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MVP Disc Sports - Official Thread

Jesse B 707 said:
plshrk said:
Got my Mediums in today and they are sweet! They really are just right! So consistent also. Haven't gotten a chance to throw yet though. Come get em!
have they got a giant bead like that pic?^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i dont want my Ions to fly like wizards

They still fly like Ions. They are just a little more HS and LS stable. They still don't resist holding any line you put on them they just don't flip like the softs will when thrown hard when a little worn. For minimalism purposes, this is how I would like to see new Ions fly in general.

It looks like MVP is figuring out how to mold the Ion better. They are keeping the overmold up higher and doing a better job of centering it on all axis. Some of the softs and my medium protos have the overmold lower, pretty much obscuring the bead altogether. These are definitely my least stable Ions. The bead is just about at the same angle as the wing so that you can't even really fell it...It doesn't feel at all like a BB putter. Since I only throw Ions, these new blue mediums are PERFECT! I wanted a slightly more stable version to hold hyzers and use in the wind. My blues are lighter than my red protos, but they fly considerably more stable. Its awesome to have both of these in my arsenal.

Now I'm using my red protos for normal putts (may switch to the blue mediums), soft Ion for hyzer/anhyzer putts, and my blue mediums for headwinds. As far as driving goes, they all have their merits once again. The soft Ion has the greatest range as it seems to drop the slowest, so I use it for longer shots and more extreme hyzers/anhyzers. My red protos I use for pinpoint straight and anhyzer shots as it doesn't really fade and drops straight. The blues I will use for when I want pinpoint dropping stable shots.
That picture of very deceiving though. When you hold them upside down next to each other you can barely tell the difference. But maybe they changed the mold in between runs? The softs I have, I just got about 2 weeks ago so that is a possibility.
plshrk said:
That picture of very deceiving though. When you hold them upside down next to each other you can barely tell the difference. But maybe they changed the mold in between runs? The softs I have, I just got about 2 weeks ago so that is a possibility.

They didn't change the mold, they just made sure the overmold went on symmetrically and a little higher than the softs. I think part of it is that the shoulder molded up higher, so the overmold sat up higher.
I got my first Ion ace (second ace in general) this weekend on a temp hole in a local tourney. It was only about 150-175 feet, but it was a hyzer to straight shot down a tight path...and it was my last hole of the tourney. Took home half the ace fund with it.
Unity said:
I got my first Ion ace (second ace in general) this weekend on a temp hole in a local tourney. It was only about 150-175 feet, but it was a hyzer to straight shot down a tight path...and it was my last hole of the tourney. Took home half the ace fund with it.

discspeed said:
They still fly like Ions. They are just a little more HS and LS stable. They still don't resist holding any line you put on them they just don't flip like the softs will when thrown hard when a little worn. For minimalism purposes, this is how I would like to see new Ions fly in general.

It looks like MVP is figuring out how to mold the Ion better. They are keeping the overmold up higher and doing a better job of centering it on all axis. Some of the softs and my medium protos have the overmold lower, pretty much obscuring the bead altogether. These are definitely my least stable Ions. The bead is just about at the same angle as the wing so that you can't even really fell it...It doesn't feel at all like a BB putter. Since I only throw Ions, these new blue mediums are PERFECT! I wanted a slightly more stable version to hold hyzers and use in the wind. My blues are lighter than my red protos, but they fly considerably more stable. Its awesome to have both of these in my arsenal.

Now I'm using my red protos for normal putts (may switch to the blue mediums), soft Ion for hyzer/anhyzer putts, and my blue mediums for headwinds. As far as driving goes, they all have their merits once again. The soft Ion has the greatest range as it seems to drop the slowest, so I use it for longer shots and more extreme hyzers/anhyzers. My red protos I use for pinpoint straight and anhyzer shots as it doesn't really fade and drops straight. The blues I will use for when I want pinpoint dropping stable shots.
This is correct. There is no difference in the softs and mediums, except we were keeping a much closer eye as we overmolded them, being sure to maintain our quality, and maximize the consistency in our runs. There are no mold changes of any sort, just a cleaner looking bead when we overmolded them.

discspeed said:
BrotherDave said:
Any other colors coming out for the mediums, preferably a dayglo/tennis ball color ION? 8) :wink:

As I understand this small run of blue mediums will be followed by a larger run with all of the colors and the new stamp. These are all blue though (I've got all the colors, and the blue is my favorite).
Indeed, this was just our first run of mediums and kept them all the same nice smooth blue color. In our next large production run of Mediums, we are shooting to have many colors. We will most likely have the same colors as the softs, plus a handful of some of our new colors as well!

Unity said:
I got my first Ion ace (second ace in general) this weekend on a temp hole in a local tourney. It was only about 150-175 feet, but it was a hyzer to straight shot down a tight path...and it was my last hole of the tourney. Took home half the ace fund with it.
Sweet! Congrats on the ace!

I am anxious to hear more on how everyone is liking the mediums! How do they feel? Driving/Putting/etc? What are some things you would like to see next?

