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PDGA ratings are up. How'd you do?

first time ive been a member of the pdga to get a rating and only my 3rd or 4th tournament i did the beginning of the month.

Im at 853 now. It was super wet and muddy the day of the tournament and it was at one of my least favorite courses. hoping to have 875 somewhere around the end of july/august if theres new ratings up around that time
dropped a couple to 950, declined steadily since the fall due to some poor showings during the winter. tourney 2 weekends ago will help slightly but will need some good ratings soon since last spring I played very well and those ratings will be dropping soon.
I'm pretty sure I know who Bill's talking about -- he's 15, I think (may have turned 16 by now). He's listed in the Worlds invites in MJ2, which means he was born in 1994 or later. And he's got tons of potential -- factored into his rating are several tournament rounds, in solid competition, that were rated 950 or above, including one 972, one 971 (in the same event) and a handful of rounds in the 960s. He outdid himself a couple of weeks ago and shot a 1007 rated round in the second round of a tourney in bad weather conditions -- second best round of the day for anyone. He won Int (for the second year in a row at this event), would have won Adv, and would have finished second in Open (yes, they all played the same layout). That event was after the cutoff for this rating update by just a few days, so you should expect to see him move up significantly next time.

The scary thing is, from my conversations with his dad at various events, he's not even taking it all that seriously right now -- he only played a couple of events the second half of last year. But it was clear when I played in the same group with him back in Oct 2007 (I was playing with a juniors group as a nominally responsible adult to keep an eye on things) that he was something special. And last summer, he deuced 9 out of 10 consecutive holes in a juniors event that I ran. He's not David Wiggins, but he can definitely expect to play competitively at the top level as soon as he decides to do so.

Thats pretty amazing that he can half-heartedly do that well. Totally jealous!! I hope he does move up I think the competition might actually make him commit more. I hear he was parking #3 at Meeks during practice which is 443' from the shorts.

Scott speaking of the open, would it be cool to trapse around with you? I am primarily interested in pics and video of the women playing but would rather be with someone who would tell me if I was getting in stupid places.
im at 932 i only played one tourney but won rec if i move up to intermediate would i be baggin even tho i never played intermediate before

Did you play lights out? If it was the game of your life and you normally cant come withing 5 strokes of that, then go int.

If you felt like you played like you normally play, or even not as good as usual, go advanced.

Your going to look like a bagger in Int, but if thats where your supposed to be your rating will come down in a couple tourneys.
im at 932 i only played one tourney but won rec if i move up to intermediate would i be baggin even tho i never played intermediate before

You never played intermediate and you just made it to 932 . . .? You are playing the ratings game my friend waitint until you absolutely hae to move up. How much was your increase this last ratings change???? I was at 846 for the last tournament (last weekend) and still played intermediate and I was 14/44 people. My rating went from 846 - 873 from the only other tourney I played this year back in February. When I won rec by 6 strokes in that tourney and had two rounds rated over 900 that is when I decided it was time to move up. I didnt want to continue to blow away the rec division, that just doesnt seem fair, I moved to the division that I was playing most like and as you can see I beat 2/3 of the int division. If my rating makes it to 900 by the end of the year I will be playing advanced . . . why because it will most likely take rounds rated around 925-950 to get me there and that would mean I am going to be competetive in advanced.

Just my opinion. The ratings work for those with long established ratings, but for those like me that have only been playing a short while and learning a lot quickly, should pick the division not based on their rating, they should pick it based on their current playing ability. Just my opinion.
Theres a kid who is 928 that plays intermediate...he could easily play advanced and maybe even open, especially at local events. Hopefully his plans are to play worlds and go pro because he is technically juniors legal...obviously the boy can play, no need to play INT.

920 would not be bagging if he is a player whose abilities are diminishing and his rating is continuing to go downward (for instance an older player who used to be good but maybe has had an injury). But for anyone improving, I suggest taking a jump up a division, you will learn quicker by playing with better players.
Like Scott said, definitely not diminishing, he threw a 1007 and would've gotten second in open.

No biggie but I think he would actually do better higher up with competition.
How young? One of our DFW locals Dalton Seabolt is rated 960 went to worlds and played under 19 juniors and finished 16th.

He played WAY below his ability level there though.
Well, back down 9 points even though no new rounds were added, they messed up the ratings for a tournament on the last update and they fixed it this time around so my 950 round turned into an 880 round. Oh well.
Up another 29 points (last time was only up 27) to 902. I really wanted to be over 900 by years end . . . it came arly because I wasnt taking into account the first tournament I played in being dropped. Is this a date thing like if it is over 1 year old it doesnt count? I know the last 25% are waited double and anyhting outside of 100 points of your average is dropped, but why did my whole first tournament drop. It was in March 2009, so I am guessing it has something to do with how old it is.
Up another 29 points (last time was only up 27) to 902. I really wanted to be over 900 by years end . . . it came arly because I wasnt taking into account the first tournament I played in being dropped. Is this a date thing like if it is over 1 year old it doesnt count? I know the last 25% are waited double and anyhting outside of 100 points of your average is dropped, but why did my whole first tournament drop. It was in March 2009, so I am guessing it has something to do with how old it is.

I think it is new rounds are double weighted.
I know that it drops rounds over a year older than the date of your most recent round. If you have over a set amount of rounds.
I think it takes a little more than a year for a round to drop off because I still have two tournaments from last April that are still being counted.

Yes, 25% are double counted. I believe it always rounds up meaning I have 37 total rounds right now. 37/4= 9.25 which rounds up to 10, but I'm not entirely certain about that.
You know I'm kind of curious how that one year drop off works with respect to two day tournaments held on the same weekend in two consecutive years.

For instance, in a non-leap year, the calendar is 52 weeks plus one day, hence if you played in a two day tournament held on the say, 12th and 13th of a particular month, and you played again in that same tournament the following year, at it was held the same weekend it would be on the 11th and 12th. So the 12th of this month in this year is now your last rated round.

So with respect to the ratings you got from last years results, do ALL your ratings stay on since they're part of the same event, or do you keep the ratings from your Sunday rounds, while your Saturday ones are dropped? Or do they all drop off?