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Your most embarrasing disc golf moment ever?


Bogey Member
Jun 29, 2009
I sure know what mine is. About 4 months ago I stepped up to the teepad and said to myself "I don't care where this drive ends up, I'm just going to grip it and rip it as hard as I can and try and get my farthest drive ever." So I get a deathgrip on my Pro destroyer, start my wind up, and try to crush a long drive. apparently I was holding on a little too hard because I ended spinning around in a circle with the disc still in my hand and flung it backwards about 50 ft. I was so glad I was playing by myself that day and the tee was hidden by trees :D
priceless dude LMFAO
One of my best friends did that in front of me. I still like to remind him of it when hes beating me ;)

Mine would have to be, in front of the same friend, got pissed about a birdie opportunity turning into a bogey slammed my putter in the basket so hard it bounced out as I slipped and fell on my ass. I'm not living that one down.
I have two:

The first happened last year at a tournament. I was trying to rip my drive , and right as I made my drive off the tee, I let out a nice , loud fart.:eek:

The other happened a while back during a casual round. I made my drive on the first hole off the tee, and spun around, and some how lost my balance, and fell flat on my ass. My friends got a great laugh out of it.
I was on a water hole, where its land on the right side, and a lake on the left side...plenty of room to land, but I decided to live dangerously. I went to throw a drive, but slipped on a wet teepad, and threw it almost 90 degrees to the left, right into the middle of the lake and almost into a boat that was out there
I was playing a short hole on a busy course. There was a large group of young kids in front of us who were letting us play through. So they pretty much surrounded the back of the teebox and watched. Since I had won the last hole I had the box, so I stepped up and let it rip ... right into a tree 5 feet in front of me. I still cringe thinking about it.
funny stories guys. I was playing and let go of my drive WAY too late and my disc made like an ant and went straight for this family sitting at a table having a picnic. I said that I am sorry and am new to the game. Yeah, that's it, I'm new.
I feel you Guurn....that would be my most embarassing moment...had just birdied the last hole..was feeling good...got up to the teepad with my trusty ace roc in hand....go to throw it and WHAM-O! right into the tree about 15ft in front of the teepad...luckily it was just my sister and 5yo nephew so I wasn't really having to impress anyone..threw another one that landed right next to the basket lol
Seven throws on a short (under 200-foot) par 3 hole. I kept bouncing out of the basket and rolling downhill. One of the throws was great, it went right into the chains at a slow speed, I bent down to grab my bad, looked up, and the disc was on the ground beneath the basket. Ok, I did make the next one. :)

Fortunately, only my wife was there to witness it.
I've got two of them...and they both suck.

The first I was playing with a couple of my buddies at Lakewood Dry Gulch, which I don't even think is listed on this site. OK so there is this family having a picnic right in the middle of the course in a little grove of trees, right between two fairways! This family obviously had no idea why all these people were throwing frisbees around their picnic and they didn't appear to speak any english, so I'm not sure anyone in my group could have explained...needless to say, it was a very busy day on the course.

So I come up to drive, and since they are in the trees on the left, I use my RHFH to make sure that my disc will fade to the right, safely away from the trees. Well, I rip a really nice one, but I swear the moment it left my hand, this little boy who couldn't have been more than three, comes running right out of the woods. I yell four as loud as I could, but no one knew why I was yelling until my disc popped this poor little boy directly in the forehead at just shy of the 300 foot mark.

The little boy went down and he had this terrible looking welt forming on his head...his parent came out, he was crying, there was all this talking and frantic spanish ahppening in front of me...I gave about 50 "Lo siento"'s and even think I bowed once or twice....I felt so bad I can't even tell you...but I was also annoyed by the family picnicing in the middle of the course between two fairways.....

My buddies will never let me live that down and I haven't been back to that course since....
A close second would be just a couple of weeks ago. The tee for #5 at Red Rocks is just about 50 or 60 feet to the right of the basket for #4. So I'm shooting #4 and I give my RHFH just a bit too much annie and my disc is heading right for the group of about 5 or 6 waiting on the 5th tee. This tends to happen sometimes, I give a loud "FOUR!" Everybody turns to see, everybody moves out of the way...except their dog:( Now I believe that the dog was either a Rottweiler or a Rotty mix...it was a big dog...and I hit him, full on in his side with my 170 Star TeeRex moving pretty good.

