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Newbs make my day on a daily basis

ever since i started working at a disc golf shop, noobs make my day every day when i convince them to buy star leopards and teebirds over the katana/boss they were considering and i see them on the course throwing the disc i recommended and sold to them much better than the crap they had before

that's how noobs make my day

You rule :hfive:
Hi, my name is Sloppydisc, and I throw horribly. And sometimes I throw an inappropriate disc for my skill level. Usually as a thumber. In my case almost any disc above a speed 3 is inappropriate, but that's my sad case.

Please feel free to make fun of my short drives on the course or forums if it makes you feel better. I have no ego, and don't care. But, I'll take advice and listen. And thank you later if you're helpful.

Sloppy, if you're being sincerebro, guys like you are what this site is all about. Take a peak at this and let me know if it helps any.

I was admitting my faults, asking for forgiveness and advice, not acceptance. Why won't anyone help me?

Now this I can recognize as sarcasm. You are set in your ways and wouldn't take advice from anybody anyway.

We are all disc dorks. I love it.

Agreed, and I love it too.

This is why I bought my first Nuke, was supposed to be the coolest piece of plastic ever. It sits on a shelf now...

Fishy, trade it to that Nuke lovin Hysell fella. He'll put it to good use for ya!
I was playing with a buddy at Acorn park and we were waiting to tee off on hole #6. As we walked up this kid was showing off his new max weight Ape to some random guy that was obviously just there to drink in public. The kid proceeded to give a full dissertation on why the Ape is the best disc ever. "Its speed 13, so its like the fastest disc ever made. It like goes farther then anything else, and its really overstable and that makes it go farther too." "Its rim is super wide so better players can grip it soooo well." "This disc is so long it will set the distance record fur sure!"

After listening to him blather about the ape he stepped up to the box and ripped it. First of all let me say I throw a tame firebird on this hole, and thats only because my drone is out of the bag now. If I had a hornet I would throw it here. Really, I should be throwing my putter but I can't accurately judge the wind from the box. So anyways he newb hyzers out and MAYBE gets out to 250'. I get all smug on my insides waiting for him to say something about the wind killing him or some other lame excuse. Nope, he turns to his buddy and smiles, exclaiming "oh yea, thats the Ape!" "Great shot man!" his buddy replied.

If this sounds like something you would say and do, or if this was you, do me a favor and do one of two things. 1 - please please please never get better and never learn, you so constantly crack me up. 2 - Do yourself and that Ape a favor and buy a Teebird. Its ok to not throw very far, everyone was a beginner at one point. But seriously, you aren't doing ourself any good.

If you are an employee and/or the owner of Fairway Flyerz, please do one of the following. 1 - Stop selling the latest speed 13 disc to every Newb that walks through the door. In fact, stop selling discs period, just have a sign at the door with directions down to GGGT. 2 - Keep doing what your doing, I need to feel superior over some section of the disc golf community, even if that means you are ripping off dozens of kids a week. Either way, put the pins in at Kaposia at some point, we aren't paying you yearly fees to sit on your arse and give out ribbons.

Posts like these make my day. You always see it, people whos probably sitting middle of Advanced division and cracking jokes on noobs because they are obviously so elite. Its always the same "The kid threw an Ape 250', and liked it, when the OP is prob throwing like 300. I read these and always feel a little smug waiting for the backlash of "Who gives a ****". But nope, he hits enter and turns to his live in partner to tell him ow much he burned this noob. His partner always says "Great post man". Now keep in mind, this is usuallly a post from someone that cant even read the wind off the teebox.

If you are the OP or this sounds like a thread you would type do me two favors. Please, please, please never get out of that high school mentality of thinking your above someone else, it really cracks me up. #2 Do the noob and most of the forum a favor and turn off your internet. Its ok to make retarded posts, most of us have at some point, but really your not doing yourself any good looking like an ass in public.

