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How did you get started?

Just happened on a course and tried it and then forgot about it. Later on my girlfriend and I bought a dog and I hated taking it for walks, so I took it disc golfing.

That is awesome . . .disc golf is like a doctors mandated walk . . . but way more fun!
I started when I was walking through the weeds at the local disc golf course and stumbled upon a champ leopard, still love that disc to this day. Of course I couldn't throw very good right away but field practice has allowed ne to get that leopard out to 325 occasionally.
My friend Ray showed me the sport near Michigan State Unversity whilst I was visiting...dont remember the course or what I threw. A few years later, I wondered if it was over here in Australia, only to find out we had 4 courses! Played the 2 closer ones, never met anyone so played the main course in the city and hated it.

Met a few people slowly, right when the Club was reforming for like its 3rd incarnation and its gone off from there...bigger events, bigger prizes and bigger trophies. Had 14 last champs, 26 this year, with quite a large number unable to play...40 next year!
I was going through a terrible break up with a women that I was engaged to. She had been in a pretty bad car accident and had gone through 9 months of physical therapy to reshape the muscles in her neck and back. While in this therapy the doctors had perscribed her 180 Hydrocodone 7.5's and 180 Darvocet 325's a month for 9 months. Once she was out of physical therapy, they cut her pills off cold turkey which turned her into a raging pill addict. After trying for 2 1/2 years to help her get clean, I had to cut her loose. I was incredibly depressed and reclusive. One of my best friend's Casey came down to my apartment, told me we were going to go out and drink a beer. I said sure since I hadn't been outside in 3 weeks besides going to work. We drove through downtown Spokane and stopped at a 7-11 and picked up a 12 pack. He then drug me out to Downriver DGC, tossed me a couple of discs and told me to throw them at the basket. I had loved throwing lids for years so I figured why not. 6 holes in and I hit a fairway ace from about 150 feet out. After hearing that sweet clanging symphony of chains and the amount of high fives and back slaps I got from others that saw it, I knew I'd found my salvation. I can honestly say that Disc Golf saved my life. To this day, I thank him every time I see him for giving me something that took my mind off how ****ty my life had become. I've never looked back either. Thanks again Casey B!

The first discs he gave me, an old school DX Viper and an old school Challenger. Looking back at those discs, they are both first runs. He just had these laying around at his house. They still hang on my wall to this day.
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My first PDGA tournament was at old Banklick which is about a mile down the road from Lincoln Ridge (new Banklick for us old timers). That was late 1987. As I was walking up to see where I started the guy who introduced me to the local leagues walked up and asked if I knew who Sam Farrens was. I said no, he said "Well, you will. You're on his card". My 1st round and I got to witness one of the best at that time. :thmbup:

I found out later he was the current US Open Champion, he also won that weekend. It was amazing what he could do with an Aviar, his main driver. He threw Rocs and XDs also.

My first PDGA tournament out of town I came in DFL. It was a battle between me and this other guy during the last round. The whole foursome was having fun with it as he rooted for me to bogey and I would high five him for scoring one more than me. I won which means I lost. :\ :p
I had just gotten off house arrestin 2010( Did a bunch of stupid, stupid stuff while I was young and well.... Stupid). I called every one of my close friends to see what they were up to. Wouldn't you know, they were all playing Disc Golf at Lions Park. Funny thing is #9 and #11 basket is literally 20 ft from the road as you enter the park from the back entrance and I had never seen them. I've been playing softball for years there. I caught up to them on hole 13. I'm extremely competitive, especially amongst my friends. They all parked a 250 ft hole, and I was tryimg to figure out how to throw straight. I was determined to figure it out so I could at least compete. Nothing like competitive nature and friends to get you hooked. Fast forward 2.5 years. Of the 5 of us that were out that day, 1 has quit playing and moved out of state, one still plays recreationally and moved out of state. One moved about 100 miles north to Dallas and plays league every week. The other still lives in town, and is very bit as addicted as I am. We push each other to practice and perform better, travel to tournaments together, jest about our ratings, and keep the love of the game alive.
I'm new so my story isn't very old at all.

I was on a golf trip to Kiawah Island at the beginning of July, this year.

They have a nine-hole course and I bet my friend Dave that I could beat him. I took an early lead but squandered it on the later holes. On the ninth tee I figured out how to throw an anhyzer and almost bent it around the trees close to the hole to square the match up. I said almost because it hit the ground and rolled away. :) I lost by one.

I immediately bought three sets of discs when I got home for my wife and kid to play with me. I bought a Discatcher for my back yard and to take with me to nearby parks. My brother-in-law is now hooked too.

In the past two days I've played over 30 holes with my wife and kid and we've had a great time.

I'm looking forward to pushing to get DG courses built in Erie, PA now.
Funny story...

When I was 12 years old, I was at summer camp for a couple weeks, and there was a camp counselor who had set up an object course. He had Wham-O world class frisbees in different weights (119g, 141g, 165g) and I ended up playing a bunch while there.

Fast forward to 7 years ago (at 33), and a buddy of mine who is a P.E. teacher who I played basketball with in a couple of leagues asked me if I ever played DG. Well, a few days later we ended up going to Skyline Wilderness Park in Napa and I got hooked, again.

