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PDGA Updates Gender Policy

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SD, you called transgender people's bodies "mutilated." You were corrected and asked not to do that. In response, you feel attacked. No personal attacks were made against you. Not a one. Your position has been described as uneducated. That is not a personal attack. I understand you *feel* attacked. And feelings are important.
On a serious note, I find this conversation pretty laughable.

Regardless of your personal opinions on the decision of the PDGA, this is in line with the Olympics. If we want to continue to grow and be recognized by major sports groups, have national attention, we should not be not in line with those standards.

Quite simply, if you are against the PDGA following the Olympic standard and have ever commented about the sport needing to grow, you are a hypocrite.
I would imagine that they are also taking an approach that is the least likely to get them dragged into a courtroom. Following the IOC on this issue it a no-brainer in that sense.
You don't get to be the bully and the victim, Jack. Pick one.

I'm certainly not being the bully, here. And I'm not playing the victim card here, either, just stating the facts. The bullying and the attempts to induce guilt by playing the 'victim' card are the tools of the Left.
And last night NovaP was viciously attacking me by saying my views were 'uninformed', which is not true

People who support their statements with citations usually are the informed ones. Then if the other side actually is informed (and has ANY gonads of ANY genetic variety), they normally counter with some specific argument to refute the sources. Instead you ignored them.

blake833 has probably the most informed post in this thread, and you ignored that too.

Honestly it looks like you've thrown up the white flag.
I can't believe how civil this is.

Nothing drives me more insane than people who have no clue, continuing to ignore the opportunity to learn, and repeating something off to the side that has no relevance.

I have very little input, but as far as I can tell this affects me absolutely zero. So I hope the policies work well for those they do affect. I'm sure if there's ever some sort of sandbagging fiasco it will be under the microscope, but I would be absolutely shocked if that happens.
At any rate, adult sports isn't where this is going to blow up. Jr. High/High School sports is where this will blow up again and again. Kids are confused, and as it becomes acceptable to allow your child to be more gender fluid during that confusing time you are going to get kids that are biologically male and not taking any sort of hormones identifying and living as female. Their parents will be making a logical decision to hold off on any sort of hormone treatment or surgery until the child gets old enough to grow through the confusing teenage years. For the kids who fall into that category and are also athletic, that brings the possibility of them competing as female while still physically male. That was the blow-up with the Connecticut track and field thing. It will happen again. The Connecticut track and field thing already gets brought up a lot, but I see that as a separate issue to what the PDGA is likely going to deal with.
At any rate, adult sports isn't where this is going to blow up. Jr. High/High School sports is where this will blow up again and again. Kids are confused, and as it becomes acceptable to allow your child to be more gender fluid during that confusing time you are going to get kids that are biologically male and not taking any sort of hormones identifying and living as female. Their parents will be making a logical decision to hold off on any sort of hormone treatment or surgery until the child gets old enough to grow through the confusing teenage years. For the kids who fall into that category and are also athletic, that brings the possibility of them competing as female while still physically male. That was the blow-up with the Connecticut track and field thing. It will happen again. The Connecticut track and field thing already gets brought up a lot, but I see that as a separate issue to what the PDGA is likely going to deal with.

Agree—that's a separate and much more complicated issue. And hopefully beyond the scope of this thread.
I'm certainly not being the bully, here. And I'm not playing the victim card here, either, just stating the facts. The bullying and the attempts to induce guilt by playing the 'victim' card are the tools of the Left.

Cool story, Jack, but we're bored with your material.

We all know the real issue here. You're afraid that down the road, when you're cranking one out to FPO coverage, you won't know which one had the weiner.
At any rate, adult sports isn't where this is going to blow up. Jr. High/High School sports is where this will blow up again and again. Kids are confused, and as it becomes acceptable to allow your child to be more gender fluid during that confusing time you are going to get kids that are biologically male and not taking any sort of hormones identifying and living as female. Their parents will be making a logical decision to hold off on any sort of hormone treatment or surgery until the child gets old enough to grow through the confusing teenage years. For the kids who fall into that category and are also athletic, that brings the possibility of them competing as female while still physically male. That was the blow-up with the Connecticut track and field thing. It will happen again. The Connecticut track and field thing already gets brought up a lot, but I see that as a separate issue to what the PDGA is likely going to deal with.

