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[Question] What is your Nemidisc?


Stego Connoisseur
Gold level trusted reviewer
Feb 2, 2014
Okay guys, after a quite enlightening conversation with the guys on the course we have all come to the conclusion that everyone has a "Nemidisc" a disc that while well regarded and used by a lot of players both top pros and am's you just can't throw like you think you should or the flight ratings say you should.

The conclusions were quite entertaining; Shark, Buzzz, Destroyer, Rhyno, River all for various reasons. Mine personally is the Wraith I can throw less stable discs than it max effort with no flipping but put a hard flick on my Wraith and it's a roller every time. As a BH disc it's a little too meaty for me and I can't get it out there much over 330 like I feel like it should be going.

What is your Nemidisc and why?
Mine's a Champ Sidewinder. I've tried it a couple times, and for whatever reason it flies way more stable than the numbers suggest. I'm not a big arm, but I can get more turn out of an Amp or Valk, which are more stable by most standards.

Oh well. At least there are a ton of other good discs out there.
Star Roadrunners, or at least new ones. They are not understable!!!!
Star Roadrunners, they're never as understable for me as described. Spent a few months with a fresh Star (after having tried plenty) and it still was too stable, even with me skipping it across concrete a ton, so I gave up on that mold. It's one of those discs that should be perfect for my arm speed but it just never worked for me.
Buzzz SS. I was probably it's "nemiowner" since it decided to park itself right into a pond one day after continuously talking **** about it any chance I got. Worst disc ever in my bag.
Mine's a Champ Sidewinder. I've tried it a couple times, and for whatever reason it flies way more stable than the numbers suggest. I'm not a big arm, but I can get more turn out of an Amp or Valk, which are more stable by most standards.

Oh well. At least there are a ton of other good discs out there.

yeah look at the old run vs new run they look like completely different discs


the old is on the left. new run on the right. they look like completely different discs and fly like completely different discs. the new run is so stable and has a decent amount of fade. a lot of the new run ones have slanted rims, almost like a plus rim. ****ing garbage. i stopped throwing them actually
Discraft Deuce. Tried to force that thing in my bag for a long time way back. Finally gave up on it when I sheared a huge chunk out of it as it grazed a road sign.
Star Roadrunners, or at least new ones. They are not understable!!!!

I'm so happy to hear this - I thought it was me. I throw Valks and Sidewinders great and expected the Roadrunner to be a turnover disc. Guess what - way more stable than my Valks. Glad it's not just me.
Aside from the Firebird, none of Innova's speed 9 discs fly like they should in premium.

You might change your mind if you throw a G* Valkyrie, brother.

And incidentally, all of the discs in my bag are "Nemidiscs." :)