If you are the owner of this site please do the following. 1- Stop giving everyone who signs up an account. If you have reason to believe they have the mindset of a 14 yr old. In fact dont even turn them down, just make it a direct link to facebook or Jersey Shore homepage.
Wow, this thread picked up again for no apparent reason. For everyone pointing hate at me, thats fine, its the internets, go for it! But if you really have a problem with what I said, try reading the whole thread and realize I didn't try to burn the noob, I was exasperated at the sales tactics used on new players and how it influences their mentality. It wasn't that the new player only threw 250, or that he dared to have fun, it was that he could have been so much more successful without the Ape sales pitch. All the stuff I said about being smug on the inside and whatnot was for the purpose of the story, and painting myself as a little bit of a heel. Apparently I was all too successful, I should get into writing for a career. Now if you are just using this to blow of steam from the day, thats totally cool, flame away your troubles, thats what online anonymous forums are for!
MNCyclone- First, I agree with your first post. I grow tired of noobs (my spelling version) thinking they are the shizzle because once, they threw 300' off the top of hole 8 at Central Park in Brooklyn Park, MN (for those who know, a putter or soft midrange will reach the basket at 400'). These new 13 speed drivers are great for making somebody think they are getting laid tonight (they're not).

Yes, GGGT does a phenomenal job of ensuring you are not buying something out of your league. That is why they are the best, and Fairway Flyers will never see a dime of my money. I went into FF once, and the 'owner' seemed annoyed that I was asking him questions about courses he was developing. Really? I was showing an interest in his 'ART'. Yet another reason why "his course" Lochness blows. Last time I visited (I was in the area), they were closed on a posted OPEN time and day, with now sign explaining things. Yeah, you suck.

I like the commenter who asked why didn't you play along side them. That would have really shut them up. At one point, we have all played with a superior player, even if they threw the same distance, but they were way more consistent, putted much better, or rescued shots better than we did. Old saying goes, when one teaches, two learn.

haha funny. 1st I agree with the original poster. Yeah Lochness is OK. I lost a Leopard there off hole...uhhh, that real long one with the apartments on the left and brush all through the middle. and the pin is right before a ditch. Anyway it was winter. It's long gone now. My GF lives right by there. I don't. We both live far far away now. Anyway, Acorn is cool, Kaposia is cool. I have been in a place where dumber people will talk about **** like they know. Oh well. I CAN see that being annoying. I talk a lot of DG, but I know what I'm talking about. First disc was a SHARK, then SURGE, BUZZZ, Banger GT, and so on. So yeah, I never knew about FAD discs. til really, Katana, Boss, Nuke, etc. whatever i guess. Discraft STALKER was a smart make.
My son recently spent some time at our local shop behind the counter. You'd be surprised by the amount of said 'noobs' who don't want advice on discs and just want the disc that their buddy has. In fact, his very first sale at the shop was a Champ Groove to a guy who was going out for his first round of disc golf ever later that day. A lot of the time it's not the shops fault.
you should have push the kid down and kicked dirt in his face,maybe you might feel better about yourself,n excuse from him him about what disc he thew,"i coulda thown my putter",bs
I recently heard Nicklaus lament how the game has changed and how skill and strategy is kind of a lost concept in golf...I just fear its happening in DG as well
strategy has only recently become a component of disc golf... for years it was throw the disc next to the basket, make the putt. course design has advanced a lot in the last 10 years or so...
C'mon now CH! You've been playing for 18+ years. You are exempt from advice (at least you should be). What am I gonna tell you that you dont already know?.... Not only that, who am I to really tell anyone?

You could have used a putter on that 179' hole but you chose not to.... like I said, you are exempt my friend.....:D

hysell couldn't have used a putter on that hole to save his life... he doesn't throw piranhas anymore...
I had a round the other day with actual "noobs" They had literally just bought a driver and headed to the course.

I can't remember the driver but it was one of the new overstable discs that I can't even throw that far.

They were good kids so I let them throw my beat up Cobra & Roc so they could get some straight drives down the tight wood holes.

I told them that they should just get a big beach frisbee to start off with and after a while they will be ready for something better. They asked my advice so I told them what I had learned is that start small and then buy different discs as your game improves. Go to the Innova & Discraft websites and do some research. Start off with a driver that will turn over easy, a mid range, a putter and an old back pack or softside beer cooler for your first bag. You really only need 2 discs if you use a driver and a mid to put too.

