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My turn~

Also, to weigh in on your overstable putter debate; you probably don't need a meathook putter like a Harp/Zone because of the Viper, but something like the Shield that will hold a line and not glide or flip much is probably a good idea. I recently started bagging a PA2 for this role (I have Champ glo Roc3s and Harps) and I find that it sits right in the slot between those two and is perfect for short point and shoot drives or upshots, and is great for ranging on shorter throws from elevation. I still bag Judges in Fuzion as well because the PA2 isn't as long of a throwing putter and also won't hold a gliding anhyzer. If you're not clicking with the Shield though, try to get a PA2 and see if it fits your hand well. If it does, then I'd recommend picking one up and trying it out :)
Any particular reason you reccomend a C-PD over a Star or Champ Thunderbird? I don't really want to get into the PD buying adventure.
Any particular reason you reccomend a C-PD over a Star or Champ Thunderbird? I don't really want to get into the PD buying adventure.

I think the FD/PD combo would work pretty well to replace your Avenger/XL lineup. What plastics to you throw for those discs already?
I think the FD/PD combo would work pretty well to replace your Avenger/XL lineup. What plastics to you throw for those discs already?

X and Z. So P and C.

I don't think I'll stop throwing the XL. I shouldn't have too much trouble finding more.

I'm kinda leery about the Discmania drivers. I've seen too much arguing about which run is the best/junk on here.

I did throw a premium Thunderbird of unremembered plastic and it was pretty close to my FLX Avenger. If the Pros are somewhat less stable then I'd probably be happy with them. If I need something beefier like my Z Avenger I never use, there's always a Firebird or something.
I forgot they have Pro Thunderbirds now.

Honestly, a lot of the Discmania is just typical DGCR noise. As long as you don't get a plus molded PD (which haven't been made for years), just pick up a C/P line and you will be fine. But then again a Pro/Champ or Star Thunderbird will serve you just fine. But seriously, if you do look for an XL replacement, the FD will definitely fit the bill. G = flippy, S = stable, C = ever so slightly OS.
After all that, I'm going back to my bag prior to the previously posted bag.

Shield x2 (Thrower and putter)
X Comet x2 (kinda just a backup til I beat one)
XL x3 (Z and a freshish X and a beat up X)
Vipers! (Beat DX, maybe fresh DX, and stupid Champion)

Beat Vipers are wonderful. The fresh DX actually flies compared to the Champion. I want to beat up a Z XL, but they seem to disappear into lakes before they get to that point. Suspect is in instead of the Warrior for less overlap with the Vipers.

Just gonna pick up a few XLs and another X Comet instead of the list I had before.
Here's a picture.

There's a Hatchet sneaking in there. I like them. Something for noodle "max d".

The only problem is mine are awful colors. Dark purple and a beautiful coppery swirl that's invisible. I'll look for a visible one next weekend when I go to Minneapolis.


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XL: I don't know. They're my favorite disc. I shouldn't have trouble finding more, but... They're my favorite. I always thought the JLS was kinda close... So is the Thief, at least my TC one was. I just don't care for how it's a little bit more shallow. I don't want to go into the murky depths of hunting premium Gazelles. Or the slightly more effort. TLs are kinda close maybe? Never thrown one. I'll miss the pro plastic but eh. FDs? I haven't thrown anything since I got on the XL train. I had Rivers before that, but they were squirrely for me. What's this Pipeline.

Another option might be the RDG Ptero/ Daredevil Sabertooth or Timberwolf (all the same disc just in different plastics/ stamps). I have only thrown one XL but the Timberwolf seemed similar.

BTW love that you cycle Vipers. Such a great disc.
Got a couple of Z XLs, an X Comet, a TP Boatman, and a white TP Hatchet to replace my purple when the snow goes away.

Not really sure what I was thinking on the Boatman, but it'll probably compliment the Hatchet, especially when it beats up. I just forgot it has a Destroyer size rim instead of a control driver sized one lolol
Braved the cold and wind to play my first round in three months.

