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What's your oldest disc?

that dallas plastic tho

thats some rare steak right there

we played skyline 01/01/2021 i ran a cash tourney there and we carried 4 temp baskets all the way around the park replaying the 'old' course

That was the course I learned on. That XD was the first disc I ever bought that was not out of a trunk. It was amazing to walk into a local T-shirt shop and see a small wall of discs for sale. And I'll say, that XD was money at the time.

That pink Kittyhawk putter was a stamped as part of a benefit for that course. I've been told it was one of the early soft discs, and that they used barbie dolls and other odds and ends to make the plastic.
E.B.H. trunk frisbee sales :) E.B.H. R.I.P. see you again someday homie

>> That pink Kittyhawk putter was a stamped as part of a benefit for that course. I've been told it was one of the early soft discs, and that they used barbie dolls and other odds and ends to make the plastic.

i didnt know, or i forgot, that skyline was only 9 - that frisbee says its for the back 9 thats awesome. that frisbee is museum stuff a soft kittyhawk + dallas stamp long gone frisbee golf history
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I started to play in 2004. Bought a Innova starter set. Lost the Driver ages ago. Still have the Aviar putter and Stingray. I only use the Aviar in the bag for upshots. The Stingray has been replaced by a Hex and sits at home.
Couple TP Comets, OG DX Eagle, X Wasp and an Aero. All from the disc "estate" of Don Olow, apparently on OG discer from southern California.

I assume the Aero is the oldest, anyone have info on it?PXL_20240605_145722050.MP.jpg
Not my disc, the owner showed them to me a month ago. The single disc is a Worlds 1985 July 25 to 28th Stamp. He was showing me so much stuff, I forgot to ask the name of the disc.


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Oldest in the bag is a g-star gazelle. Oldest on the shelf is a either a San Marino Aviar from PIAS with a Kansas Disc of Oz stamp, and its now faded off sharpie in history as a good disc with a couple aces to its name and was active around 1995, or a Shark multi-purpose, also from PIAS.
Careful with that thing. They break sooooo easily. Cool disc.
Yeah. I'm scared to touch it! This one has always had a buttery soft feel to it though.
This is my oldest disc, which is also the first golf disc I bought when I discovered the game back in 1996. I bagged it for like 12 years before I decided to put it on the wall so I wouldn't lose it. I've been throwing Comets since day one. (y) :)

I haven't playing anywhere near as long as some of you folks, but here's what I got. Probably bought this in 2007 or 2008. It's been retired for a few years, but it's the disc that got my Roc love started. 1000002054.jpg
I got a few early Rocs too. This glow one.........


And a first run KC Pro bar stamp one I THINK I got in a players pack in 1991. Can't seem to find a picture of it on the internetz....
Found the bar stamp Roc. It's a Rancho.
Oldest that I throw is a proline Spider from before it was called champion plastic. I have several (thanks Sillybizz for the latest one!), but the oldest disc I don't throw is a first-run leopard in CE plastic.
Oldest in my bag currently is an 08' Worlds FLX Drone, while I'd say the oldest discs I currently own are mid 90s DX.

Oldest ever was probably the Wham-O 86 mold (came out 5ish years prior to the 86 Softie).
Oldest in my bag is an early to mid 2000s Elite-X Comet, super flippy not used often, but when I need it, I need it. I picked it up as a bonus throw in on a trade on here a while back, it's the only one of the 4 I have left that also included a Teebird, Envy and something else I can't remember but I'm sure it wasn't something important.
Oldest overall is either one of my 2 TP? Comets or my blue and white swirly Cyclone.

@CaptainAnhyzer I'm really curious as to what changed between the Viper or Whippet and whatever DGA modified them into.