The best thing for me playing disc golf all these years is that it has all the aggravation of real golf but doesn't cost that much.

The funny thing was them watching me throw with all my years of playing and still shooting over par on just about every hole.
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My son recently spent some time at our local shop behind the counter. You'd be surprised by the amount of said 'noobs' who don't want advice on discs and just want the disc that their buddy has. In fact, his very first sale at the shop was a Champ Groove to a guy who was going out for his first round of disc golf ever later that day. A lot of the time it's not the shops fault.

I think I played with that guy yesterday, he had a shiny new Green Groove.. I can say it was very easy to find. What shop is down in Pueblo?
I buy the stereo that's volume goes up to 11 not 10. I don't care about sound quality.

Love the Spinal Tap reference, and not surprisingly enough it also is a good representation of how a good percentage of new players think. That is why the Vulcans, Apes, Nukes, and Nuke SS are such great sellers.

I often hear players who have a few months to a year under their belt give advice to their newly playing friends. Some of it is rather funny, but most of what they are saying is correct, just not correct for them yet. It is not my place to jump right in and correct a customer. The last thing I want to do is to make a customer feel like they are being insulted, especially in front of their friends. I might as well say that I do not care about their business.

However, sometimes it is as simple as asking, "can I help you find something?" that opens the flood gates to advice that will point them in the right direction. I would say that 75% of the time or more they then ask for disc recommendations. At that point I tell them to go ahead and buy the Nuke or Ape, you are never going to learn if you do not throw it, but I also point them towards the TeeBirds, Cyclones, Buzzzes, Rocs, Rivers, Leopards, Sidewinders, Valkyries, Flashes, etc, etc. Not only does it boosts sales and gives me a chance to offer advice, but it also sets up the reputation that there are stores out there willing to sell you products that will actually improve your game.

This is not just a statement of my store because I have seen many stores offer this kind of necessary customer service.

As for Acorn; the Ape may be overkill for a newer player on Hole #6, but I would rather have them throw something way overstable and have it crash hard in the forest on the left than run the risk of them throwing everything they have into bad OAT and send it over the path on the right. I normally play only 1 to 4 down at Acorn because there is always a hole or two that snakebites me there. Playing a whole round with me you would definitely know that I am better than that, but when you see me on that one hole (usually 13) that gets me, you would think I am a new player too. Not that this is an excuse for the new player shooting his mouth off.

When a new player sees a decent driver out of me and they ask what I am throwing, when it is something they should not be throwing yet I usually just respond, "you don't want to know, that was a bad drive, no where near where I was aiming." If it is dyed and they could not tell the difference, on the rare occassion I lie and claim it is slower than it really is.
Bahahaha! It's all in good fun, and Hellz yea for new people pickin' up this great sport. But rippin' on newbs is funny as hell no matter what you are doing.:):popcorn:
They were good kids so I let them throw my beat up Cobra & Roc so they could get some straight drives down the tight wood holes.

My friend's brother joined us for a round yesterday. He owns no discs, and usually just uses a driver (Valk/Orc/Wraith/etc) out of someone else's bag for everything, and he acknowledged he 'sucked'. After a few rough holes, I offered up my Buzzz for him to use, telling him he will be able to control it better. He was so happy with the disc going straight, that he was talking about buying discs by the end of the round. He almost aced 18 to end the round, too.

I love it when I see their eyes light up after their drive blazes down the fairway instead of disappearing into the schule.

rippin' on newbs is funny as hell no matter what you are doing.:):popcorn:

Amen. Not just DG n00bs, either. The joys of hazing FNGs has been around for many, many moons.

The best thing for me playing disc golf all these years is that it has all the aggravation of real golf but doesn't cost that much.

Can I get a Hallelujah?
When I head into guitar (rent a) center to noodle on a les paul I could never afford, the worst thing is to have some burnout come up and tell me to put some Lydian scales into my licks. All right john petrucci, I will sure do that, now get out of my face!

he might be a douchebag... but we really are sick of hearing your lame pentatonic doodling! :D

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