I just ordered a soft and two mediums from the States so it's gonna take a while to arrive. I haven't talked to mafa, which one he prefers as he wanted one, I want a 175 medium. We had only softs locally and driving is my main interest so the medium was always the first pick and primary interest. And I prefer stiffer discs as long as it doesn't come with too much slickness.
I have a medium on the way. I have not tried an ION yet, but I like my putters to be rigid, so when I got wind of the mediums, I waited until it came out.

I will post back when I receive it. I have traditionally putted with a challenger. Tried other molds and keep migrating back.

So we will see if the ION pulls me away for good or not. But I loved the idea of a tacky over mold on a rigid flight plate. I had to get it.
I've been waiting for the firmer ones and just picked up one at GGGT today. I like the concept, but the softs were just a bit too floppy for more liking. The meds feel just about right to me. I took it out to the field and threw it a bit. I like driving it better than my Wizards as it has a nice straight flight with a reasonable amount of fade at the end, the wizards tend to flip a bit too easily for me. It feels a little bit funny in my hand, but throws nice, almost the path of a shorter Roc. I love the blue color too. And I really like the blank disc vs a hotstamp. I don't think it will replace my Wizards for putting duty, but it will definitely be useful on a lot of the wooded course I play. After a play a weekend with it, I'll probably go back and try and grab a couple extras.
Worm 28 said:
I am anxious to hear more on how everyone is liking the mediums! How do they feel? Driving/Putting/etc? What are some things you would like to see next?
love the flight on these things but for it to win a spot in my bag id need some with the flight plate in a DX or KC Pro (or gateway S :mrgreen: ) type of plastic, i just dont get the confidence/consistency that i need putting with slick candy plastic, great work though, on drives these things fly like a dream
Yehosha said:
dgdave said:
It's a very orangey red.
hmm maybe I'll try and trade for one of those then.
Finally got one in a trade and that's pretty accurate. The "orange" ones are a very pale fleshy color, and the "red" is an orange red. Took a pic of the "red" with a true red and true orange mini disc so you can see. Not that most care, but to the rest of you anal retentive people like me that color matters, here ya go. :)


Oh and still no aces with the Ion yet, but lots of 100+ ft birdies. For me, anything 200 ft and in the soft Ion is MONEY!
I liked the medium ion i have for driving but putting with it has not been going so well. It seems to really drop out of the air causing me to miss low quite often which is annoying me. Also, the text on the bottom fucks with my head and my grip. Would be sweet if you could somehow move it in or out.
i picked up two mediums from alex with Land shark sports yesterday. only threw them a few times in the park but the fly nice. more stable then my soft but fly's a low straight line really well.
I got a couple soft ions today and took them out for a test spin. They took me some time to get use to for some reason I was torquing them with my first hand full of throws. I think it was a mental thing as they look like a toy and I was feeling like I just had to add more to them. However when I backed off them and let the disc do some of the work they were nice. Much more glide then I was use to. I played our pitch and put course. They felt nice off the tee on hyzers and straight line shots. I had a little trouble with anhyzers as I kept burying a wing but I am sure I just need to spend a hour in the field to get a good feel for this disc.

CHEERS - Koffee
rusch_bag said:
I liked the medium ion i have for driving but putting with it has not been going so well. It seems to really drop out of the air causing me to miss low quite often which is annoying me. Also, the text on the bottom fucks with my head and my grip. Would be sweet if you could somehow move it in or out.

I, along with others I've talked with, have found that the Ion actually drops less than other putters due to its glidey nature. It is odd that yours seems to miss low.

Also, you must have longer fingers than I, because the text doesn't even come close to interfering with grip.
I just got mine today! It feels awesome. I gave it a few practice puts in my backyard, but I wasn't able to get out and a play round today. I had plans with a beautiful girl (is it sad that I found myself longing to throw plastic for a small portion of that time?)

Anyway, when I hold the putter, I grip beyond the text entirely, so it doesn't bother me either. But I can see where it would land right in the middle of some people's grip.

I would honestly have to say that the one thing that bothers me most about the grip is the satin finish on the understand of the rim by the wing. Granted, mine is still brand spanking new, the glossy proton plastic actually feels grippier than the sating finish proton plastic.

I imagine the satin finish is for grip, and that it will feel grippier in relation to the glossy plastic as time goes on.
DPJ88 said:
I just got mine today! It feels awesome. I gave it a few practice puts in my backyard, but I wasn't able to get out and a play round today. I had plans with a beautiful girl (is it sad that I found myself longing to throw plastic for a small portion of that time?)

Anyway, when I hold the putter, I grip beyond the text entirely, so it doesn't bother me either. But I can see where it would land right in the middle of some people's grip.

I would honestly have to say that the one thing that bothers me most about the grip is the satin finish on the understand of the rim by the wing. Granted, mine is still brand spanking new, the glossy proton plastic actually feels grippier than the sating finish proton plastic.

I imagine the satin finish is for grip, and that it will feel grippier in relation to the glossy plastic as time goes on.

I've mentioned this before, but I agree with you. I like my FR Ion without that texturing better in my hand than the newer ones. A lot of people like the texturing though. I'm going to try rubbing a towel with acetone over it to see if it grips it up any.
Any ETA for the stamped Mediums to hit the shelves? Thanks.

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