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[Question] Potential tech standards changes?

ya i guess. i still dont have a problem with it. people need to get less butt hurt about things like that.
i bet you use the word "gay" for something other than happy don't you? Do you get upset one someone says "this thing is gay"? I doubt it.

If you are even half-way intelligent you would know that you have lots of options when it comes to the words that you choose to use to express yourself. Do you call women the C word? If not, why not? Do you call black people the N word? If not, why not? Maybe you should and then tell them not to get so butt hurt when they beat the crap out of you.
If you are even half-way intelligent you would know that you have lots of options when it comes to the words that you choose to use to express yourself. Do you call women the C word? If not, why not? Do you call black people the N word? If not, why not? Maybe you should and then tell them not to get so butt hurt when they beat the crap out of you.

loved ones with disabilities

I believe a more modern expression would be something along the lines of "differently abled". I don't really keep track of such things, but I have a vague memory that "disabled" and "disabilities" fell out of fashion a while back.

There's no need to make a big deal about insensitive speech. If someone insists they don't care who they offend then we may assume they also won't care if you 'ignore' them, a feature I'm sure this forum must have.

Back on topic I like high speed drivers because I love stomping all over my fellow-newb competitors who insist on throwing apes and bosses and more bosses (and also blizzard bosses).
I have no problem with a proposal to take a look at technical standards.

I do have a problem with Innova though.

The Blizzard Katana's of today don't fly as well as the first run Blizzard Katana's with bubbles on the flight plate. And that is just wrong! I only have 3 left!
I believe a more modern expression would be something along the lines of "differently abled". I don't really keep track of such things, but I have a vague memory that "disabled" and "disabilities" fell out of fashion a while back.

There's no need to make a big deal about insensitive speech. If someone insists they don't care who they offend then we may assume they also won't care if you 'ignore' them, a feature I'm sure this forum must have.

Back on topic I like high speed drivers because I love stomping all over my fellow-newb competitors who insist on throwing apes and bosses and more bosses (and also blizzard bosses).

I did a quick google before I comented, and saw person with disabilities was pc, just now I saw that it was from five years ago, so you are probably right.

I only called him out because I subscribe to the notion that ignoring ignorance perpectuates the condition.

Also, newbs with big discs are hilarious!
Okay i stopped reading at page 14, here's my drive-by comments:

I think there is a bit of marketing influence behind this motion. Innova knows the wide-rim driver market is just about to reach it's level of saturation, especially with all the new disc manufactures gaining ground on them. So why not try to get those discs banned and get the player base to purchase their existing slower drivers, and also start creating more slower drivers that promise the same results of the banned wide-rim drivers.

Sustainability doesn't really apply to disc golf, since this sport is entirely scale-able. There is a standard rim width/weight limit right now. There are existing courses right now that people play with those discs. New courses can be made longer -- yes i understand using a large lot of land is a hard sell. Even if new courses can't be made any longer, so what, easy courses remain easy, well designed courses remain well designed.
The best way to cripple a small company with high inventory and low cash is to make their product unmarketable.

I think it's obvious what Duvall is up to.

