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[Gateway] Gateway Wizard

Could somebody explain the difference in flight and feel of evolution diamond anencephaly evolution platinum for me?

Limited experience with each, but evo diamond tend to be more towards over stable. Champ like plastics.
Evo plat, I've only thrown a few from the same run. Started slightly overstable-ish, but straightened out within a few rounds. Have held a solid 0 HSS for a while. More driver pro-ish plastic. My favorite throwing wiz so far.
Both withstand treehits much better than Suregrip baseline plastics, which look like garbage after a few practice putts, but feel soooo good.
How does the evo diamond mold up? I am looking for a premium plastc wizard similar in feel to the fossil wizard. Slightly lower profile with a flat top. I can't stand domey. Looking for something to hold that initial flight with more fade.

Sent from my VS988 using Tapatalk
How does the evo diamond mold up? I am looking for a premium plastc wizard similar in feel to the fossil wizard. Slightly lower profile with a flat top. I can't stand domey. Looking for something to hold that initial flight with more fade.

Sent from my VS988 using Tapatalk

The Diamond I have has the feel of a puffy Wizard. Definitely not like Fossil.
I think I asked this same question earlier in the thread, and I recall somebody recommending the Evo Platinum for a flatter premium plastic Wiz.
Casey is good for 2-3 head scratchers per day.

As a fellow early millennial born in 1988 (I assume), really makes me wonder. :sick:

Sorry about that I assumed like what Innova did in the early 1990's from what I read on here with Gateway making a putter like a Aviar but not qute and getting a lawsuit handed to them it would have not surprised me if they did somthing again with that Wizard.

I was wrong.
How does the evo diamond mold up? I am looking for a premium plastc wizard similar in feel to the fossil wizard. Slightly lower profile with a flat top. I can't stand domey. Looking for something to hold that initial flight with more fade.

Sent from my VS988 using Tapatalk

Diamonds definitely don't feel low profile and flat. Try a new PWP, they're beefy, and feel very similar to fossil. Not premium though.
So I picked up two new PWPs with the new stamp, and they are definitely a different blend than my previous pwp wizards. These new ones are a much smoother almost driver pro feel, not similar to fossil at all. But they do feel really good. Unfortunately they chunk up just like every other sure grip wizard.
Also, noticed that infinite has "firm" wizards listed. Is this something new that I missed, or possibly fossil plastic that's mislabeled on their site? Either way, I have one coming in the mail.
With the heat coming, I'm wondering what plastic is going to be similar to my blueberry eraser wizards that I used all winter in sub-30 weather, for 60-90 degree summer temperatures.
The Blueberry Eraser is going to have the most similar plastic.

If you mean, which plastic will feel most similar in this different environment, probably a stiffer eraser. Call them and ask.
Can anyone tell me what SB-17 and 19 are like? For that matter, I think we should start a running list of the different Special Blends and others small batch runs like G25 or even some of the Fossil blends. Obviously we can't have every one of the main Sure Grips listed as they vary so much, but at least the limited runs would be worth keeping up with.
With the heat coming, I'm wondering what plastic is going to be similar to my blueberry eraser wizards that I used all winter in sub-30 weather, for 60-90 degree summer temperatures.
I've accidentally used an Eraser Warlock all year. It really didn't feel very different to me in the cold or heat. The grip is better when it's hot, but that's probably because I can feel my fingertips. :| The flex wasn't dramatically different. I'd just roll with it.

If not, I'd say just try a Soft. Eraser in the Winter is probably close to Soft in the summer. Depending on how Soft the Soft is, of course. :eek:

Just stick with the Eraser. :|
Can anyone tell me what SB-17 and 19 are like...

I have one SB-16. It is stiff and feels just like a velvety pwp.

I just got an order in from infinite, including one "firm" owl stamp wizard. It is marked with an F, and identical to all of my fossil wizards/lizards. I have not thrown it yet. Gateway seems to have dropped the description of their soft sure grip plastic online(unless I missed it), but added "firm." I have a few theories.
1) infinite mislabeled this batch as firm, but it's fossil.
2) gateway has dropped the soft flex and replaced it with firm, in name only, and will continue to have varying feels to their base plastic.
3) gateway now sells their fossil plastic and just calls it firm. Everything will now feel like fossil.
4) I am looking for way too much meaning in this
I'm going to miss the slick soft flex wizards if they actually go away. My newest PWPs are close, but not quite as slick as the old medium and G9i stuff.
I have one SB-16. It is stiff and feels just like a velvety pwp.

I just got an order in from infinite, including one "firm" owl stamp wizard. It is marked with an F, and identical to all of my fossil wizards/lizards. I have not thrown it yet. Gateway seems to have dropped the description of their soft sure grip plastic online(unless I missed it), but added "firm." I have a few theories.
1) infinite mislabeled this batch as firm, but it's fossil.
2) gateway has dropped the soft flex and replaced it with firm, in name only, and will continue to have varying feels to their base plastic.
3) gateway now sells their fossil plastic and just calls it firm. Everything will now feel like fossil.
4) I am looking for way too much meaning in this
I'm going to miss the slick soft flex wizards if they actually go away. My newest PWPs are close, but not quite as slick as the old medium and G9i stuff.

My guess is door number 1.

To add to your description with some others for the list and the G25 info came from the now apparently defunct Phantom Discs.

SB-16: It is stiff and feels just like a velvety pwp.
G25: Extremely flat and a low shoulder. Flex: Firm, these are stiffer than the Soft Plastic.
SB-13 and SB-14: These are extremely flat, stiff and velvety. Start out extremely overstable, and are very slow to wear (per allenhoop back on pg 24)

Lets keep this going and please update where appropriate.
G25: Extremely flat and a low shoulder. Flex: Firm, these are stiffer than the Soft Plastic. (I can confirm this, as I own one. Stiffest Wizard I have felt, but never held a G9i)
SB-13 and SB-14: These are extremely flat, stiff and velvety. Start out extremely overstable, and are very slow to wear
SB-16: It is stiff and feels just like a velvety pwp.
SB-18: Compared with SB-22, it is a little more chalky feeling, but not much difference.
SB-22: Has a velvety feel to it and grips nice.
SB-30: More like RFF

All descriptions are not my own unless noted in parentheses.
Have added more descriptions to a couple of these, in bold.

G25: Extremely flat and a low shoulder. Flex: Firm, these are stiffer than the Soft Plastic. (I can confirm this, as I own one. Stiffest Wizard I have felt, but never held a G9i)
SB-13 and SB-14: These are extremely flat, stiff and velvety. Start out extremely overstable, and are very slow to wear
SB-16: It is stiff and feels just like a velvety pwp.
SB-18: Compared with SB-22, it is a little more chalky feeling, but not much difference.Flex is about the same as Gateway Super Soft.
SB-22: Has a velvety feel to it and grips nice. Flex is like Super Stupid Soft.
SB-30: More like RFF
That's the beauty of the Wizard (Gateway, really). No matter how weird your desired firmness, texture, etc., they either have it or will run a batch for you.
Is anybody else bothered by the increasing amount of text on the bottom of newer Wizards? There isn't a smooth surface to place my finger tips anymore (putting grip).
Is anybody else bothered by the increasing amount of text on the bottom of newer Wizards? There isn't a smooth surface to place my finger tips anymore (putting grip).

Yes. I found a nice feeling SSS Wizard but my bottom fingers could wander to touch the tooling that you are talking about. I took some fine sandpaper to it and it seems alright now.