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Etiquette and pet peeves

All of the above lol. Lets at Land of Memories in Mankato my biggest thing has got to be dog oh and even horse sh*t....seriously do you want me to come and drop a big ole duece right where you walk? How about your living room or wherever you like to hang out.....just clean up...its not that difficult. Then again for these people it must be because for most of them "taking the dog outside" means they bring their dogs to the disc golf park and let them out of the car...then proceed to just drive up and down the access road with their dog chasing the car for its exercise...don't even get out and throw a ball or anything...oh and there is a nice shiny "Dog Park" that i'm sure us disc golfer's taxes went to that you could use too...Seriously people like that piss me off. End rant. Sad thing is I was thinking before I typed this if sh*t was my biggest pet peeve at the course...I believe that just confirmed it haha.
Everyone already covered most everything, but the other day I was playing alone and a group of 5 (4 guys and a girl, all mid to late 20s) wouldn't let me pass when I was on their ass(es) for 5 straight holes...I literally had to make it to the teebox before they walked away from it for them to even consider letting me play through:doh:
I feel like the being still and quiet thing is about respect for my competitors. I am quiet and still (usually behind his lie so line of sigt distraction isnt an issue either) and i feel that when its not reciprocated that shows their lack of respect for me. I want to give my competitors the best chance to win so when they lose they have nothing to blame it on. So giving them the Best chance to concentrate and least amount of distractions is the only thing i can influence. If people are petty enough to resort to mind games and bein childish i can adjust to it but id prefer i just get the same respect i try to give to others.

well said, I agree.
This seems very cathartic. Some of us may need professional counseling lol. The comment about others only seeing a park is right in my opinion. I just can't believe how many people will stare at me on the teepad. Then stare at the basket before turning back to stare at you some more. I was in a five man group one day and some kids about 12 were taunting us to try to hit them. I made a run at the pudgy kids head but low speed fade saved him.
All of the above, so how about people in general??? People are A-holes and to be honest sometimes I am, but at least when I throw a temper tantrum like a little two year old (really my only fault) it's just during casual play and I apologize afterwards. Get it off my chest be done with it and get creative when you know you're having a bad round.

These are all really good pet peeves. I would like to propose the question, which ones are you guilty of? Who among us walks on water?

On the topic though, my biggest pet peeve is that damn coyote at the new private course in Denver that stole my star valkyrie and then came back to taunt me. Come on... I laughed when he did it but then he had to add insult to injury while stalking the rest of my bag??? Makes me want to throw discs made by ACME so they will ruin him. MeeepMeeep! Tag the SOB with a RoadRunner, that'll make hims think twice!
I actually enjoy playing with loud people. Especially while driving or putting. At least in casual rounds. I played a warm up round with a bunch of loud old guys before a tourney. Then, while it was going on, I didn't even notice people anywhere else on the course. I was used to it. I like that stuff.
Things i will assault you for;
Throwing into me when i havent finished the hole, obviously not random stray drives, accidents happen, but stupidity gets dealt with.

Hitting me when throwing into me, this is seperate from above. The above assault is for your lack of respect for me and others and the chance you could have hurt me. This is going to be much much worse since it actually did likely hurt me.

The banter between Thumber and I was in good fun.
My comments in regard to the consequences of throwing at me were very real.
If youre goig to be a jerk, you better be able to outrun me or my driver

You sound like a real bad dude, for real. I'm sure you will get your due respect on the yard.
I pull up to the p lot blasting a music type that only i like. Then i usually take a few moments to get ready while still blasting ska beats.

Though not my choice, tge local crew wont let you pass until you catch them on the pad.

I treat casual putts like tpurney putts.

Usually praise the frisbee at the 420ft holes.

