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DGPT San Francisco Open

Can we be real here? Jomez's success is 99% due to the quality of their video work, post production, etc. No way is it due to BigSexy (or anyone) on the mic, just no way.
I agree that the ideal is a blend of the two, but the way to do that is for the commentators to know what's coming in the video. A shot sheet of some kind like Sportscenter anchors have. That way, they know when a bunch of tap-outs or an extraordinary shot is coming and can adjust their conversation accordingly. That's how the pros do it.

Without a larger staff doing the editing (so they have someone who can create the shot sheet as they go), there's only so far they can go improving the commentary toward that ideal.

Yeah man. I have no stake in whether they know whats coming or not. They just need to be alert enough to snap out of the sidetrack when necessary. And less prone to snap into it, no matter how fun the worldplay might seem at the time. Now, great background info that Cory for example seems to have oodles of, yes please.
I thought Dixon offered plenty of insight, but since you watched with the mute button on, you wouldn't have heard it.

I'm to the point that I only watch the live coverage when it's available. I used to watch most of the post produced stuff, but it's starting to seem stale to me anymore. Good production values, but the main point of it to some of the commentators seems to be promotion of discs and showing off how cleaver and cool they are.

Agree about Dixon.

I wouldn't mind being told more often what discs the players are throwing. Ian tells us when he knows, and I like that. I do realize that some players don't want it blabbed to the world what's in their bag nor what they're throwing, but that (telling us what disc is being thrown) is probably my "wish list/dream list" item for the videos (live or post-production).
Can we be real here? Jomez's success is 99% due to the quality of their video work, post production, etc. No way is it due to BigSexy (or anyone) on the mic, just no way.

Please show us the data you've used to arrive at your claim.
Thank you.
Can we be real here? Jomez's success is 99% due to the quality of their video work, post production, etc. No way is it due to BigSexy (or anyone) on the mic, just no way.

This is flat out wrong. Many viewers are there because they enjoy the commentary. Why don't you and I team up with Jomez on the mic for Beaver State Fling and we'll see if the views drop. :|
It is 50% camera work 25% post production 15% timeliness 5% Commentary 5% other...

according to to my survey of 1.
Why don't you and I team up with Jomez on the mic for Beaver State Fling and we'll see if the views drop. :|

Naah, the views would go up. :)

But to the point, Jomez has put in a lot of work and they've done very well. Getting good commentators is part of it, but their efforts are paying off. I remember their videos from a few years ago with those huge arrow graphics showing distances on the holes. Boy! has the quality gotten better and better, and better and better... :thmbup:
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Can we be real here? Jomez's success is 99% due to the quality of their video work, post production, etc. No way is it due to BigSexy (or anyone) on the mic, just no way.

Totally disagree. If you took the raw footage of CCDG and Jomez you could not tell the difference between the two. Jomez excels because of the investment in the graphics package and the commentary. This doesn't diminish their achievements at all. They found an winning recipe and are continually improving on it.
Naha, the views would go up. :)

But to the point, Jomez has put in a lot of work and they've done very well. Getting good commentators is part of it, but their efforts are paying off. I remember their videos from a few years ago with those huge arrow graphics showing distances on the holes. Boy! has the quality gotten better and better, and better and better... :thmbup:

Absolutely. Their video production is so good now, we're actually taking it for granted and more focused on commentary.
Totally disagree. If you took the raw footage of CCDG and Jomez you could not tell the difference between the two.

Seriously? I'll just have to totally disagree with that. wow... (Assuming "raw footage" means no commentary.)
Dude. Just stop.

You wouldn't be implementing any of these ideas, nor have the time to think of them, because you'd be traveling around the country putting in 16-20 hour days just trying to get the coverage done.

What are you up to, Jaime? Do you still work in disc golf, or have you just become an internet expert like the rest of us?

Displayed for all to see is the catch-22. If I came in and bashed Jerm and Nate (like others have, and like I have been bashed in the past) it's all good, just internet as usual.

If I come in and talk constructively about what I would theoretically do (hey, ya know kinda like those "Hole of the Day" posts but for videos) - I get this reply.

I'm a huge supporter and advocate of CCDG, Jomez, Smashboxx, etc. Why do you think SpinTV hired all of them to produce coverage at events that we were producing? Because I wanted to give them a decent wage for their efforts using the platform we had built.

How do you think we got to 3 camera coverage? We were sitting in a hotel room in Rock Hill (Jomez boys, myself, and my super talented cinematographer buddy Tristan) talking about next steps to evolve the videos. Tristan rented the Sony FS7 for that week, showed all of us what that thing can do, and lo and behold SpinTV, Jomez, and CCDG all had one within the next year or so.

