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2019 Pros Switching Sponsors Official Thread

Posted by Hannah McBeth

The disc golf community is a snow globe & someone from the ultimate community came and turned us upside down & that's why everything has been so crazy.

And their coverage of a disc golf tournament sucked.
I have. Several times. Saw some guy named Donald Trump give a speech in San Jose in 2012, years before he thought of politics. California is a great State, mostly nice people. But the politics, y'all can keep.

Trump ran for the reform party and lost in 2000. So he had definitely thought of politics before 2012.
Like I said, I have no problem with anyone from anywhere in the world coming to my home state of Texas. Hell..I encourage it...it's a great state. Just remember why you're leaving "your place" in the first place... ;)

Hate to take your belt buckle down to size, but Discmania wasn't considering moving to Texas, which was the point of this before you started talkin' all silly. ;)
I had a feeling that smashboxx was gonna get cut out. Another win for "grow the sport." Its feeling less and less like a community and more and more like a commodity already.
Posted by Hannah McBeth

The disc golf community is a snow globe & someone from the ultimate community came and turned us upside down & that's why everything has been so crazy.

And what are snow globes full of? That's right, snow flakes. Especially California ones. :rolleyes:
Well, not a player, but the DGPT has ended it's relationship with Smashboxx.

I'd bet someone like Discraft, who has utilized Terry in the past few years for filming, forms some sort of partnership with Smashboxxx. This would help with the video presence they are lacking in.
I'd bet someone like Discraft, who has utilized Terry in the past few years for filming, forms some sort of partnership with Smashboxxx. This would help with the video presence they are lacking in.

They've been pretty clear in the past that they don't want a partnership with any manufacturer. I wonder if that has changed... but I doubt it.
I watch ALL of the DG videos. To me, losing TM and DJ would be a good thing. Would hate to lose Jomez and/or CCDG though.
It's not really that easy, unless you require players to continually update their sponsors on which discs they're currently using.

At that point it's just easier for the players themselves to answer the question when the media folks ask. That's how Ian always knows, he just gets a list from the people on the cards. Pro move.

I do the same thing for the ITB's, but sometimes I still get incorrect info, lol.

Before every tournament, players could update their bags into the Udisc database? (Or the caddy could do it?)
Who is going to cover dgpt events? Viewership may go down if smashboxx's subscribers don't know the event is happening.