Recent content by BennettUA

  1. BennettUA

    Post a cool disc golf photo

    What course?
  2. BennettUA

    DGPT: 2019 Waco Annual Charity Open presented by Dynamic Discs

    Here's what it says if you don't want to follow the link: For the life of me I can't understand why the chat would upset them so much. I would WELCOME feedback from my target customer base, especially if I had much that needed repair. That they are so thin-skinned and read into so much of the...
  3. BennettUA

    Dealing with severe elbow pain

    I have not, but I'll pick one up today! I've benefited from compression on my feet, legs, and knees, so I imagine this will help some as well, thanks Streets :hfive:
  4. BennettUA

    Dealing with severe elbow pain

    Luckily, no, I'e never locked up or felt an inclination towards it. What's funny(re, stupid?) is that I haven't yet done this. I mean, I've iced it some, but not religiously. That's going to start today. Still don't understand why this isn't a true website yet. Seriously. There's 10% of the...
  5. BennettUA

    Dealing with severe elbow pain

    OK, so let me clear a few things up here. First off, I am NOT going to throw with my right arm. That's for the rest of you fascist fascists, YOU'LL NEVER CHANGE MEEEE!!! Second, I don't play very often anymore, so this pain hasn't(necessarilly) been caused by playing disc golf. I maybe get in...
  6. BennettUA

    Dealing with severe elbow pain

    Hello all. It's been a LONGGG time since I've started a new thread, or been daily-active on here, but I still love this site, and this sport, and all you degenerates that were around when I was a regular :) I'm dealing with a significant amount of pain in my throwing/left elbow now, and for...
  7. BennettUA

    [Wanted] Older MVP Ions

    I have an older never stamped Stormtrooper still in a bag, I'm no expert on discs anymore but it was an early run.
  8. BennettUA

    The Dye A Day Thread! (Part III)

    NICE!!! All the old school skate life FTWWWWWWWWWW
  9. BennettUA

    DGPT - Idlewild Open driven by Innova Discs & The Nati

    This. THIS. Idlewild is a fantastic course in an area that has some really great courses and players, but you're going to be in the woods, you're going to have to pipe lines, you're going to hit trees, and you're going to have to think outside the "which disc do I pick for the XXXft hyzer line"...
  10. BennettUA

    Cincinnati area must play courses

    Wherever you go, you MUST stop at a Skyline and eat a coney on your first tee. Always ALWAYS carry an extra coney in case you run into a local. They will trade you a decent beer and show you around the course. But, WHATEVER YOU DO, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT, show up at the course with that...
  11. BennettUA

    The Dye A Day Thread! (Part III)

    haiiiiii guyyyysss :D
  12. BennettUA

    Cool Dye Combinations2, the dyed discs

    I miss you guys :(
  13. BennettUA

    [Wanted] Discs for Costa Rica

    I will help Sam Cann! PM incoming :D
  14. BennettUA

    The Dye A Day Thread! (Part III)

    LOVING the Rick and Morty stuff! Just dropped in to say, hi. And, I miss dyeing. I miss this community. Mah people. Need to do something about that.... (flexes fingers in Monty Burns fashion...)
  15. BennettUA

    Any ATL/Georgia players?

    I'm smack in the heart of the city. Let's play. In fact, let's get some more people from here together.