I think my putting got better somehow.

Super icy so no run ups :c

Hatchets were hatchets. Super glide.

The Boatman was interesting. It was easier to throw than I expected since it's a high speed OS disc. Very hss but not very LSS. Handled winds. Hatchet went a bit farther with its glide but. It's interesting. Might get a VIP since I don't think I got a beefy one. Neat disc
Time for a big write up. Why? I'm trying to put off cleaning. It's working pretty well.

Years playing/experience: Five years according to this website
Right/left-handed/ambidextrous: right-handed
Throwing Style: RHFH 90% off the tee, pretty even mix of backhand and forehand on approaches
Golf Distance (avg/max*) for putter/mid/driver:
I have no clue honestly. It's been so long since I really played. But I was putting beat Vipers and XLs around 300 before, so it's probably the same. Slower things go less far.

Age: 24
Sex: M
Injuries/handicaps?: None that I know of
Other sport proficiencies?: Wii Sports Bowling
What do you like/dislike about your current bag?: It has pretty colors.
Specific areas of desired feedback: I dunno. Just say something.
Immediate and long-term goals: Get better.

"Distance" drivers

Purple or white TP Hatchet depending on if there's snow or not
-Goes real far like (for me). Flies like the numbers say for me, which is a bit worrisome as everyone says they're flippy. Ah well, noodle problems. Glides forever.
Pink TP Boatman
- Interesting disc, as I said in my previous post. Good HSS, not much LSS. Longer Teebird? I don't know I've never thrown one. Anyway. Surprisingly easy to throw. This is also a bit worrisome, as it might actually be a flippy Boatman for a better player. Anyway. Flies like my FLX or flat X Avengers with a bit less bite at the end. It's interesting how it flies like a speed 9 with a speed 12 rim. But I dig it.

Notes: Might eventually move to a VIP and TP of both drivers, with a stronger Hatchet filling in between the TP boat and Hatchet. Once the boat gets a little wear. I wonder if a VIP Boatman bites a little harder at the end? I may have to add something with a stronger fade if it doesn't. Utility disc style.

XL Assortment

Beat Pink X
-It's literally in the first post of this thread. It's still hanging around. Low power drives, turnovers, and stuff.
- I've repeatedly said I don't like this particular disc but for some reason it's in my bag. A bit stronger than a new X, but hopefully it'll beat in faster than my Zs.
Red Z
-Less glide, more control. Good frisbee.

Notes: I also got two more Zs. One has a little more dome than the red and a bit lower plh, the other has a higher plh. Looks pretty beefy. For an XL. Haven't thrown them yet.


Roughed up Pink DX
-My first Viper. It's kinda worn in. Has a bit of turn to it, and less fade. Great glide, can go far.
White DX
-It's a fresh Viper. Overstable. But not as overstable as...
Pink Champion
-Utility disc. That's all it is. Crazy os.

Notes: Uh. Hisssss.


Pink Bio Suspect
-I'm still getting used to it. Kinda low glide, pretty os but not like super os. Good for placement. Good for not overlapping with Vipers.
Pink and Purple X Comets
-At the moment they're the same. The pink has a bit more wear on it. I'm waiting for it to really get worn in. Comet stuff.

Notes I guess?: If the Bio Suspect gets worn in I'll probably put in another. Or I could get a Classic to speed things up a bit.


Green Soft Shield
Blue Medium Shield
-Throws. Lowish glide. Moderately OS. Good placement disc.
Beat to **** R-Pro Polecat
-Also one of my oldest discs. Does anything I want at no power. Smooth turn at low power. Paper plate at high power. For tricky stuff.

Notes: I might try a Lat 64 Beetle in place of the Polecat. Because beetles are heroic.
Another update. I'm not really sure why, all I've done lately is play a nine hole pitch and putt behind a school. Anyway.

Got some shiny new discs, so...