....Im sure theres other things i do to annoy internet golfers but i wont let you get me, or my love for the GAME down ;)
hahaha when i started playing dg i was told the only people who disc golf are stoners and dorks....hahaha always thought that was funny...i take my 3 year old to my home course all the time...he kind of stays out of everyone's way..haha people really do get annoyed for you bringing your kid...sometimes i'd have to find something else kid friendly to do instead of dg but i got my boy a mini so he plays with the big boys! and on my home course if there's a tourney you just don't get in their way and be polite and they could care less if you are there to have fun...one of my biggest pet peeves on the course is dirtball white trash...(the litterers as i call them) you come to the course on a 100 degree day with 98% humidity in your black icp hoodie and baggie pants with 10lbs of chain attatched then throw your garbage all over the course...there are garbage cans on every hole.....g*ddamn juggalos....hate them!!
I pull up to the p lot blasting a music type that only i like. Then i usually take a few moments to get ready while still blasting ska beats.

What's wrong with ska? I thought everyone liked ska...you mean Skankin Pickle isn't popular?
Having my comments REMOVED!

So I will post it again.....80 percent of the people I meet on my courses thinking EVERYONE is 420 friendly. :wall:
people who miss a putt and feel the need to throw a disc as hard as they can (ive alnost been hit by a dbag who did that on my card)

Some guy did that on my card in a tournament last year.. Dude clanked his putt off the basket from about 10-15 feet. He went to slam his disc in the basket but threw it vertical and it went straight through the chains.


People who take 9 minutes to set up their shot and another 5 doing their pre-shot routine.. then, when you wake up from that nice little nap you took, they finally throw the damn thing and shank it 100 feet in the wrong direction

During a tournament - When you have to keep reminding the card holder to write the scores down..

Those park goers who pick up your disc and throw back to you, lol. I've had this happen once or twice
I don't mind ^ so much. But it bothers me on my home course smelling it in the parking lot. Mainly because its on church property. Really? At a church?
How bout when my very own partner fails to call FORE on an early released approach shot and hits me in the neck. He also shoots out of turn, and i don't mean drop ins, throws his empty bottles in the woods, is nasty to anyone he doesn't know and he has left several pair of socks in the parking lot after retrieving water bound discs. After listing this I can't believe the dude is my friend.

You talking about SoVi??
What part of South Jersey do you live in? I'm currently living in Vineland.

-Scott Lewis
Hyzer Flip Disc Golf

P.S.. Went Through your posts.. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE :) We playing tomorrow?
I will preface this by saying that when I play with people, they are almost always people in my disc golf club, so they should be aware of etiquette (also, we are almost always playing for bag tags so it is somewhat competitive). If I ever join up with someone who is new to the game, I don't really care too much. Also, I come from a ball golf background (played for high school team and club college team) where almost all of these pet peeves are things that are common knowledge and would probably get you killed if you do them.

A couple of my pet peeves are:

- Talking while people tee off or are trying to throw- the amount of times when someone starts to talk as I'm mid x-step is ridiculous. This has happened in both tournaments and Bag Tag rounds.
- Keeping your phone on ring- Is it really that hard to turn it on silent. Even vibrate would do. I've had people's phone ringing right before I'm about to release a disc and then I clank it into a tree. (happened today, twice last saturday)
- You should pretty much never be infront of/ in direct eyeshot of someone who is throwing. People moving around 10 feet infront/diagonally of me as I'm trying to throw an approach shot kind of distracts me. Especially on the teepad. A few people were standing/moving around a foot away from the teepad (on the left side/in my eyeline) as I was trying to throw. All you have to do is take a couple steps back or just stand on the other side so I can't see you.
- People walking behind the basket or throwing a second put as I'm putting at it. All you have to do is mark your disc and walk away, or just wait till I'm done putting. It only takes 10 seconds tops. (happened multiple times today)

Again, these things only bother me when I'm playing a round that would be considered competitive (E.G. Bag Tags, Tournaments, Doubles, Etc.). But they still happen all the time during them. Am I just kind of anal or would this bother you too?
I'm in the process of creating a "Course Etiquette" card/pamphlet to hand out at courses. Trying to include everything I can think of for casual and tournament play. I will have it available to anyone who wants it when I finish it!

-Scott Lewis
Hyzer Flip Disc Golf