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[Discraft] The Flick


Eagle Member
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Mar 27, 2009
Got a new disc today, a heavy Elite Z Flick from Disccraft. Talk about a disc to grow into. This thing doesn't even pretend to go straight, forehand or backhand. I could throw this thing into the teeth of a hurricane and it would still hyzer off and skip. Just what I was looking for. It makes the skips I was getting off my Elite Z Avenger look like child's play. The thing skips further than it flies. It turns left harder than my taco'd DX Stingray turns right.

Perhaps as my forehand gets a little stronger I'll need it for slightly straighter shots. Right now I get an S curve off a star orc forehand and a gentle hyzer off a brand new star Wraith.

It's fun to have a bag full of very unique discs, but this thing makes my gator look like a wolf.
Flick is my go to hyzer disc. I got a Flick in elite Z plastic thats pretty beat and it actually goes dead straight until it starts slowing down, its money. Its also the only thing I can sidearm consistently. Its gonna take a while to break it in, but once you do--its the most dependable disc you'll own. I got a newer Flick for big hyzer shots like you were talking about. Dont know why it never made the ESP cut besides the 150 class Flick(which is awesome as well). I bought a used Predator that was pretty broken in and its nothing compared to the Flick. Ya made a good choice.
I couldn't play a round without the legendary Discraft Flick. Once broken in, it has the best S turn (forehand) line out there. I love this disc!
My only ACE so far was with my Flick. Mine is preety old and beat up. Goes pretty straight how ever I throw it.
If you want it to fly straight, try it in high winds. It's a fighter. I can't say enough good about mine. Extremely versatile but definitely not for everyone. Enjoy it.
You'll obviously lose some distance and some fight in the wind because of the weight, but it's still a fighter.
It seems like this disc would be great for some hard forehand shots. I am in the hunt for a lighter one (162-166). Anything heavier than that I am worried about having a hard time controlling because of how overstable it is. Preferably Z plastic.
It seems like this disc would be great for some hard forehand shots. I am in the hunt for a lighter one (162-166). Anything heavier than that I am worried about having a hard time controlling because of how overstable it is. Preferably Z plastic.

I don't think you'll be disappointed with a 150. They're not made in Z plastic anymore. Unfortunately, Discraft only makes their premium 150s in ESP (not much of a difference, really).
i like the predator A LOT more, but the flick, or the predator for that matter, aren't meant to go straight, try them for thumbers, headwind drives, hyzer spikes they're a stability rating of 2.5 that pretty much says, unless your masterbeato this is not going straight

come to think of it my flx predator was covered in warning labels that said "is this masterbeato? if not please set down and step back"
i like the predator A LOT more, but the flick, or the predator for that matter, aren't meant to go straight, try them for thumbers, headwind drives, hyzer spikes they're a stability rating of 2.5 that pretty much says, unless your masterbeato this is not going straight

come to think of it my flx predator was covered in warning labels that said "is this masterbeato? if not please set down and step back"
I couldn't really understand what you said, could you take Dan Beato's balls out of your mouth and try it again? :D
hahaha - the 171 Z flick is my go to precision FH driver - throw it with the nose down doesnt get too much elevation but just goes on a line - gets a little Highspeed turn then fades predictably - I can get more D out of an Xcal or Force but those are less forgiving and i can end up turning them over easier
Right now I get an S curve off a star orc forehand and a gentle hyzer off a brand new star Wraith.

try repeating this line at a casual Office meeting, or around the water cooler...see what kind of crazy looks you'll get from your coworkers!
There's a hole at my local course that I use a tomahawk all the time so today I gave the 150 Flick a go at it. I threw it like I would a TeeRex or any overstable driver, at 10-11' o'clock. It turned to 90 degrees and then held that line straight to the ground. I've never seen anything like it. Good thing it was a funsie.
The flick and the Pred are completely different discs. I consider the flick more of a utility disc than anything else. Predator = Firebird in my eyes.
When your RHFH absolutely, positively has to hook right...you Flick it. Got a skip off a road over the weekend that appeared to defy gravity as it sailed right. Must be made with essence of kangaroo or something.

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