I agree with a lot of this, and this is where and why i assert the "XX" and "XY" standard should be applied to competitive sports, especially at these younger ages. It simply takes all the peripheral and political noise out of the equation.
For what it is worth trans women have been competing in gender protected divisions for years in disc golf to no apparent ill effect.
They are a fraction of the population for starters and those that do play disc golf in a female protected division will have ill effect on any biological female that places below the transgender woman. Marginal effect? Probably. It's highly unlikely that anyone will pursue fame or riches by transitioning to dominate the FPO. Maybe Climo will attempt to put some more world champ notches on his belt by pulling a Bruce Jenner. It's extremely doubtful but a lot of people were probably surprised by Jenner transitioning also. The major point is that this policy runs afoul of the principle of having a female protected division.

I do find it amusing that the only people who are fulminantly against this are males. How does this affect you? Why, in your heart of hearts, is this really bothering you this much?
This question is irrelevant and dripping with appeal to authority fallacy. I'll answer it anyway. Males have wives, sisters, girlfriends, mothers, and daughters that will be adversely affected by this policy. Regardless of relation, the principle of the division is invalidated.
Well, you know, we males always have the instinct to defend the helpless females from other males.:D
Well you see, the patriarchy is so powerful and suppressive that women can't be heard. So we're being good feminists by giving the voiceless a voice. :rolleyes::|:rolleyes::|
They estimate 1.7% of people are born intersex, which is more people than are born with red hair. That leans toward this being a little more complicated than the XY sex-determination system can account for. Or at least something to think about. I mean I don't have any answers and my opinion on this matter is just my opinion.
This estimate is highly disputed:
There are few firm estimates of the number of intersex people. The now-defunct Intersex Society of North America stated that:

If you ask experts at medical centers how often a child is born so noticeably atypical in terms of genitalia that a specialist in sex differentiation is called in, the number comes out to about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births [0.07–0.05%]. But a lot more people than that are born with subtler forms of sex anatomy variations, some of which won't show up until later in life.[135]

Blackless, Fausto-Sterling et al., said in two articles in 2000 that 1.7 percent of human births (1 in 60) might be intersex, including variations that may not become apparent until, for example, puberty, or until attempting to conceive.[136][137] Their publications have been widely quoted,[53][138][139] though aspects are now considered outdated, such as use of the now scientifically incorrect term hermaphrodite.[140] Eric Vilain et al. highlighted in 2007 that the term disorders of sex development (DSD) had replaced "hermaphrodite" and improper medical terms based on it.[141]

The figure of 1.7% is still maintained by Intersex Human Rights Australia "despite its flaws".[142] "This estimate relates to any "individual who deviates from the Platonic ideal of physical dimorphism at the chromosomal, genital, gonadal, or hormonal levels" and thus it encapsulates the entire population of people who are stigmatized – or risk stigmatization – due to innate sex characteristics."
Cast a wider net, catch more fish.
ThreePutt said:
But we do this stuff. There was a thing going 'round a few years ago saying men were going to dress like women so that they could get into women's bathrooms. And? What would that get them? A view of women washing their hands? I mean stalls are still things. They would have to do something illegal for there to be anything worth worrying about, and if they were going to do something illegal like that what advantage would being in the woman's room in drag get them? I mean it's a great way to get people all worked up..."Dudes are going to be in the bathroom with your daughters!" The reality is that it's a non-issue. Kinda like the idea that a dude would pretend to be a woman to win disc golf events.
But this has happened and is happening with more frequency since these policies have been implemented. They're just not nationally reported because journalists are bad people. You'll roll your eyes at this source but it's just a convenient compilation of links to 25 "non-issues.". But just because something isn't likely to happen doesn't mean you shouldn't take precautions. It's not likely that I'll be murdered in my sleep if I leave my door unlocked at night but I still lock my doors because I don't want to enable that possibility. Simply saying, "nothing will happen probably b/c murder and stuff is illegal anyway" is a really naive way to regard people.

To the people that are strongly oppose to this: What are your thoughts on hormone doping, like men taking hgh? Should this not be at least as big of a concern to you? If fairness above all is the main concern, why not lobby for doping tests?
Fairness is not above all my main concern. My concern is having something specifically for certain people, a female protected division, and then blurring the meanings of words so much thanks to junk science and politics that the division becomes pointless. Yes, I'm arguing semantics. :|

Now I assume that the reason behind the division is fairness so you're not wrong there. Since biologically male developed people have almost always physical advantages (regardless of hormone treatments) than biologically female developed people then yes it wouldn't be a terribly level playing field for the former to compete in a division exclusive for the latter. Doping is a bit different though in that it's an issue regardless of specific divisions.

