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need new hyzerflip disc

i don't have an arm much bigger than yours and i can flip my 170 polaris. it's surely an option for you.
lotsa options!! another one of those questions where 30 people will give you at least 30 different answers. your best bet is to throw what you have and check out discs similar in stability/speed/fade and see which way up or down the scale you need to go to get the desired flight you are seeking
Not sure I understand why you want to hyzerflip so bad. I've found the hyzer-flip is something you will naturally grow into once you start over-powering certain discs. If you're throwing less than 300' I doubt you're going to be over-powering and the only thing the hyzer-flip will do is add an extra variable to the equation that you have to deal with. If I were you, I'd work on throwing straight and flat with fairway drivers, mids, and even that 164 Star Roadrunner. The Roadrunner is a good disc to show progression when releasing it flat because with bad form and a weaker throw it will fade left on you. Then when you start improving your form, arm speed, and snap it will fly flat with a little fade, then it will start S-curving, and finally it will turn over and not come back. Once it starts doing that is when you can start developing a hyzer-flip for that disc and also at this point you can move up to another disc that has more stability and/or speed and repeat the process.
Not sure I understand why you want to hyzerflip so bad. I've found the hyzer-flip is something you will naturally grow into once you start over-powering certain discs. If you're throwing less than 300' I doubt you're going to be over-powering and the only thing the hyzer-flip will do is add an extra variable to the equation that you have to deal with. If I were you, I'd work on throwing straight and flat with fairway drivers, mids, and even that 164 Star Roadrunner. The Roadrunner is a good disc to show progression when releasing it flat because with bad form and a weaker throw it will fade left on you. Then when you start improving your form, arm speed, and snap it will fly flat with a little fade, then it will start S-curving, and finally it will turn over and not come back. Once it starts doing that is when you can start developing a hyzer-flip for that disc and also at this point you can move up to another disc that has more stability and/or speed and repeat the process.

very well put...great advice (imho)
hmm I wonder if I am just not trusting it enough to just do it with some of the discs I have, like its not going to flip and I will never see it again. lol
ITs just to have the shot available. There are some holes I play whereI need to come left of a tree, then right of another tree, then fade right after that. I can throw a Leopard flat and get similar results but it just doesnt seem as pronounced. It goes where I throw it, gradually working its way right then a short quick fade left.

EDIT: Also, Roadrunner is the next disc I was planning on dedicating rounds to now that I am getting the leopard down.
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I use a beat 161 DX Wraith. Its so light, it will go a mile, but you have to hyzer flip it or it will drift right.
ITs just to have the shot available. There are some holes I play whereI need to come left of a tree, then right of another tree, then fade right after that. I can throw a Leopard flat and get similar results but it just doesnt seem as pronounced. It goes where I throw it, gradually working its way right then a short quick fade left.

Have you tried a thumber or just a plain ol' anny? Do you have a picture of the holes you're talking about? Seems like you're making things more difficult on yourself by trying to make a multi-turning backhand shot when a thumber naturally has a multi-turn in it and an anny is simply a more reliable shot for finishing right.
Have you tried a thumber or just a plain ol' anny? Do you have a picture of the holes you're talking about? Seems like you're making things more difficult on yourself by trying to make a multi-turning backhand shot when a thumber naturally has a multi-turn in it and an anny is simply a more reliable shot for finishing right.

You are probably right. I have made throws that work before; I think I just get to where I am trying to do to much too soon when all I think I probably really need to do is just keep getting out there. I didnt get to play really for 3 years and 2 years before that it was probably a handfull of times each year, but the first 2 years I played it was at least once a week like I am doing now. I think when I came back and saw I lost my distance, I have pushed myself to get more like I needed it yesterday.

Whats funny is, I went on disc and throw benges like thise before and backed down and started getting better technique and the benge just came back for a second there I guess.

Thanks for the voice of reason.
I use a flick/flash/destroyer for the hyzer flip.

Best advise I can think of is just go find a really open field/hole and throw everything you have a little hyzer and see how each disc reacts. With 30 different discs listed, you're better off taking some of your overstable discs out and giving them all a shot. What works for me isn't probably going to work for you.
I need to go buy a fast car or something cause I suddenly feel inadequate. lol

Seriously, I cant hyzer flip a Roadrunner then I see
I use a flick/flash/destroyer for the hyzer flip.

:O Dude that is impressive.
I need to go buy a fast car or something cause I suddenly feel inadequate. lol

Seriously, I cant hyzer flip a Roadrunner then I see

:O Dude that is impressive.

Never mind. Not so impressive. I have an issue with terms. I hear hyzer flip and my mind pictures an anhyzer to s-out. I'm going to be quiet now and find a corner :|
Never mind. Not so impressive. I have an issue with terms. I hear hyzer flip and my mind pictures an anhyzer to s-out. I'm going to be quiet now and find a corner :|

lol No worries. It would be awesome though to see someone Hyzer-flip a Flick. They would have to be throwing a mile.
It's actually pretty easy to hyzer flip a 150 flick, it just doesn't stay flat for very long... :p

If you're only throwing 250-275 regularly, I highly recommend the Discraft Impact. I drive 400-425 on open holes regularly with my Force. I throw my Impact on short wooded holes, so at about 30-50% power, and I frequently end up turning it over too far because I didn't throw with enough hyzer.

Throw the impact flat or slight hyzer and you should definitely get turnover with 250' of power.
I would say you should start hyzer flipping midranges to learn control then start with drivers.

I would start with an impact and if it doesnt flip enough for you go with a meteor or stratus or stingray
i have used a roadrunner for a longer smooth hyzerflip/anny disc for months now, only throwing 330ish or so, just bought an avenger ss and it is easier to flip than my rr, its a great hyzerflip disctoo, goes from a really steep hzyer to right fade within the 330 range, will come back if theres air under it