Recent content by Jesse B 707

  1. Jesse B 707

    Overhand Sidewinder vs Firebird

    Generally a more overstable disc will give overhands much slower turn and in turn better distance potential
  2. Jesse B 707

    Prodigy expands team

    By disc golf girl standards I guess
  3. Jesse B 707

    The Fury

    Watch this thing fly more stable than a Saint, I'm sorry but I have lost all faith in L64's ability to make a disc fly as they intend, the Saint was the last straw for me.
  4. Jesse B 707

    easier deflashing?

    I just use 120ish grit sandpaper, imo using a blade or machine is just overkill and has a greater chance to wreck your disc than it does to save you time.
  5. Jesse B 707

    MVP Shock

    Hmmmm the Tern felt fine to me
  6. Jesse B 707

    MVP Shock

    Me too...but if it feels that shallow you can count me out.
  7. Jesse B 707

    Disc Golf Prodigy

    I don't know how this wasn't obvious to everyone else. Hot new disc company arrives on the scene, snatches up a bunch of world class pros like Nikko, Paige Pierce and....DGDave?! LOL
  8. Jesse B 707

    Disc Golf Prodigy

    Plastic looks nice and shiny
  9. Jesse B 707

    Will this weekend change the face of disc golf?

    XxX? Don't blaspheme...
  10. Jesse B 707

    The Temple Of ROC!!!!

    Lol. I'm honestly over caring when innova fucks up their good molds anymore. As soon as I have some disposable funds I'm gonna pick up a nice array of Ghosts and not look back...anyone tossed the base plastic Ghost yet?
  11. Jesse B 707

    Will this weekend change the face of disc golf?

    Why? Who really gives a shit?
  12. Jesse B 707

    Will this weekend change the face of disc golf?

    Is it a big ear fetish thing?