I can just as easily say that although I'm a 25 year old I identify as a 60 year old because my telomere health indicates that my cells are as aged and unhealthy as a 60 year old due to my drinking, smoking, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle. I feel like a 60 year old, I have a note from a random doctor saying I need these testosterone shots, and I have cutting edge science to back me up so let me play MPO60 division or you're an ageist, science denying, bigot.
A division for those with XX chromosomes, plus a very limited number of exceptions to the XX.
How about the limited number of exceptions to the XX just play in any of the open divisions? Or make them all open divisions? An XX chromosome only division isn't much of an XX chromosome only division if you allow exceptions to XX chromosomes.
People who support their statements with citations usually are the informed ones. Then if the other side actually is informed (and has ANY gonads of ANY genetic variety), they normally counter with some specific argument to refute the sources. Instead you ignored them.

You're assuming that the citations are valid. What if they're not, but politically motivated 'findings' that were paid for by those with an agenda supporting that side of the argument?

And to cite the openly Lefitist, often disproved, agenda-driven New York Times shows that the citations are worthless. You'll believe what you want, no matter what citations are put up either way.
We all know the real issue here. You're afraid that down the road, when you're cranking one out to FPO coverage, you won't know which one had the weiner.
You're assuming that the citations are valid. What if they're not, but politically motivated 'findings' that were paid for by those with an agenda supporting that side of the argument?

And to cite the openly Lefitist, often disproved, agenda-driven New York Times shows that the citations are worthless. You'll believe what you want, no matter what citations are put up either way.

hey man, I hear that shovels are on sale at the hardware store. Want me to pick one up for you?
You're assuming that the citations are valid. What if they're not, but politically motivated 'findings' that were paid for by those with an agenda supporting that side of the argument?

And to cite the openly Lefitist, often disproved, agenda-driven New York Times shows that the citations are worthless. You'll believe what you want, no matter what citations are put up either way.

You got me. I was interacting with you like a real human. Convincing algorithm for a while, though.
And you're hypocritically are doing exactly the same thing, and even worse with the baseless accusations you just threw in those words I've quoted above. And 'live and let live' is a two-way street: the Left constantly tries to force its opinions on everyone else, and attacks anyone who disagrees or refuses to march in jackbooted lockstep with their views. And last night NovaP was viciously attacking me by saying my views were 'uninformed', which is not true, but showed her fear driving her beliefs and her refusal to live and let live (yes, I'm throwing your own words back at you).

I partially agree that letting everyone live their own lives is a measure of character...and it is the Left, it is you, and it is especially NovaP who is not doing that, but using personal attacks and smears to attempt to suppress any viewpoint that doesn't exactly equal yours.

I am afraid that the crux of you opinion seems to revolve around the actions of this "Left". I am sorry this club is such a pain point for you. I don't really grasp the philosophy of this "group", but they do not speak for me, nor I them. Allowing fear of the unknown dictate your treatment of others and to become a drive, to force your beliefs upon them, is not exclusive to any group of people. Live and let live does goes both ways. You are entitled to your opinion, I just object to your desire to make it policy.....in the face of opposing facts and science.

With that said, I will leave you to your take and allow others to continue the discussion. I don't want or expect you to change your opinion and it now feels like I have little hope in getting you to see it is OK to have a differing thought process.
The issue of political correctness can be boiled down to one's investment in the status quo, especially for those who have been historically marginalized or oppressed. The idea of "Truth" tends to connect the status quo in relation to objective facts or religion such that reality is fixed. Gender is, therefore, fixed in relation to biology and/or religious creation. But why should gender be any more defined by biology than by brain chemistry? And if our understanding of human development changes, how might those changes revise how we think about taxonomies we've created based on new findings?

To many conservatives, political correctness is a ploy to undermine fixed reality. To them it can only be a rhetorical ploy because reality is reality is reality. Facts are facts. But facts and knowledge and social hierarchies aren't ideologically free. They are because they've always been, but that doesn't mean they must remain.

I get charges of political correctness as being social justice warrior work. It's a dumb argument, but hey, we all have our investments. But to claim that changes in scientific understanding of gender don't exist so to defend the traditional as the correct is to enact intellectual entrenchment. I get that said entrenchment is values-based but the only thing that makes it correct is that it aligns with and forwards dominant traditional thought. I have zero invested in such thought, so I'm happy to be "a SJW" in the name of updating social behaviors and practices to align with scientific knowledge.
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