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DGWT cancelled?

Far be it for me to pile on, but...


Live stream at USDGC next year?.......
But it's more than I've ever done or tried to do, and I'm reminded of a Teddy Roosevelt quote:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Wow, I didn't realize Teddy was such a fan of the semicolon. Was this quote from the early days before end punctuation had really caught on?
No DGWT in 2018


Can't say I'm shocked. I think they were overreaching a little bit, with prizes not being worth the cost of participating in overseas tour events.

Their coverage was also not great overall and social media streaming of live events not a smart decision in my opinion.

Do you think it will return or have we already seen the last of the DGWT??
Wow, I didn't realize Teddy was such a fan of the semicolon. Was this quote from the early days before end punctuation had really caught on?

From a literate time when sentences were really constructed, and not just spit out. Or perhaps Teddy was under a sentence quota, but of course never short of words. I reckon the guys who manually set type in the newsrooms of the day had to keep a huge stock of punctuation on hand (but far fewer emojis).
Shocking to see his strategy of ignoring the hardcore established fanbase and abandoning live coverage for social media updates (LOL) didn't work.

Shocking I tell you.
Don't get me wrong, I won't be crying myself to sleep over this. But, any (positive) coverage helps legitimize our sport to those that are otherwise unfamiliar with the sport...

You (and others) may not think the DGWT is a big deal, but they are working to strengthen our reputation and promote the sport of disc golf. To me, that is a positive influence in the right direction.

So, even though taking a year off will not destroy the sport, it does not move us forward unless they come out big in 2019. Here's to hoping for a full recovery and improvement for the 2019 season.

I'm not sure angering your base (other disc golfers) "is a positive influence in the right direction." A large portion of the comments about the DGWT have been about the lack of live coverage, or the terrible no-coverage/after-show seen in the first year. All the negativity surrounding the DGWT probably doesn't look good to outside sponsors.
I'm not sure angering your base (other disc golfers) "is a positive influence in the right direction." A large portion of the comments about the DGWT have been about the lack of live coverage, or the terrible no-coverage/after-show seen in the first year. All the negativity surrounding the DGWT probably doesn't look good to outside sponsors.

I fear you over legitimize the few vocal folks on a thread here. Though, several were brought to the edge of pitchforks and torches on DGCR, I don't thing lack of live coverage was the demise. Many....myself included, are quite happy with post coverage.
Lets not be silly, lack of live coverage isn't what caused this. Take a step back...the largest focus of the edited coverage was how many people were watching the videos compared to live broadcast. If a company is fishing for a couple of large sponsors to support the tour they want to be able to present the largest potential customer base for somebody putting some cash into the tour. Return on investment...that's why the focus was always edited coverage...to show a larger number of viewers.

Take things another step, that's a lot of dough to fork out on your own. The hope is you can manage it on your own until you land a big fish to help with the financial burden. The responsible thing to do is have a timeframe placed going in, so you're not continuously bleeding money. I'm guessing that time has come, no big sponsor yet to help offset costs, so it's time to focus on the big fish before you burn through your whole stash.
I'm not sure angering your base (other disc golfers) "is a positive influence in the right direction." A large portion of the comments about the DGWT have been about the lack of live coverage, or the terrible no-coverage/after-show seen in the first year. All the negativity surrounding the DGWT probably doesn't look good to outside sponsors.

To be fair, disc golfers can exhibit some of the most entitled, whining behaviors. Especially the die-hards that frequent this board. I'm not excluding myself from the group by the way... And, the complainers are usually the loudest of the bunch. So, I would agree with Ru4por about over-legitimizing the vocal folks around here.

When I talk to people (in real life) on the course, most people have positive feedback regarding event coverage. Of course, they don't have keyboards to hide behind in real life...

Many....myself included, are quite happy with post coverage.

Add me to that list as well. I'm glad we get any coverage/promotion at all. It wasn't too long ago that I had to get up from my armchair and drive to the course to see professional caliber disc golf. And, even then, it wasn't the big names, just local pros...
I fear you over legitimize the few vocal folks on a thread here. Though, several were brought to the edge of pitchforks and torches on DGCR, I don't thing lack of live coverage was the demise. Many....myself included, are quite happy with post coverage.

