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Perfect Putt 360

PP360 calculator in excell

I decided to record my scores in excell so i could really see what needs working on and record my progress over the weeks, months, years, decades...

Anyway i got hugely carried away and i have now a excell spread sheet that will calculate your scores, and % sucess for the distances, and as a whole.

I would put up the excel sheet here, but i don't know how. so you can download it from here


or PM me if you like
the image attached is a screen shot, and a my first attempt results

i would love any feedback you may have

Jungle Tim


  • pp360.jpg
    120.6 KB · Views: 93
I made an excel spreadsheet too, but I don't know how to make those fancy little check boxes. I really like the way that is set up, great job!
Nice job on the excel file. Dorky, but nice.

As a personal modification, I don't find it helpful to practice 10' putts, but I'm certainly not ready to move up to the suggested "pro version" that starts at 20' out. As a compromise, instead of putting from 10', I'm doing straddle putts at 15', then normal putts at 15' for the first two categories. It makes the game a little harder, and forces me to work on my straddle putts.

Alternately, you can make the game really hard, and force stance changes by alternating straddle and regular putt stances at every distance. I know that straddles on the course regularly cost me probably 1 stroke per round -- I'm just not good at them, even from short distances. But with this, maybe I can force myself to practice shots I'm not good at. Definitely a fun game.
I decided to record my scores in excell so i could really see what needs working on and record my progress over the weeks, months, years, decades...

Anyway i got hugely carried away and i have now a excell spread sheet that will calculate your scores, and % sucess for the distances, and as a whole.

I would put up the excel sheet here, but i don't know how. so you can download it from here


or PM me if you like
the image attached is a screen shot, and a my first attempt results

i would love any feedback you may have

Jungle Tim
Great work. You didn't give yourself credit for 1st putt and last putt during one of the rounds.
Nice job on the excel file. Dorky, but nice.

As a personal modification, I don't find it helpful to practice 10' putts, but I'm certainly not ready to move up to the suggested "pro version" that starts at 20' out. As a compromise, instead of putting from 10', I'm doing straddle putts at 15', then normal putts at 15' for the first two categories. It makes the game a little harder, and forces me to work on my straddle putts.

Alternately, you can make the game really hard, and force stance changes by alternating straddle and regular putt stances at every distance. I know that straddles on the course regularly cost me probably 1 stroke per round -- I'm just not good at them, even from short distances. But with this, maybe I can force myself to practice shots I'm not good at. Definitely a fun game.

Great modifications. I still miss at 10' once in about 50 throws, so I'll keep working on that :) I will try the straddle putt variation - do you modify scores at all with this - like doubling for straddles or bonusing for all straddles made?
I finally went through with it last night. I consider myself to be a decent putter but my scores didn't really reflect that! I scored a 97 and a 106. I had two things going against me.

1) Even though a Skillshot is a good portable it really doesn't catch as well as a full size. The catch area is smaller and I had a lot of bounce outs.
2) WIND! It was about 15-20 mph.

Still I don't think I've ever thrown 200 practice putts. I really want to get into the habit.
I also thought I was pretty good at putting until I played this game. Turns out I stink. My best score so far is in the 140's. I'm sure I'll get better though.
Great modifications. I still miss at 10' once in about 50 throws, so I'll keep working on that :) I will try the straddle putt variation - do you modify scores at all with this - like doubling for straddles or bonusing for all straddles made?

I haven't been upping the scores... I've been keeping it at the 360-point total.

Basically, current points for both the 10' and 15' distances are pretty much the same. So instead of 10/15', I just take 20 putts from the 15' mark to start the game. And I alternate regular and straddle putts. I need to get to where I can make 100% at 15' no matter what the stance. That should be a gimme distance.

For straddle putting from other distances -- yes, it makes it harder, but I don't think any extra points are needed. On the course, a putt is a putt. They all count the same. I don't ever expect to be as good at straddle putting as at regular putting, but I do want to get past the mental block I have on the course any time I have to straddle putt.

Good luck.
I finally went through with it last night. I consider myself to be a decent putter but my scores didn't really reflect that! I scored a 97 and a 106. I had two things going against me.

1) Even though a Skillshot is a good portable it really doesn't catch as well as a full size. The catch area is smaller and I had a lot of bounce outs.
2) WIND! It was about 15-20 mph.

Still I don't think I've ever thrown 200 practice putts. I really want to get into the habit.

I have a skillshot and feel your pain. It is all about hitting it low and dead center. I am usually in the 180's and have been close to 200 but am yet to break it. Great game though.
My new high today at lunch was 172. (playing with the mod that rounds one and two are all from 15', alternating regular and straddle putts). First time ever I've gone 10/10 from 20' in one of my rounds.

The other thing I've been doing is marking which putts I hit within a set of ten. Simple Xs for make sand Os for misses. It's funny to see what emerges. Like, I am discovering that I most likely to miss my 7th and 8th putts at 20' and inside. I think this is when I start to loose focus. Then the misses cause me to refocus and make the last couple of putts.

At 25', I tend to miss the early putts because I'm aiming too low. Once I remember to get a little more height, it's golden.

I don't know if this will help anyone else, but I think marking XXXXX00XX or whatever for each set will help me to identify recurring problems, which in turn will hopefully help me to identify solutions.

So far, I think this is going to be an excellent game.
I can take a look at it when I have some time. It wouldn't be part of the main scorebook.. more of an off-shoot kind of thing that probably wouldn't have it's own tab, just part of the "My Dashboard" drop-down menu.

It does looks like a fun game. I'll have to give it a shot some time :)

Thanks Tim, I'll echo the request. I'm really enjoying this as a way to force putting practice, and it would be awesome to have the score tracking features possible, as well as a way for folks to compete against one another and see scores for the site at large. Thanks again.
It would be cool if there was a feature of this site to track everyones scores.

I agree. Since buying my basket and practicing at home I have enjoyed competing against myself with the Perfect Putt 360. I would be interested to see how I rate against others.
depressing more like!

Not necessarily -- my scores are poor enough I'd encourage a lot of other people. :)

Low of 131, high of 172... though I'll keep the asterisks beside those numbers, since they are based on the first 20 putts at 15', alternating straddle and regular putts. 75% of my misses at 15' are straddle putts... which is why I'm practicing them. Losing too many strokes on the course to those times I'm forced to straddle around trees.

Nothing worse than missing a 15' dinker just because you have to lean out to get a clean line.
I didn't break 50/360. I definitely need to putt more. I think part of it is I was throwing my new RPro Dart for the first time.
is everyones score based on both A and B game total or are you hitting 172's in one game

Ha! I wish that was out of a half game... no. 172 is a combined total. I haven't yet hit triple-digits on an A or B game... Though it should be very possible if you can just can your first 30 putts. My goal is to get up to putting 200+ regularly.