On a side note, I'm feeling pretty good about my bag of Leopards and JLS's.
Thirty years after Innova changed the game with the introduction of the bevel edge, they are trying to reverse the technology.
In all honesty the PDGA should leave the specs where they are now. The change would do nothing to improve safety and would hurt smaller disc companies that are trying to bring innovations to our sport.
Thirty years after Innova changed the game with the introduction of the bevel edge, they are trying to reverse the technology.
Ah crap it's Skynet! I'm holding fast and awaiting further instruction from John Conner, as it's almost 2018 already.
The first thing that needs to happen is that the PDGA needs to stop having so much outside influence at BOD meetings that are generally closed door. Furthermore when an outside influence (especially one that has a stake in it) makes such a presentation you should NEVER make a motion on site and say that you will take it under advisement and discuss it in depth at a later date after the decision makers actually have time to consider the repercussions of such a decision are. Essentially what is happening is that Innova is trying to make the PDGA it's submissive in it's relationship which is totally ridiculous. PDGA listen up...You run this, not them do not buckle to the influence of a money hungry corporation. Granted I have my own opinions about Innova and all parties involved but I would say the same thing if any manufacturer came in and tried to say this stuff. This entire circumstance reeks of conflict of interest and collusion. And saying that Innova and USDGC are fully behind this, of course they are because they are essentially the same thing. That would be like them saying Hero disc, Millennium or Disc Mania are in agreement with it. Or if Discraft said DGA or USADGC supports it. Either way the lie of saying that its for the sustainability of the sport is complete and utter BS. No one says that the pros have to throw these wide rim drivers. At a certain point thru attrition if they are out throwing the holes they will begin to disc down naturally, but that doesn't mean that the other 98% of the people who actually play the sport don't need such a disc to get there. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what some of these old pros have done but making such a recommendation gives the perception that you are old, out of touch with your customers and living in the golden age of "when I used to play and all we had was a trash can lid". And to think that the governing body responsible for the protection and growth of a sport is preposterous. That would be like the NBA or PGA folding to Nike and saying from here on out athletes can only use "this type" of shoe that oh btw Nike holds the patent for. BECAUSE that is exactly what the PDGA has done in the past and is making the motion to do currently. PDGA kick all these outside and extra people out of your BOD meetings, discuss the issues brought to the table and guess what, you don't HAVE to always make a decision right then and there. Beyond that speak to the people, you represent them, find out what they are thinking NOT only what the major manufacturers have to say. AND if you can't manage to do that, GUESS WHAT? that's why there is BOD elections each year. Keep doing what you're doing and you may no longer find yourself there!
Harold Duvall is one of the most honorable men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Some of y'all are simply off base.

I would be shocked if tech standards were to be rolled back.
Let's see. Where to begin? Seems like 80 to 90% of our courses are in public parks, with no fences or signs or anything to keep the general park users out. At least 75% of the players on these courses are relative beginners or recreationals who don't throw all that far or accurately. Add to that a lack of playing etiquette and a predilection to throw high speed drivers..... Anyone old enough to remember what happened to lawn darts?
If the number of players keeps increasing at the rate it has, this change is inevitable. We can't all just switch to playing private courses.
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Harold Duvall is one of the most honorable men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Some of y'all are simply off base.

I would be shocked if tech standards were to be rolled back.

Yeah, seriously. You people talking about money and business have no idea who you're talking about.
Come visit the north east, free public courses are an anomaly. If you don't think private, pay to play, courses are the future, you're not looking at true growth as a possibility. The safety concern is obviously significantly less on a private course, that is pay to play, on private property... Couple that with the constant "When is this sport going to go mainstream1!1?" threads I see all the time and you'll start to get a picture of where we will eventually go (if interest continues to rise). Money is the key.

Discs definitely don't need to get wider rims, or sharper edges... and hell, even the rigidity test SHOULD be taken seriously if they're really going to start playing the "safety" song. Honestly, throttling back the progression of equipment is fine, but making any portion of a competitive players current bag illegal is just stupid.

I've made this argument to Chuck before when they were pushing the superclass crap down every ones throats. I didn't pick up disc golf to throw an ultimate frisbee at a target. I loved the appeal of the diversity of discs and the selection that could go into crafting your own bag (toolbox). Take that away from me and you've taken a great deal of the appeal of the sport from me. I would probably walk away from the sport. At the end of the day, I like watching a disc soar. I don't have to be the one who threw it either. Some of my favorite views of watching a disc fly have been while I was standing in the fairway someone I waved on is shooting down. Have I been hurt yet doing this? No. Could I be? Obviously. But an elephant could also fall out of a tree and crush me on any given Sunday too.
Harold Duvall is one of the most honorable men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Some of y'all are simply off base.

I would be shocked if tech standards were to be rolled back.

lol, that's great biscoe. obviously you haven't even considered the truth--that he's been cultivating his "honorable" image for years in anticipation of this very moment in time to take over the organization that he already secretly controls. duh.
The conspiracy theory that Innova is just some big, evil corporation ruling the sport with an iron fist just tells me that people need to get out and throw discs more. Fresh air, people.
The conspiracy theory that Innova is just some big, evil corporation ruling the sport with an iron fist just tells me that people need to get out and throw discs more. Fresh air, people.

i think he anticipated you writing this. hold your breath people.