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Critters on the course you ran into...

Almost threw a drive right into a deer crossing the fairway at Highland Park today... I saw her right in my run-up and so I stopped. She stopped, too, looked cautiously at me, and then scampered across. Wish I could have gotten a pic!
Once at Hudson Mills my freind set his drink down to throw and when he went to retreive it he noticed a loud buzzing sound nearby. We all went over to investigate and I spotted the rattle snake right next to where he set down his drink! It was huge, but it must have just ate something as it had a big bulge in its belly. We notified the rangers and they relocated it to a lesser used part of the park.
We have a problem with crab spiders on the Port Charlotte course. Last year I went into the woods to retreive a disc and ran face first into one of their massive webs. It collapsed all over my head and the little son of a gun bit me on my neck! Luckily they are nontoxic, but it sure hurt!
I have told this story before, but there are some new people on this site, so here it is again.

About 2 years ago, I was on hole 17 at River Grove Park, in Kingwood, TX, a heavily wooded course. I had thrown my disc into an area between the #17 fairway and the #10 fairway. I walked over to my disc and set my bag down.

As I put down my mini and picked my my disc, my hand started to burn. I looked down and saw something yellow and black on my hand and I thought it was one of the thousands of Banana Spiders that are on the course in the summer. Turns out, it was a yellow jacket.

I then realized I had set my bag onto a yellow jackets nest, and all of the sudden I was surrounded. I took off running, and got stung three more times on my arms, and other hand. My bag was completely swarmed, and my my brother had to use a 15ft branch to pull my bag away from the swarm, and dump the bag out and kill the yellow jackets that were in the bag.

I finished the round, and after a break, I was able to play 9 more holes, but I had to give up, because I really didn't feel very good, and the stings hurt like hell. They stung for a few days.

I think someone else must have gotten stung, because 2 weeks later, someone went out there with some gasoline, and burned out the yellow jackets and killed the hive.

I now jump when ever I am on the course and hear some buzzing or see something flying around. I never want to go through something like that again.
Yeah Midnight... I dont like wasps and such either. I mean, they freak me out. I'll hurt myself trying to run from them, lol.

Yesterday @ the Z...
My wife was sitting on 13's bench, as I finished 12. "Kenny, hurry! Come here!"
Turns out, she watched a rather large Swift Lizard attack a young Green Snake... who was eating a Katydid. I never saw the Swift, but the snake was bleeding, and obviously very young... like weeks old. Moved him away from the path... good luck.
Ran into a few deer; if only they had thumbs...

Seriously, though, last winter I was trying a new disc on the course and there were a couple inches of snow. It was dusk and on the other side of the park was a good area for sledding. Some people were down there making a racket and the noise spooked a fox into heading right towards me. He was so focused on the sledders that he never noticed me until I was within 15' and running with him. Felt like Kevin Costner or that dude with the caribou in Never Cry Wolf.
So Friday NW Indiana had terrible storms. Tons of trees down due to 90 mph winds, power outages, etc. Saturday Dykeeniewrigglewort and I played Bertrand Park in Niles, Mi. The park crew did a great job clearing everything out and the course was playable. As we approached the basket on #6, I spotted 3 tiny, and I mean *tiny* baby deer. I mean, they had to be no more than a week old. The biggest one was hardly the size of a small-medium sized dog. The smallest was like a huge housecat. I've never seen anything look so small and frail. They seemed lost, as there was no parent nearby that we could see. We assumed that they had been seperated from the mother during the storm.

So here we are staring at them, and they're totally frozen, looking back at us. After a few seconds, the smallest two cross another fairway and go back to the deeper woods while the largest kind of "stood guard." Once the smaller two were safely away, the slightly larger one left as well. It was magical.

Seriously, I cannot stress how *tiny* they were. I didn't know even newborns would be that small.

Jukeshoe: <---left his camera at home, because he's totally suxxors at life.
On a small family owned pay to play course in Maine a friend and I were finishing our evening round walking up(hill) the 18th hole to our drives, totally spent from throwing too many discs and many elevation changes through out the course. I being the longer arm walked as far as my buddy's shot and stood there allowing him to make his upshot. This was all happening around dusk but there was enough light to see discs and what not fairly well.

As I'm standing there on the hill, I watch my bud make his upshot, pick up his bag and we start trodding up the hill. Out of the corner of my eye I notice some movement coming from his direction. I turned my head right, to look in my friends direction, in time to notice a fuzzy creature about the size of a small dog running at me. This little bugger ran right in front of my friend, whom he was closer to, and b-lined it right towards me. For what felt like an eternity I had no idea what in the hell was going on as this fuzz ball is running towards me in almost slow motion. As he gets within 10 yards of me, I realize "holy ****, that's a very BIG raccoon running straight at me".

