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What kinds of players do you like to play with

I don't remember:( thanks for the kind words.

I didn't think you'd remember... it's my style... but, I remember you, your trash bucket at the front of your pull (push) cart (practicing what you preach about keeping the course clean), your very disc golf talented wife (watching her driving form improved my game), and your cool friend with the camo bag. Your unquestioned sense of honesty impressed me the most.

I'm into anonymity... it serves me well.

I don't make friends easily... honor is a HUGE thing with me. I think you could be one... but we both have enough... prosit!
I also don't like it when someone is having a bad round and then they just start chucking it and going in to the i don't even care anymore mode.. that **** pisses me off.

This. I've played with a few people who go into that mode, at that point, why even come out to the course?
The perfect partner has a demeanor that is equal parts Phil Hellmuth and Mike Matusow.

I like playing with the best players I can. I like it even better if they use lines and throwing styles in ways I typically don't, because I tend to learn more from people like that than someone with a real similar style and overall approach as myself.

When I play with people better than me it makes me try extra hard. It drives me to push myself in a way I don't if I'm playing with people who aren't as good.
I like to play with people who take frolf super srz and pitch fits and stuff, because that sort of thing makes me laugh so hard, and the bigger I smille, the better I play!
I don't like playing with people who lose their composure. I also don't like playing with people who taunt other players. I played in a doubles event a week or so ago and one guy would stand behind my partner and make nonsense noise when he was putting. Kind of like "swing batter batter swing."
I like playing with the best players I can. I like it even better if they use lines and throwing styles in ways I typically don't, because I tend to learn more from people like that than someone with a real similar style and overall approach as myself.

When I play with people better than me it makes me try extra hard. It drives me to push myself in a way I don't if I'm playing with people who aren't as good.

I was that guy today. I kept going for my usual local routes and the guys I was playing with were like "damn, why didn't I think of that?" I love seeing how people tackle holes.
I personally like playing with people multiple times, it gives me a way to see how I'm improving and at the same time can push me if someone else is getting better or climbs to the "best of the group" spot.

As long as the people don't lose control I'm just fine. It's really annoying to see someone collapse because they have one bad throw or even worse, try throwing a second disc which usually goes even more awry.
I here a lot of various talk on this, what is your opinion.

There are three of us, we are all in our fifties and we have known each other for 35 or so years. We play every Sunday and rotate a couple of courses.

We don't really talk about disc golf very much but we are getting pretty good.

I introduced my two friends to the sport. I send them forehand, they used to do that but since gone to backhand. One now can send them farther than me but sprays them where as I am going longer and accurate.

They don't buy different discs, I have to introduce them to new discs.

My one buddy thought he was knifing Wahoos into the mud in a shallow duck pond, he kept buying the first run stamp discs that were shaped like a Wahoo but weren't. I watched him throw like three in there, far, sippp, done gone. Little did I know he was buying some other first run stamp... He told me the story and we laughed our asses off.

We talk about our lives, we help each other with problems, we high five when we sink long putts, we snicker at each other when we send one out to sea.

Our friendship is now loosely connected by disc golf now where as we were distant before.

I am approaching par (every basket is three) and my two mates are right on my heels.

They have raw talent, I have to work at it.

That was cool to write about, can't wait to play this weekend and see my friends.

It is hot here in Arizona, we go at sunrise and are done most times before our wives are out of bed.

I give my friends the discs I think they will throw the best for their style. I made sure that we all have different colored bags and I didn't give anyone too much crap for starting out with a soft sided cooler.

One of us will ACE soon, I can feel it. We have thrown in a ton of long putts to 75' and a few longer. The three of us have a common friend, he was a disc golf pro in the 80's and 90's, he showed up for a game with us a year ago or so. He doesn't play much but we got to see him spike hyzer one in from like 100+' and we still talk about it.

We make fun (to ourselves) of people that drag carts along and are amazed at those guys that throw long rollers but we do laugh at them, that isn't disc golf, what ever.

I don't see us letting up on it.

We are just three guys trying to have a little fun at no one's expense.

Disc golf is cool.

We are in our second year now.
People who:

- are fun and like to laugh (dont care if i get it or not)
- are competitive (dont care about skill, just the desire)
- can have a intelligent convo and not just about DG
- are not easily offended or take things personally (i dont have much of a 'filter', basically i dont believe in taboos)
- are 'cool' with my chosen habit(s) (dont have to like it or do it, just dont hate on it)

people i hate playing with:
- overly emotional
- people who get mad at one missed shot
- treat a shot that went 30' over the basket on a 200' hole like it was an ace
- people who constantly say 'if that <insert object your disc hit> wasnt there i totally wouldve aced that' (dumb___ that <object> is there and you hit it. so you didnt even come close to the right line... STFU!)
- those that feel like they gotta give you advice on what your doing even tho you didnt ask for it. (altho if someone says "what the hell was that?"after throwing a shot aloud, thats asking the people around, whether you intended to or not.)
I like playing with people that don't take the game to serious, and just enjoy playing a round, and being outside. I also like people like me that love just to watch the discs fly

When I get moved down to Lufkin in the next few weeks, I'd love to get a round in with you. This is the type of people that make me keep coming back, plus the fact that a nice smooth "S" curve gives me goosebump!
Easygoing (not intense) players who are better than I am and could show me stuff I wouldn't have thought of. Preferably good conversationalists who are encouraging but not in a way that feels patronizing. And I prefer to play with nonsmokers, since I don't like inhaling or smelling smoke.


I feel the same way. I really don't like playing with people who are so casual that if they start playing really bad they cop-out and say "Oh, I don't care about scores, I'm just here for a good time". Which we all know is bullshat because once they start doing well or hitting par they won't shut up about it. You guys know what I'm saying? I'm there for fun too, but I know I want to get better and I'm always willing to learn and take advice from people better than me.
I 100% agree with all of this, although I've found myself as the guy asking for help lately :p. I also can't stand Mr. "I never move from one spot while looking for your disc but I expect adequate help looking for mine."

P.S. Has anyone here ever thrown their entire bag into the hole after a bad short putt? This was my signature temper tantrum up until a couple months ago.

Long ago there used to be a guy here that had a terrible problem controlling his temper. One afternoon he missed the mando on Hole #9 (downhill, left-to-right fairway, OB behind the pin), and back in those days the rule was you had to "unwind" your shot if you missed a mando. It took him a few shots just to get back to the mando, then cross the correct way, then he threw past the basket - OB. When he finally got to putt, he blew by several times before he finally laid one up close then dropped in. He counted up 14 strokes, threw his whole bag in the basket, and went home.

Those kind of players are fun to watch melt down, but it really sucks to have to be around temper tantrums a lot.
People i hate playing with:
- people who constantly say 'if that <insert object your disc hit> wasnt there i totally wouldve aced that'

I usually say, "That's my tree now. You're not allowed to hit it. :p"
I've played with all types since about 1/2 my rounds start off as solo. Most people remind me of other people that I have played with in one way or another. I enjoy then all really, even the ones that are terrible. I don't mind helping look for disc after disc and I don't mind getting my butt kicked. The only people I will try to move past are the ones that are terrible and aren't trying to get better.

Not much different than anything I do in life really.

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