Now that I've given up competitive basketball, DG is my primary means of exercise, which I why I installed a course 5 minutes from my house in my hometown last year. :)

Tim S.
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My son and I were looking for an activity to share on a regular basis. We were in a Dunham's one day and decided to pick up a couple of Innova starter paks. A friend from work suggested PNC for a first course. Loved it. Since then I can't get enough inst. videos and tips. Found DGCR and have a list of courses I want to play...Yeah, it's over...Hooked.
ive only been playing for 2 years but i was brought in by my brother and some friends my first dis was a cheap roc. and i new i was adicted when i started to go every day and had 25+ discs and had big innova bag and backpack straps
I always drove by the park and looked out the window at the park from the road and saw people throwing frisbees. I was like there must be a sport because no one likes actual frisbees that much. After 5 years of driving past the course. I had the urge to look it up. I looked it up and bam saw that it was a sport and it was called disc golf. I went to academy to see if they had discs and what not. They had em, I never could justify spending the money. Every 2-3 months or so I went back to academy to look around for stuff always found myself near the discs. So I figured why not go have peek. This went on for 2-3 years. Until earlier this year my friend was like, "nah I can't go eat, I got a tournament to go to" and then obviously I ask "tournament for what? You never leave your house." He responds disc golf and my interest level jumped entirely too high, but I said "that's cool". I was baffled that he had been playing disc golf for 6 months. I had no idea.

Well fast forward 2-3 weeks, he said I should go play a round with him. I being entirely too immature, made a joke about a round and around sounding the same and him being gay, but I said sure. I went to academy and picked out two sweeet looking discs. Wraith and shark. I did horrible, and hated the shark. (still dislike it, not really hate)

Fast forward 5 months and here I am. Addicted as I've ever been to something, own more discs then I care to admit. And trying to improve :D
I have been playing for 1 year. My brother who is now an advanced player, introduced the sport to me, my other brother and my dad; and all of us are hooked on it. My first disc was an aviar that my brother gave to me, the first disc that I bought was a dx leopard.
My friend
First disc: aviar, coyote, leopard got them together in the innova starter package
First course: Danny cunnif, highland park il
I've been throwing frisbees for as long as I can remember. Back in the early 80's my parents and I were staying at a campground in Michigan and we happened upon a basket. I was told it was for frisbee golf so I tried to play a round. It was fun, but I had no idea that there were other courses. It wasn't until the late 80's that I started to play with any regularity. I have no idea what my first disc was and I can't remember the name of the first course that I played.
Well I smelled something coming from the woods,and then heard a bunch of drunks yelling curses at kids,and kicking dogs,so me being" mr. community figure" figured I'd join them so I could spend my free time policing and preaching to them,hoping they could see the light.
In my neighborhood we used to play what we called "Target Frisbee" by throwing discs at cans that were setting on 4x4 posts in my buddies side yard. In August of `73 there was an article in the local paper about a temporary course that was set up in a local park. (I know it was August `73 because I had just gotten my driver's license and I drove to the course.) The course was hula hoops hung in trees and we thought it was pretty lame. I didn't throw another round till about `05. (That's why my years playing shows 39. The question was when was your first round and I answered honestly.)
I played ultimate pretty much from 10th grade through college, we always used ultimate discs and played urban dg (there is a great urban dg course mapped out on clemson university campus) and at some point in highschool some friends of mine told me the dg national championships had just taken place at winthrop, and that there were a ton of discs just lying at the bottom of the pond out by the course. we went for a swim and came out with a ton of discs. thats when i started playing the real sport. didn't get serious about it until maybe last year.

EDIT: Link to the clemson urban course http://www.clemson.edu/sure/2002/jsimone/DiscGolf.htm
Summer 2000. I was 14 and at a local summer camp. They didn't have baskets, but there was a course laid out to hit specific trees around the campground. Everyone played with whatever frisbee they could get there hands on (I had a donut shaped frisbee). It was a lot of fun, I would get out and throw at trees whenever I had time to kill.

A few years later when I had my driver's license I went to the local mall and was wondering around the sporting goods store when I saw the rack for Disc Golf. After perusing for a while and debating over what to buy (at the time I thought wolves were really cool, but my school mascot was the eagle), I decided on the "Ultra Long Range" Eagle. A day or two later I went back and bought the "Long Range" Wolf, too. :thmbup:

So, now I had awesome disc golf discs but still had no idea that there were actual courses that I could go play. However, I still had a lot of fun just throwing them at trees or across an open field to see how far I could get them. A good friend of mine would invite me over and we would throw them back and forth in his yard. In fact, once we drove to a local park to toss them around and only found out now (about ten years later) that there has been an actual course at the back of that park for the past twenty or so years. D'oh! :doh:

Anyway, once high school was over (2004) my discs found themselves shelved and forgotten for quite a while. Fast forward to summer 2010 and my brother starts talking to me about disc golf! Apparently he had been playing casually for 10 or 12 years and I never even knew it! (He is 7 years older than me, so when I was in high school he was already buying a house.) So that summer he took me out for a few rounds, and I had a blast. :clap:

Last summer I reconnected with my friend from high school via facebook, and learned that he had become a pretty avid disc golfer as well. He forgot all about the times we had spent tossing them around in high school, but we were both pretty stoked to have someone to go out and play with. Last summer we played in a few local tournaments, and this year we joined a local league.

Now I'm still terrible at this game, my hand eye coordination leaves a ton to be desired. :gross: However, I still love the game and go out at least 3 times a week! :D