowing if it is 100% or not, if it works for everyone at some level, or if it really is that "simple".

i have people coming to me all of the time about my vids and they think that it is my drill, and have no clue that it is really his stuff i am teaching, even though i do put my own spin on it now that i understand more about it, it is still his.

but anyways, he will come out with it soon enough and you can not get some of it by looking at other threads, this is pretty different from anything that has been explained even though it may work off from some of it.

It's not soon enough if it's not coming out in next 5 mins, the suspense is killing me! :D
masterbeato said:
...and you can not get some of it by looking at other threads, this is pretty different from anything that has been explained even though it may work off from some of it.

Kinda shoots your theory down, now doesn't it, ZJ? ;)
If you would have spent the last 2 weeks reading the technique section and hitting the practice field instead of posting every 15 minutes about when Blake is going to post, you wouldn't have to worry as much about what Blake is about to share and you would have a better understanding of the game since you were able to figure something out on your own.

I hope Blake is doing what I do on the highway. If some asshole is riding my bumper when im driving, I'm going to slow down and drive slower on purpose to piss him off.
Pat said:
If you would have spent the last 2 weeks reading the technique section and hitting the practice field instead of posting every 15 minutes about when Blake is going to post, you wouldn't have to worry as much about what Blake is about to share and you would have a better understanding of the game since you were able to figure something out on your own.

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Reading interwebz drama while practicing what I've read in this section to increase the level of my game? Priceless.

You guys are hilarious. I love watching everyone's epeens blowing up.
XvileX said:
Pat said:
If you would have spent the last 2 weeks reading the technique section and hitting the practice field instead of posting every 15 minutes about when Blake is going to post, you wouldn't have to worry as much about what Blake is about to share and you would have a better understanding of the game since you were able to figure something out on your own.

Android Incredible: $199.99 after $100.00 mail in rebate.
Data package: $30.00/month

Reading interwebz drama while practicing what I've read in this section to increase the level of my game? Priceless.

You guys are hilarious. I love watching everyone's epeens blowing up.

everyones internet muscles are huge
I doubt Blake feels rushed. Blake has said it'll be posted when its done, period. I wouldn't expect anything less.

Where has all this anger come from? Seriously, this is a time for fun and learning.

I post to show my appreciation to the people that choose to take the time out of their day to help someone else better themselves at this great game. I can tell Blake enjoys teaching. Thanks :wink:

The anticipation for this isn't any different from the right pec video! Of course the technique nerds(me) are going to be excited. Personally, all this anticipation and talk would spur me on!! Go Blake! Sorry for all the bitching.