Don't worry bud, ideas and collaborations will still happen whether I'm traveling, working, or playing.

You have done so much for this sport, more than most of us know, but this post is pathetic. The days of over produced and scripted commentary are over. The two pro model is resonating well with fans and aligns logistically with the tour travel schedule. Sure, some two pro combos leave a lot to be desired. But Jomez has done a great job balancing when to invite new pro's into the booth and when to use BigSexy. Correct me if I'm wrong - for all large events filmed by Jomez, they have been released video with commentary next day? By definition that is a quick turnaround and even SpinTV struggled with this at times.

Never fault someone for someone for finding a way, legally and ethically, to grow their personal wealth and brand. You were beat out of job (or was it because SpinTV is no longer around?). Tough cookies. What are you going to do to get it back? If there are more qualified individuals from a media perspective to do commentary, why are they not being asked? Feeling bitter will just ostracize you further from commentary opportunities.

You asked for corrections:

1- SpinTV never once failed to deliver on a promise for next day on productions I was managing. There were a few times which we intentionally did not release next day as an experiment, but when promised we never failed under my watch. I can't speak for Europe conclusively (though I can't remember a failure there off the top of my head), but you have to remember as well that I don't own SpinTV. In fact Jomez and SpinTV have eerily similar records in terms of number of times the videos were delayed by a couple of hours vs on time. This is an example of perception vs. reality.

2- the commentary was never once scripted

3- I'm not trash talking or faulting my friends at Jomez Productions for anything, I'm just talking about a theoretical situation. It's called an opinion, or a thought exercise.

4- The whole post about "bittersweet" is tongue in cheek. I'm obviously not sitting around being truly bitter that someone is making their brand more visible.

I need a Keyshawn "C'mon Man" for this post Javan. Quit white knighting for somebody I'm not attacking.

Hey, I haven't had a chance to stir any pots either!

1. Jamie. I bet there is some guy at ESPN that is sad that Jason Witten just took his job too. But, I understand what you are saying about the pros stepping in, but as you know it is the nature of the beast. They have more fans than media, and they will bring in more eyeballs. We all know that the best player commentator is still playing... Doss. If anyone can wrangle him in when he is done, it will be a blessing. But I have a feeling that Bevel will occupy his time. Oh, and I saw your boss Charlie yesterday at the Ultimate College Championships here in Milwaukee. Got to talk for a bit. Good stuff.

C'mon bro, I'm not saying "waaaah he took my job". I could start a channel tomorrow and start producing tournament coverage if I wanted (I don't, CCDG and Jomez have this handled just fine). I've also never been invited to do commentary on Jomez's channel so it's not a job I ever had.

You know me, I'm the one who was pushing to hire all of you guys when SpinTV was the distribution platform for an event. If I was scared for my job I would have never done that.

My point is simply that I think the style can be improved upon, and I gave an example of how (being constructive). I've got nothing against anybody.

I do 100% agree about Doss, he's the best at it.

Charlie is a good dude, happy to be collaborating with him and Ultiworld (though I am still a freelancer, just for the record). :)
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Well, I couldn't be happier with the coverage. Maybe I'm too removed from what's going on behind-the-scenes to understand the griping, but I'm amazed and how far things have come so fast. What was available just a couple years ago—heck, even the stuff from the end of last season—is nowhere near as good as what we have right now. I'm sponsoring one Patreon and thinking of adding another. Jomez, CCDG, Smashboxx, Upshot, DGPT... I spend hours with all of these every week. I'm just a noob, but I tip my hat to all for bringing so much DG entertainment at no cost (besides what I choose to spend by sponsoring) each week.
Jamie, I know he isn't your boss. I just like to poke the bear once in a while. ;) Charlie is a good dude. Let me hang out in the media tent instead of the blistering sun while watching the Ultimate game.

And when I said "raw footage" I strictly mean the camera work. Where they stand, following the disc, etc. All these guys use autofocus and at most usually are just adjusting the iris to make it darker and brighter. The Jomez crew, CCDG, and even Terry himself are all about as good as they can be at this point in disc following. To be fair, the best cameraman was probably Joe Hite, even with that silly steering wheel thing he had. haha. Joe has the most experience and knowledge probably.

Jomez is the best at course previews. They are very skilled at drone coverage.
Jamie, I know he isn't your boss. I just like to poke the bear once in a while. ;) Charlie is a good dude. Let me hang out in the media tent instead of the blistering sun while watching the Ultimate game.

