This bag is an awesome value. The quality of it was much better than expected. As others have mentioned the zippers are not as heavy duty as the top of the line bags, but the material is great, and it's rather comfortable in my opinion. I was expecting to have to disc down a bit, but this thing holds a lot of discs. I have 21 discs (16 drivers/5 mids) in the main compartment, two putters up in the top zipper area with room for a third, and minis in the quiver. It was a nice surprise to find that you could also fit a couple of discs in each side pocket, or use one as an alternate putter pocket if you wanted to squeeze a sweatshirt in the top pocket. I have two rarely used utility discs in one side pocket, and a light jacket in the other. All and all, I don't think you could find a better new bag for under $100, bravo to Magellan.