I apologized profusely, but the group just said it was fine and waived me off...I'm sure it was fine, but I felt so bad for hitting that dog. I've got two little dogs and ever since then I've been very skeptical to take them out on the course....but I suppose they'd probably be fine as long as they weren't in MY line of fire:)
The first happened last year at a tournament. I was trying to rip my drive , and right as I made my drive off the tee, I let out a nice , loud fart.:eek:

awesome!! I know this will happen to me one day. I remember playing soccer when I was younger and every now and then I would go kick the ball hard and BOOM!!
My most embarrasing is when a buddy of mine took out his anger on hole 18 at Mclure park in Tulsa as about 10 locals sat there like WTF? I thought I was going to have to pull him out of the fire because they werent to happy with that behavoir, and I agreed. But I wasnt going to let my boy get beat up. Luckily cooler heads prevailed and I felt really embarrased and I didnt even do anything, just made us Texas boys look bad
I was playing a new (to me) course with my gf, and we came up behind a group of local pros. We were behind them for a couple holes, and they were really quite good, and we were enjoying watching them play. They stopped to take a smoke break, and let us play through. I didn't realize my shoe was untied, so as I went to tee off I tripped over the laces. In my surprise, I apparently didn't let go of the disc, and just ended up throwing it sideways 15 feet right into the leg of one of the guys waiting. They laughed it off, but I felt really bad, especially since there was already a bruise forming on the guy's leg by the time we walked away...
not really a moment but anyway...

my second pro tournament was the dogwood crosstown a-tier in raleigh in 1997. at that point it was likely the biggest event on the east coast. i led after round one, trailed by one after round 2, then blew up so badly in round 3 i fell all the way out of the cash which was something like 20th place.
I've got two of them...and they both suck.

The first I was playing with a couple of my buddies at Lakewood Dry Gulch, which I don't even think is listed on this site. OK so there is this family having a picnic right in the middle of the course in a little grove of trees, right between two fairways! This family obviously had no idea why all these people were throwing Frisbees around their picnic and they didn't appear to speak any English, so I'm not sure anyone in my group could have explained...needless to say, it was a very busy day on the course.

So I come up to drive, and since they are in the trees on the left, I use my RHFH to make sure that my disc will fade to the right, safely away from the trees. Well, I rip a really nice one, but I swear the moment it left my hand, this little boy who couldn't have been more than three, comes running right out of the woods. I yell four as loud as I could, but no one knew why I was yelling until my disc popped this poor little boy directly in the forehead at just shy of the 300 foot mark.

The little boy went down and he had this terrible looking welt forming on his head...his parent came out, he was crying, there was all this talking and frantic Spanish happening in front of me...I gave about 50 "Lo siento"'s and even think I bowed once or twice....I felt so bad I can't even tell you...but I was also annoyed by the family picnicking in the middle of the course between two fairways.....

My buddies will never let me live that down and I haven't been back to that course since....

ROFL! The fact that you bowed a couple of times made me fall out of my chair laughing. Great story.
I was getting ready to play a round by myself when a guy asked if I wanted to play with him. He explained that he was new and enjoyed learning more about the sport. I obliged and we began to play. Normally I shot about 5 or so under on this course, its not a very difficult course. However, that day I began a slump that lasted few weeks. I threw 2 over and lost by a stroke to the newbie, who was pretty good for being a new player. Although it was embarrassing I never lost my cool and congratulated him on a good round.
I was getting ready to play a round by myself when a guy asked if I wanted to play with him. He explained that he was new and enjoyed learning more about the sport. I obliged and we began to play. Normally I shot about 5 or so under on this course, its not a very difficult course. However, that day I began a slump that lasted few weeks. I threw 2 over and lost by a stroke to the newbie, who was pretty good for being a new player. Although it was embarrassing I never lost my cool and congratulated him on a good round.

I did something similar. I was teaching a guy who hadn't been playing more than a few months. We were on a easy 9 hole course, and I can't believe I only beat him by one stroke. I was embarrassed.