I very quickly start to move, to get out of this things way, sure as **** though he wasn't trying to cross the fairway, he wanted ME. Thinking quickly I dropped my bag in between he and I, "maybe he smelled something in my bag?", I figured. I drop the bag and back off a couple of yards and watch this raccoon stop, sniff in and around my bag, turn his head, and continue coming right at ME!

At this point I'm thinking "WTF?! is going on here", I'm close enough to him to see that he doesn't appear to be rabid (unless it was an early onset of the disease as he didn't show any of the typical physical signs) and he's not really sprinting after me more like jogging after me. I ran right up the hill, past the hole and towards the parking lot, leaving my bag and my friend behind.

Once I got up to the parking lot, where we were the only two cars in sight I turned around to look behind me. Nothing. I quickly realized, "oh ****, he might be going after my bud now", so I yelled to my friend to warn him and he responds by saying he doesn't see anything. Seconds after he yells I look towards the opening to the parking lot, and there is the fluff ball still running towards me!

At this point I was running out of options, I didn't have my keys to my Wrangler (top was up by the way) and I only had the disc I was going to use for my upshot in my hands. So I start thinking back to nature shows I've seen and I realize, I'm significantly larger than this thing. This time as he gets with in 3 yards of me or so, I spread my arms wide, take a low stance with my legs spread and make as much noise as I can trying to show this thing I'm going to kill it if it doesn't go away.

The raccoon stops! He hunches down on his front paws and looks at me inquisitively while VERY slowly still approaching me. At this point I'm seriously puzzled as to what the hell this guy wants and we start circling each other, i'm scuffing my feet and growling at him and he's low to the ground crawling towards me. This was getting me nowhere fast so I looked at the back of my Jeep, realized I could climb right up the tailgate and spare tire and be a good 7-8 feet above the ground. So I did just that! I'm sitting on the hard top of my Jeep with my feet on the top of the spare tire, looking down and the freaking raccoon starts to climb up my Jeep! So I'm pushing him down with the sole of my shoe as he is frantically trying to find something to grab onto to get up to me.

Around this time my friend rounded the corner of the parking lot with my bag just in time to see me on my Jeep kicking at this raccoon. He stops in place, confused as all hell and I immediately ask him if he's got any food in his car so we can see if we can get him off of us. He runs around my car and goes into his and pulls out an apple core and tosses it to the raccoon. The little guy sniffs it for a couple of seconds then wanders over near the closest trash cans.

We seize this oppurtunity to grab out stuff and jump in our vehicles. I'm in my Jeep on the left and my friend is in his VW Corrado on the right. I lower my passenger side window and he drops his driver side and we start talking about what's happening in disbelief. At some point while talking one of us goes, "hey, where did he go?" and almost out of nowhere the raccoon reappears right next to my friends driverside door, grabs the door handle and puts a paw on the top of the open window. We both yelled out of surprise and I watched as my friend quickly raised his (automatic) window with one raccoon paw on the top of the glass riding it up in what seemed like slow motion.

Once he closed his window the raccoon climbed right up ontop of his car and started sort of pawing at the top of the window since he left a crack open so he could still hear me. He quickly asked me, "Where did he go?!" and I told him "He's on your roof!" so he quickly revved his engine and the raccoon ran right down his windshield onto his hood and sort of looked at him through the glass. He revved a few more times and the little guy jumped off the front of the car and vanished. We quickly decided to get the hell out of there and went our seperate ways. Shortly after driving off I called the course owner to let him know he may want to call animal control.

And that ends the story of the oddest animal encounter I have EVER had, on or off the course.
On a small family owned pay to play course in Maine a friend and I were finishing our evening round walking up(hill) the 18th hole to our drives, totally spent from throwing too many discs and many elevation changes through out the course. I being the longer arm walked as far as my buddy's shot and stood there allowing him to make his upshot. This was all happening around dusk but there was enough light to see discs and what not fairly well.

As I'm standing there on the hill, I watch my bud make his upshot, pick up his bag and we start trodding up the hill. Out of the corner of my eye I notice some movement coming from his direction. I turned my head right, to look in my friends direction, in time to notice a fuzzy creature about the size of a small dog running at me. This little bugger ran right in front of my friend, whom he was closer to, and b-lined it right towards me. For what felt like an eternity I had no idea what in the hell was going on as this fuzz ball is running towards me in almost slow motion. As he gets within 10 yards of me, I realize "holy ****, that's a very BIG raccoon running straight at me".

