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Worlds updates

Just got home from the Worlds, what a great day! Watched the Mens lead card at Nevin this morning, then the women's final 9, which was great, and then the last several holes of the men's final 9.

Scored a camptime/LSDiscs stool for $25, and a sweet 171 TP Warship that matches my pain.

What a great day for disc golf!

Forgot to mention that as we were about halfway done with our lunch at Chillis, in walks McBeth, Blair, Lopez, and their entourage.
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id take a look at a mcbeth p&a.

i think they should do a kc pro 1x masters stamp. that would rule.
Is the crowd in Charlotte really that bad that they have to continue holding them back all through out the finals?
Agree with Ox; gallery was massive (nearing 2000)--trying to funnel them down fairways to observe and not distract the players was trying.
What a great final 9 by the women! After 7 holes, Val and Sarah are tied and Catrina is 2 back. Catrina hits a big putt to be 1 back. On the last hole, Catrina's drive is about 45 - 50 from the basket. Val throws 100 ft to the left. Sarah throws 35 ft past the basket/ down the hill. Cat came real close to hitting her putt for the tie. Val parked her approach. Courtney and Cat tap out. Then Sarah nails her uphill putt for the win! After Catrina's incredible semi-final, I had to watch the women's final 9. Maybe the best finale I've seen. All 4 of these ladies can throw. Glad I was there to see it live.
Agree with Ox; gallery was massive (nearing 2000)--trying to funnel them down fairways to observe and not distract the players was trying.

I was one of the cattle being rounded up at Worlds :p. Have to say those gentlemen had a tough job, and I felt they excelled at it. Getting the fairways cleared didn't slow the pace of play. The official (or volunteer) yelling about the minivan was hilarious and all the volunteers had a great attitude.
What a great final 9 by the women! After 7 holes, Val and Sarah are tied and Catrina is 2 back. Catrina hits a big putt to be 1 back. On the last hole, Catrina's drive is about 45 - 50 from the basket. Val throws 100 ft to the left. Sarah throws 35 ft past the basket/ down the hill. Cat came real close to hitting her putt for the tie. Val parked her approach. Courtney and Cat tap out. Then Sarah nails her uphill putt for the win! After Catrina's incredible semi-final, I had to watch the women's final 9. Maybe the best finale I've seen. All 4 of these ladies can throw. Glad I was there to see it live.
Sarah hugged a tree on #5 of the finals; she missed her first island green tee shot, had to retee for her third shot and missed again. She went to the drop zone for her 5th shot (about a 35 ft putt through limbs of a tree) and hit a tree BUT was diverted into the basket. We'll see her hug of that tree in videos and pics.
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The crowd was huge and most wanted a good veiw where they would get close to the fairways or on the fairways. I had no idea what I was getting into when I agreed to crowd control lol
Congrats to Spencer in MA1! Got to play with him on Thursday; good kid. Also happy with my top-20 finish! Woot.
Agree with Ox; gallery was massive (nearing 2000)--trying to funnel them down fairways to observe and not distract the players was trying.

Was this the biggest gallery in disc golf history? You did a great job spotting on the island hole by the way.
The crowd was huge and most wanted a good veiw where they would get close to the fairways or on the fairways. I had no idea what I was getting into when I agreed to crowd control lol

Thanks Pat (and Adam) for running that yellow rope down the fairways.

There were people everywhere. The park was beyond max capacity.
Was this the biggest gallery in disc golf history? You did a great job spotting on the island hole by the way.

Here's a photo from the Charlotte Observer's website gives a sense of how big the crowd was today. That had to be an awesome scene.

So how long before the Worlds are coming back to the Queen City?
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