Distance drivers: VIP Boatman and Hatchet are in right now. I haven't actually thrown them yet, I just wanna see how they fly before I pick which plastics of these discs to carry.

XLs are the same.

Vipers: Swapped out the fresh domey DX and Champ for a flat DX. It's somewhere between them, I usually just do this when I want to free up a slot.

Comets are out for the time being. Fugitives are back in, Classic and a Biofuzion. They're pretty similar, with the Fugitive having a tad more zip and stability than the Comet. Still super straight and does anything, just has a bit of bite at the end instead of laser beams. I also either need to dig up more classics or beat up this Bio.

Put in a Classic Soft Suspect. Looks super beef compared to my Bio, but I haven't actually thrown it yet. It'll be interesting.

Swapped out my Medium and Soft Shields for a VIP and my old Trilogy Challenge one. Which is a medium, so I guess that part doesn't really matter. Haven't thrown the VIP yet, but it'll probably just fly like a fresh Shield. Has a bit more shoulder than the BTs, but that always seems to be the case with premium putters.

Not really much of a change. But I did learn I really like how Biofuzion feels.
I think I've settled on my bag for this year, so... Family pictures!

The whole gang plus back ups/alternates


Putters - The TC and green guy are just for putting, since I don't want to lose the TC and the green will get lost when things get growing. Blue and red are for throwing. Usually a thrower and a putter, and the Polecat in both bags.


Mids - I've been trying to work in the Classic Fugitive. Bio and Lucid fly the same. Usually Bio, Classic Fugitive and both Suspects in both bags.


Fairways - I got me some more XLs. Usually a Z, ESP or fresher X, and the beat pink X in both bags. Favorite disc right here. With the Vipers, it's yellow DX and pink DX in the Crunch Box, White DX, Pink DX, and Pink Champion in the Ranger.


Distance - One of each for the Crunch Box, two of each for the Ranger. The purple is definitely a backup, as it's invisible without snow on the ground.


And that's it. I may try the Lat 64 Beetle when it comes out in the Polecat spot, but other than that I think I'm set. And pictures!
What? Another update? Okay.

I actually played. New discs are really nice.

VIP Shield: Flies like a Medium Shield. This is the first time I've thrown a premium putter that flies like the baseline. I dig it.

Classic Soft Suspect: It's a beefcake. Also hit and stick. Nice.

Yellow Z XL: Beefier than my other Zs. Almost approaching standard Teebird stability. I think. Never thrown one. A regular Teebird. Not the beefy whatever Brinster pfn whatevers. Good.

VIP Hatchet: Flies real good like. Woo.

VIP Boatman: Flies like I thought a high speed OS disc would. Less OS than my Z Avenger, more than my FLX Avenger. More than my TP. It's what I wanted.

I threw all of my discs in a field right after the round. Important notes: Hatchet goes really far, glide and all that. Yellow Z XL does not flip up. ESP does, but it's not flippy. My farthest throw was actually with my beat Viper on like a perfect rip. Maybe went 15 or so more feet than the Hatchet. It's easy to tell how someone got a distance record with it.

More notes: I may need something more OS than the Hatchet if I ever get throwing farther. My dad has a Northman he doesn't use. I think. I'm gonna try to snag it from him. And his TC Shield. Hehehehe.
I haven't played in a year. There's still snow on the ground here, with 8-12 inches coming this weekend... But I have to go down to Milwaukee, so I'm hoping it's gone there.

Simple bag for now, to knock off the rust.

2 XLs: They're still my favorite, even if they're discontinued. I have three Zs, two Xs, and one ESP. The Z's include: an average one that's about a -.5/2, a beefier one that's around a 0/2.5, and one that's a little wimpy that fades a bit less. The X's are a freshish one (-1/1.5) and a beat to hell one that never leaves my bag. Maybe a -3/1. The ESP flies like the wimpy Z, but I don't like how the plastic feels.