I very quickly start to move, to get out of this things way, sure as **** though he wasn't trying to cross the fairway, he wanted ME. Thinking quickly I dropped my bag in between he and I, "maybe he smelled something in my bag?", I figured. I drop the bag and back off a couple of yards and watch this raccoon stop, sniff in and around my bag, turn his head, and continue coming right at ME!

At this point I'm thinking "WTF?! is going on here", I'm close enough to him to see that he doesn't appear to be rabid (unless it was an early onset of the disease as he didn't show any of the typical physical signs) and he's not really sprinting after me more like jogging after me. I ran right up the hill, past the hole and towards the parking lot, leaving my bag and my friend behind.

Once I got up to the parking lot, where we were the only two cars in sight I turned around to look behind me. Nothing. I quickly realized, "oh ****, he might be going after my bud now", so I yelled to my friend to warn him and he responds by saying he doesn't see anything. Seconds after he yells I look towards the opening to the parking lot, and there is the fluff ball still running towards me!

At this point I was running out of options, I didn't have my keys to my Wrangler (top was up by the way) and I only had the disc I was going to use for my upshot in my hands. So I start thinking back to nature shows I've seen and I realize, I'm significantly larger than this thing. This time as he gets with in 3 yards of me or so, I spread my arms wide, take a low stance with my legs spread and make as much noise as I can trying to show this thing I'm going to kill it if it doesn't go away.

The raccoon stops! He hunches down on his front paws and looks at me inquisitively while VERY slowly still approaching me. At this point I'm seriously puzzled as to what the hell this guy wants and we start circling each other, i'm scuffing my feet and growling at him and he's low to the ground crawling towards me. This was getting me nowhere fast so I looked at the back of my Jeep, realized I could climb right up the tailgate and spare tire and be a good 7-8 feet above the ground. So I did just that! I'm sitting on the hard top of my Jeep with my feet on the top of the spare tire, looking down and the freaking raccoon starts to climb up my Jeep! So I'm pushing him down with the sole of my shoe as he is frantically trying to find something to grab onto to get up to me.

Around this time my friend rounded the corner of the parking lot with my bag just in time to see me on my Jeep kicking at this raccoon. He stops in place, confused as all hell and I immediately ask him if he's got any food in his car so we can see if we can get him off of us. He runs around my car and goes into his and pulls out an apple core and tosses it to the raccoon. The little guy sniffs it for a couple of seconds then wanders over near the closest trash cans.

We seize this oppurtunity to grab out stuff and jump in our vehicles. I'm in my Jeep on the left and my friend is in his VW Corrado on the right. I lower my passenger side window and he drops his driver side and we start talking about what's happening in disbelief. At some point while talking one of us goes, "hey, where did he go?" and almost out of nowhere the raccoon reappears right next to my friends driverside door, grabs the door handle and puts a paw on the top of the open window. We both yelled out of surprise and I watched as my friend quickly raised his (automatic) window with one raccoon paw on the top of the glass riding it up in what seemed like slow motion.

Once he closed his window the raccoon climbed right up ontop of his car and started sort of pawing at the top of the window since he left a crack open so he could still hear me. He quickly asked me, "Where did he go?!" and I told him "He's on your roof!" so he quickly revved his engine and the raccoon ran right down his windshield onto his hood and sort of looked at him through the glass. He revved a few more times and the little guy jumped off the front of the car and vanished. We quickly decided to get the hell out of there and went our seperate ways. Shortly after driving off I called the course owner to let him know he may want to call animal control.

And that ends the story of the oddest animal encounter I have EVER had, on or off the course.

That is bizarre. The only thing I can think of is you had some sort of scent (shampoo, body spray, cologne, aftershave, deoderant, etc) that attracted the lil guy. Or he could have been rabid. I'm not sure how rabid animals act....
Still, that's pretty weird. The suspense had me thinking it was going to turn out to be a zombie racoon or something. :D
Sat on a bench where a junior copperhead was getting some shade. Luckily he was sleeping or something cause he never moved, I almost set my bag right on top of him.
You know. Buffalo just chillin on the course. No biggie.
I know its nothing crazy but.... there are a TON of chipmunks running around my course:thmbup: Its nothing crazy but its funny to see em scurrying about when you go into the brush to find your shot...
hit 2 courses so far on my excursion from socal to SLC via sacramento.

hart park in bakersfield has two animals roaming about of note:

these cool ones:



(course wraps around some sort of shelter for them)

...and this not-so-cool little fellow (a youngling skunk. pic wouldve been better, but i wanted to keep my distance.):



made for a ripe ride from bakersfield to sac-town. shes getting hosed off as we speak.:eek:
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