And when I said "raw footage" I strictly mean the camera work. Where they stand, following the disc, etc. All these guys use autofocus and at most usually are just adjusting the iris to make it darker and brighter. The Jomez crew, CCDG, and even Terry himself are all about as good as they can be at this point in disc following. To be fair, the best cameraman was probably Joe Hite, even with that silly steering wheel thing he had. haha. Joe has the most experience and knowledge probably.

Jomez is the best at course previews. They are very skilled at drone coverage.

<3 Thanks for your crew's grind at SFO. I'm obviously biased, since my friends and club members are the ones running it, but I'm so proud of the quality of the event they threw. It was great to see everybody (CCDG, Jomez, and Smashboxx) all in the same weekend.
<3 Thanks for your crew's grind at SFO. I'm obviously biased, since my friends and club members are the ones running it, but I'm so proud of the quality of the event they threw. It was great to see everybody (CCDG, Jomez, and Smashboxx) all in the same weekend.

Agreed. It is one of the events I was jealous I couldn't be at. Most places I don't care if I go or not, but between the city and the course I felt like I was missing out not being there.
Hey, I haven't had a chance to stir any pots either!

1. Jamie. I bet there is some guy at ESPN that is sad that Jason Witten just took his job too. But, I understand what you are saying about the pros stepping in, but as you know it is the nature of the beast. They have more fans than media, and they will bring in more eyeballs. We all know that the best player commentator is still playing... Doss. If anyone can wrangle him in when he is done, it will be a blessing. But I have a feeling that Bevel will occupy his time. Oh, and I saw your boss Charlie yesterday at the Ultimate College Championships here in Milwaukee. Got to talk for a bit. Good stuff.

As far as getting paid, everyone deserves compensation for their time. Sexton makes about $300-500 for every event he commentates thru Patreon. So Jomez probably doesn't pay him anymore.

2. I felt that Dixon actually brings very good course & stats insight into the booth. And he has been very good about not over-talking during the play like he did a few years ago when we had him. Dixon puts in the effort to know things. I honestly think he is the most prepared commentator that is currently out there. You may not like his style, and I can't dispute your opinion. But I am telling you what I see behind the scenes.

3. McCall is absolutely great. And if DD didn't have him, I would make a HARD bid at getting him on regularly. Well spoken, professional, funny, great hair, and a wonderful person. He is the person I would choose to work with the most if I had an option because of his personality and genuine demeanor. Truly a good person.

4. Echo in the booth. Oh boy. Don't get me started about this. Yes, there was a little bit of "echo". It was because on Fri & Sun we were in a library room that was very empty. So nothing was stopping the sound from bouncing around. SFO was very difficult for us to setup a proper booth like we had at GBO. The location we were at on Saturday was much better, but was closed on Sunday.

5. Someone complained about the picture in picture. I used that shot on exactly 2 holes the ENTIRE tournament. It was the short shots towards the end of the 3rd round when I wanted to get a reaction shot from Ricky and Paul as they came down the stretch. I will continue to use it when I deem necessary... or whenever I want cause I run the show. HA.

6. Someone stating "Jomez should always have lead." **** that noise. I have ZERO stake in the post production world. But there is enough behind-the-scenes politics already regarding who gets what cards. CCDG has earned a spot to have lead card. I like both the Jomez and CCDG crews, and you can have your opinion about either of them, but to just declare a winner is silly. There are so many people that love Ian & Cory and can't stand BigSexy, and vice versa.

7. And finally, I want to have a sideline reporter too. And I hope that we get to work with Steve Hill on this, as he is a natural fit (and the perfect price point).

Heh heh, he wrote great hair, heh heh. I like McCall too. He's got a great style.

I think you could use cardboard to make sound bafflers in echoie... echoing... for rooms with echos. :)
Favorite word usage from all coverage - Cory, improbable. "getting that turnover roller down fast enough to keep the wind from pushing it is very improbable."

Something like that anyway.
Favorite word usage from all coverage - Cory, improbable. "getting that turnover roller down fast enough to keep the wind from pushing it is very improbable."

Something like that anyway.

My favorite Cory-ism is "Froggy". I don't even know what exactly it means, but he likes to throw it out there and it makes me laugh.
Favorite word usage from all coverage - Cory, improbable. "getting that turnover roller down fast enough to keep the wind from pushing it is very improbable."

Something like that anyway.

My favorite Cory-ism is "Froggy". I don't even know what exactly it means, but he likes to throw it out there and it makes me laugh.

Ian's "() doing () things", such as "Paul doing Paul things with that Destroyer" has gotten huge. I think Nate or Jerm used it, then gave Ian a shout-out as the originator...