I haven't decided which ones to use yet. Probably the beat X and the middle Z.

One Viper: I love Vipers. Or, I did last year. Haven't thrown. The bagged one is a freshish DX. My Champs are stupid overstable, and my beat DX is super fun to throw, but not really necessary.

Two Comets: They're Comets. I like them and Fugitives about the same, but it's Comets for now. Fugitives have a bit more zip, and a bit more fight at the end. But Comets.

One Suspect: It's a Classic Soft. I've heard they turn into a rather HSS with low LSS disc after some abuse, but I haven't beaten one that far yet. So right now it's a headwind mid, or a squishy overstable approach disc. I have a Bio one too. I'm just hoping the Soft will beat in faster, even though it started more overstable.

Two Voodoos: A SSS for throwing and an SS for putting. I waffle between these and Shields about as much as Comets and Fugitives. I like both. Shields are more low glide, kinda overstable, low profile (comparatively) while the Voodoo is more of a workable glidey laser beam whatever. I carry a beat Polecat for finesse/tricky things when I have Shields, but it's not really necessary with the Voodoos. I did say something about being simple, right?

I guess I could make a new thread, but... Whatever.
Update: I've actually played. Several times in the last week. Only took two months from my last post.

Switched back from Comets to Fugitives. I lost a Comet so I only have one left :( I also prefer the feel of the Fugitive. For now. They're not as big and glidey, but zippier and have a little fight at the end. I feel like I say this every time I post, but it's still true.

Mostly been Comet or Fugitive/Suspect/Voodoo rounds. It's going pretty well.
Update: I've actually played. Several times in the last week. Only took two months from my last post.

Switched back from Comets to Fugitives. I lost a Comet so I only have one left :( I also prefer the feel of the Fugitive. For now. They're not as big and glidey, but zippier and have a little fight at the end. I feel like I say this every time I post, but it's still true.

Mostly been Comet or Fugitive/Suspect/Voodoo rounds. It's going pretty well.

Buiscut!!!! Welcome back!!!
Buiscut!!!! Welcome back!!!

Yes, I am back. I think. We'll see how long my disc golf fever lasts this year. Then I'm gone for nine months at the end of summer lolol

I used to know all the fancy new discs back when I played more regularly and was on DGCR all day. I'm out of the loop now, but I find that I really don't care. I have discs I like and every other disc is terrible.

I've evolved to grumpy old man.
Yes, I am back. I think. We'll see how long my disc golf fever lasts this year. Then I'm gone for nine months at the end of summer lolol

I used to know all the fancy new discs back when I played more regularly and was on DGCR all day. I'm out of the loop now, but I find that I really don't care. I have discs I like and every other disc is terrible.

I've evolved to grumpy old man.

You will only get grumpier :D
Alright, back to updating too often. Maybe I'll even get back into putting up pictures of the same discs every week.

Anyway. I settled on Fugitives because I lost a Comet and didn't want to buy a backup for my no longer backup.

I added two Orcs. I was thinking about trying a Saint, because I've never tried a Saint. Then I realized, I have 12 other discs of a similar speed and stability and don't need to buy new plastic (shocking, I know) So. A DX Orc (lol) that I don't believe has ever hit a tree. It's still worn in some from hard ground and such. Flew beautifully with no wind or a tailwind, if I recall correctly. Also a lightweight (165ish maybe) Star Orc. Flies like the DX did fresh. Maybe a bit beefier. It's PFN so it has to be good, right? I also have a champ that's not bagged because it's a beefy turd. I may need it some day, but not today.

They're just there for funsies.

Then the usual lineup.

3 XLs, one beefy (for an XL) Z, a middle of the road ESP, and a trashed X.

Two Vipers, a uselessly OS Champ and a starting to get seasoned DX.

Two Fugitives, a freshish Bio and a Classic that I'm still trying to break in.

Two Suspects, same thing really.

And an SSS Voodoo for throwing, and an SS for putting.

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