I wasn't saying the lack of live coverage was the demise, I was saying all the people commenting on the lack of a live coverage put the DGWT in a negative light. It hasn't just been on DGCR, it's in the comments of nearly every Facebook post from DGWT. "Will there be live coverage at this event?" "When does the live coverage start?" "Jussi <this>, Jussi <that>"
Whatever people complain about, it seems they have stayed consistent in their vision the whole time. They want bigger numbers, more viewers, etc. No live coverage because not as many people view it. So they did post production, summary clips, stuff like that. They explain they want even higher numbers. So instead of doing the same thing again, they are saying they will re-evaluate how to try to change things and get higher numbers rather than just continuing on with the disc golf diehards. This seems to be consistent to me with everything from before.

That being said, I doubt to the viewers who just want post produced footage that it will matter much...the same tournaments will still happen, the pro's will go there, filmers will go there, and I guess there just won't be some point system at the end. This is likely also why they want to re-evaluate. If essentially the same thing is happening anyways, then they will want to change to make a bigger impact.
I fear you over legitimize the few vocal folks on a thread here. Though, several were brought to the edge of pitchforks and torches on DGCR, I don't thing lack of live coverage was the demise. Many....myself included, are quite happy with post coverage.

I just watched Matt Dollar's post coverage of the USMDGC (https://youtu.be/YD5gRawTwc0) and it just didn't have the gravitas it deserved. Live coverage definitely could have helped, but maybe it just needed that DGWT treatment. Mini golf in 2019, Jussi?

I really am happy watching any form of coverage, though. Live, post, vertical video on a flip phone, etc. If all that was out there were "WTF Richard?" videos, I'd be watching those...
Wow, I didn't realize Teddy was such a fan of the semicolon. Was this quote from the early days before end punctuation had really caught on?

He must have had a real bad experience with a coach to write that.
Whatever people complain about, it seems they have stayed consistent in their vision the whole time. They want bigger numbers, more viewers, etc. No live coverage because not as many people view it. So they did post production, summary clips, stuff like that. They explain they want even higher numbers. So instead of doing the same thing again, they are saying they will re-evaluate how to try to change things and get higher numbers rather than just continuing on with the disc golf diehards. This seems to be consistent to me with everything from before.

That being said, I doubt to the viewers who just want post produced footage that it will matter much...the same tournaments will still happen, the pro's will go there, filmers will go there, and I guess there just won't be some point system at the end. This is likely also why they want to re-evaluate. If essentially the same thing is happening anyways, then they will want to change to make a bigger impact.

They've stayed REAL consistent in not supporting the women's side of disc golf.
So glade to see this tour drop. Its not for the hard work they are putting into it. Yes I understand it was a dream. But from first year to second year they got better. Moving forward I hope they look at maybe using the same metrics as protour and understand the wants of the hardcore viewership.

Side-note the usdgc didn't have the same feeling the last couple of years with it being a world tour. Be nice to see it move back to more of a festive feeling vs a euro/must win tour points feeling back to lets have fun.
Lets not be silly, lack of live coverage isn't what caused this. Take a step back...the largest focus of the edited coverage was how many people were watching the videos compared to live broadcast. If a company is fishing for a couple of large sponsors to support the tour they want to be able to present the largest potential customer base for somebody putting some cash into the tour. Return on investment...that's why the focus was always edited coverage...to show a larger number of viewers.

Take things another step, that's a lot of dough to fork out on your own. The hope is you can manage it on your own until you land a big fish to help with the financial burden. The responsible thing to do is have a timeframe placed going in, so you're not continuously bleeding money. I'm guessing that time has come, no big sponsor yet to help offset costs, so it's time to focus on the big fish before you burn through your whole stash.

This comes the closest. Innova decided to do this on their own with a partnership of companies all that grew out of the Innova "Dad" and that would likely fail without Dad. That isn't wide enough sponsorship and lacks the cash, IMO. The lack of live coverage is another symptom of this (if one can call failing a symptom).

While DGWT did a number of things I didn't agree with, the product and effort were good enough, again, imo. Of course, it'd have to be, given the events that we're used. That said, I think I could make a substantial argument that DGPT brought credibility to some of the events they used, whereas DGWT tried to gain credibility via using high profile events. That suggests that one had better management.
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